List of all notable quotes by or about Darla Deering (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
My name is Darla Deering, and I got my first recording contract when I was fourteen. By the time I was eighteen I had seven number-one hits, two golds, and one platinum record. I won a Grammy at nineteen, and ever since I could drive, I took home every Video Music Award that MTV ever nominated me for. I have twenty-nine million Yamblr followers. 67 million likes on Facespace. More people watched me on NewToob last year than go to the movies. And Bentley-23 is my friend.
My name is Darla Deering, and I got my first recording contract when I was fourteen. By the time I was eighteen I had seven number-one hits, two golds, and one platinum record. I won a Grammy at nineteen, and ever since I could drive, I took home every Video Music Award that MTV ever nominated me for. I have twenty-nine million Yamblr followers. 67 million likes on Facespace. More people watched me on NewToob last year than go to the movies. And Bentley-23 is my friend.
Dragon Man | Ms. Deering, technically you are a member of the Fantastic Four. We need to get you out there. |
Darla Deering | Um. No? |
Miss Thing (Darla Deering) | Why is everything purple and green? It looks like your closet threw up on a planet. |
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) | Zip it, Manic Panic. |
Dragon Man | I got to thinking: just because the human pilot is rendered hors de combat, there's no reason the Thing Suit can't stay in the fight. Thus my new Thing Suit remote control. |
Darla Deering | What?! Like I'd be totally beat up inside here and the suit keeps fighting so I get hit more? |
Old John Storm | Flame On! |
Miss Thing (Darla Deering) | It's Clobbering Time! |
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) | Avengers Assemble! Oops, sorry. Gets confusing which team you're on after a while. |
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