Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Daniel Ketch (Earth-616).
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Quote1 I am the spirit of vengeance. Nothing will stop me from inflicting pain on all those who have inflicted it on innocent beings. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 1
Quote1 The trail of deaths caused by these canisters will end now, with you. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 3
Quote1 She must be avenged. Even if you only watched, you are as responsible as the others. After her wounds heal, her pain will still run deeply. You must feel her pain. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 5
Quote1 There are things far worse than death, boy. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 6
Quote1 Now, creature! Give yourself over to me! The Spirit of Vengeance will have his due tonight. Fight if you will, but I will taste your corrupted soul. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 8
Quote1 There is much I still don't know about myself -- but I am not a killer. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 15
Quote1 It is not fate that has lead us to be what we are, nor is it entirely choice. But it is up to us to have faith that what we do is for the greater good. We must believe in ourselves. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 17
Quote1 Welcome to the world of heroes, Chris Daniels! Not all of us are so lucky! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 20
Quote1 It doesn't matter if there's an edge -- or if we occasionally cross it. As long as the innocent are protected -- our cause is just. Quote2
Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Hearts of Darkness Vol 1 1
Quote1 You are wrong in once thing, Deathwatch. It is a human life that I will not take. And you are not human! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 24
Quote1 I am trapped here, on this plane. If I transform, my human host will die. He may be dead already. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 25
Quote1 Deathwatch will be mine again! But I will not see any more blood spilled in his name! Quote2
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance Vol 1 5
Quote1 Feel the pain, killer! Feel it burn through your mind and into your soul. Feel what you have inflicted on others! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 34
Quote1 I have a place. A purpose. I exist so that killers like you can feel the pain of those you have devoured. I live for vengeance! Quote2
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance Vol 1 8
Quote1 You know how I feel? Have you been turned into some half monster without any memories of who or what you are? Has your mere existence put everyone around you in mortal danger? Has everything in your life been turned inside out? Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 42
Quote1 Whatever not forget Dan and the love you feel for each other. He will always love you no matter what happens. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 45
Quote1 It is time to look to the future, the supernatural holds no interest for me. That is not why I have been reborn...twice. No more will I search for answers to meaningless questions. No more seeking out the supernatural to find evil, there is too much evil lurking amongst humanity itself. Too much blood being spilled. Too much death. I can no longer wait, until someone is hurt or dead, to react. Never again, Barbara. Never again. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 51
Quote1 And when you have killed all the innocents, Scarecrow -- what will then prevent me from exacting my vengeance a thousand times heavier? Quote2
Ghost Rider Annual Vol 1 2
Quote1 Imagine if you knew of the existence of people...creatures of the night...who thrived on human suffering...on pain, on the deaths of innocents. Now imagine that you had the power to hunt them stop avenge the suffering they had caused. Could you? I can. I am called Ghost Rider and...vengeance will no longer be denied! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 66
Quote1 The road to vengeance is harsh...and is never stained with blood. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 69
Quote1 Why do you bother running? I am not to be escaped. Feel the power of my Penance Stare. Feel the flame on your sins and be burnt clean. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 70
Quote1 What is it that you fear...that I should harm these two any more than they would harm themselves? Perhaps I should turn my cleansing fire upon those who would chase a speeding car into an area crowded with innocents. Perhaps I'am punishing the wrong people? Be warned next time you risk the lives of others...I will be there...and there will be a reckoning! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 71
Quote1 I am fury itself. Now, taste the fires of Hell. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 76
Quote1 Such is life... the truth consumes us with its flame! Quote2
Marvel Fanfare Vol 2 3
Quote1 You have always smelled too much of blood...innocent or otherwise. Now it's time I stopped you once and for all. Quote2
Venom: Sign of the Boss Vol 1 1
Quote1 You misunderstand me, Johnny. I don't need your ghost rider. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 6 28
Quote1 I... I got a taste, Mary. It wasn't a dream. It was real! It came back. The power came back! Quote2
Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch Vol 1 2
Quote1 Hmph. Cowards. And with time to spare. Team-ups rule! Quote2
Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch Vol 1 3
Quote1 Johnny, you don't understand. There's nothing to stop. The battle for Heaven has already been decided. Zadkiel won. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 6 32
Quote1 I'am a Ghost Rider. We don't bow. Quote2
Ghost Riders: Heaven's on Fire Vol 1 3
Quote1 Wallow... I thought I'd killed you already. Quote2
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 6
Quote1 I did it again, Mom. I was free and then I... I... I wish you would talk to me again, Mom. Tell me what's going on with Johnny. Please. Now I've got this thing inside me and it... it feels cold. I can feel it twisting and turning inside of me. Roiling in my guts, like a couple oily, mean as stink copperheads fighting each other, desperate to get out. To hurt. It's not like with the Spirit of Vengeance. The Spirit wanted to punish the guilty. This wants more. It screams to be fed. I don't know if I can hold it in. I'm so afraid of what it's going to turn me into and I just wish you could be here... ⚞SNIFF⚟ could tell me it's going to be okay. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 9 5
Quote1 Can't you see what you've become? You were beating Strange to death. You're riding around with Mephisto. You've become the thing we were always fightin' against. You've let Hell infect you. I ain't sure that Johnny's in there anymore, but even if he is... he'd understand that I've got to do what I'm about to do for the good of humankind. I've got to kill the demon. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 9 7
Quote1 Innocent blood has been spilled. Now you will feel their pain! Quote2
Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider Vol 1 1
Quote1 I fought my share of psychos as Ghost Rider, but he was one of the worst. He'll find out what you care about most and take it from you. No one's off limits -- women, kids... and he'll commit murder with less thought than you and I give to what size coffee we want. Quote2
Blackout (Lilin) (Earth-616)
Quote1 Sometimes, when my other half does his thing, i remember things about the person who gets the stare. Feel what they've caused. See glimpses of their lives. Makes me puke, sometimes. Getting it out of me. Quote2
Daniel Ketch (Earth-616)
Ghost Rider Danny Ketch Vol 1 1 Textless
Ghost Rider
Quote1 Come, Sorcerer! Cast any spell your magic-laden mind can conceive! The Ghost Rider will survive them all! Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 13 0002
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Yes--or perish in the process! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 28
BlackoutQuote1 Pain? Do you believe I can fear pain? I have died and been reborn. Quote2
Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch)Quote1 Haven't we all? But when I'am through with will long for the comfort of death! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 41
Johnathon Blaze (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 8 16 001
Ghost Rider
Quote1 I hate everything about this. Choosing the devil you know over the devil you don't... is still choosing a devil. Quote2
Daniel Ketch (Earth-616) from Ghost Rider Vol 9 4 001
Death Rider
Quote1 I know. I know that this isn't the ending you wanted. It's messy and we all hoped it could go a different way. But sometimes you have to take what you can get. The important thing is... ...we never stop fighting. Quote2
King in Black: Ghost Rider Vol 1 1

All items (39)
