Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Dagan Shah (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 You all have the same smug western attitude when entering these lands. That your weapons are superior and will make all the difference. You are never prepared to die for what you believe in. Because you believe in nothing. Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 43
Quote1 I am the man who built this empire. The man you wish to see. I am Dagan Shah. The Sultan Magus! Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 44
Dagan Shah (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 42 001
Sultan Magus
Quote1 Coff -- you made a dire mistake...Dagan Shah will -- Quote2
Thaddeus Ross (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 11 Offender Variant Cover
Red Hulk
Quote1 -- will kiss my red butt. Quote2
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 30.1 001
General Reggie Fortean
Quote1 Let him go, Red! ... The Arab League came to an agreement earlier. They recognize new borders as defined by the man you're holding. He's agreed to stop trading arms, and a majority of the member nations accepted. Sharzhad is now a legitimate country, and you're on their ground. Quote2
Dagan Shah (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 42 001
Sultan Magus
Quote1 Then I declare violation of our border. You have two minutes to leave. Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 46

All items (3)
