List of characters that are detectives, either through private hire or officially titled as detectives for law enforcement.
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- Adam Gulliver (Earth-616)
- Alex Kurtz (Earth-616)
- Alexandra Davies (Earth-616)
- Alfie (Earth-616)
- Alice Gulliver (Earth-616)
- Alton Clark (Earth-616)
- Amos Culhane (Earth-616)
- Andie Torenz (Earth-616)
- Andrew Henry (Earth-199999)
- Andy Opp (Earth-616)
- Andy Seifert (Earth-616)
- Annie Hecht (Earth-616)
- Arthur Jillette (Earth-1610)
- Ben Travers (Earth-93060)
- Beverly Switzler (Earth-80097)
- Beverly Sykes (Earth-616)
- Billy LaCarda (Earth-200111)
- Bradley Costello (Earth-616)
- Brady O'Neil (Earth-616)
- Brett Mahoney (Earth-616)
- Brian Abelard (Earth-616)
- Brian Michael Bendis (Earth-1610)
- Brigid O'Reilly (Earth-1610)
- Brigid O'Reilly (Earth-199999)
- Bruce Greenwood (Earth-1610)
- Bucko Leary (Earth-616)
- Carl Hoffman (Earth-199999)
- Cecilia Perez (Earth-616)
- Charlie Bash (Earth-616)
- Charlotte Jones (Earth-616)
- Charlotte Morales-Stacy (Earth-8)
- Chikeko Tomomatsu (Earth-616)
- Christian Blake (Earth-199999)
- Clancey Mullaney (Earth-616)
- Clare Dodgson (Earth-616)
- Clark Savage, Jr. (Earth-616)
- Cole North (Earth-616)
- Colleen Wing (Earth-616)
- Connor Trevane (Earth-616)
- Dai Thomas (Earth-616)
- Dai Thomas (Earth-1610)
- Dan Carey (Earth-616)
- Dan Fowler (Earth-616)
- Dan George (Earth-616)
- Dan Hurley (Earth-616)
- Daniel Johnston (Earth-616)
- Danny Granville (Earth-616)
- David Alleyne (Earth-41001)
- David Marquez (Earth-1610)
- Deen Marcus (Earth-616)
- Demitrius Collins (Earth-616)
- Dennis Piper (Earth-616)
- Detective Brady (Earth-616)
- Detective Carson (Earth-616)
- Detective Caudle (Earth-616)
- Detective Caudle (Earth-199999)
- Detective Fantôme (Earth-616)
- Detective Flint (Earth-555)
- Detective Flint (Earth-616)
- Detective Flores (Earth-199999)
- Detective Gunyon (Earth-616)
- Detective Ito (Earth-1226)
- Detective Li (Earth-616)
- Detective Miller (Earth-700459)
- Detective Rivera (Earth-199999)
- Detective Simons (Earth-616)
- Detective Snipes (Earth-616)
- Detective Steen (Earth-616)
- Dick Richards (Earth-616)
- Dick Tracy (Earth-616)
- The Doctor (Earth-5556)
- Dog (Earth-90214)
- Dominic Ferrera (Earth-616)
- Donald Chang (Earth-199999)
- Doyle Denton (Earth-616)
- Duncan Ferguson (Earth-616)
- Felicia Hardy (Earth-982)
- Francis Bergeron (Earth-616)
- Francis Castle (Earth-58627)
- Francis Castle (Earth-TRN104)
- Francis Tork (Earth-616)
- Frank Farrow (Earth-616)
- Frank Hoag (Earth-93060)
- Frank Hoag (Earth-95132)
- Frank Lorretti (Earth-616)
- Frank McGee (Earth-616)
- Frank McGee (Earth-TRN844)
- Frank Quaid (Earth-1610)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-90214)
- Fred Higgins (Earth-616)
- Frederick Dukes (Earth-90214)
- Hannibal King (Earth-616)
- Harry Carver (Earth-616)
- Harry Givens (Earth-616)
- Haruka (Earth-1226)
- Helen Kim (Earth-616)
- Helen Stacy (Earth-TRN888)
- Hodiah Twist (Earth-616)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-11080)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-47920)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-61284)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-80097)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-93342)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-TRN841)
- Jack Taranova (Earth-616)
- Jacob Raven (Earth-616)
- James Connors (Earth-199999)
- James Howlett (Earth-15203)
- James Howlett (Earth-90214)
- James Lucas (Earth-616)
- James Paxton (Earth-199999)
- Jean De Wolf (Earth-8311)
- Jean DeWolff (Earth-194)
- Jean DeWolff (Earth-555)
- Jean DeWolff (Earth-26496)
- Jerome Mason (Earth-616)
- Jessica Drew (Earth-94)
- Jessica Drew (Earth-12101)
- Jessica Drew (Earth-21119)
- Jessica Drew (Earth-941066)
- Jessica Drew (Earth-TRN664)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-616)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-8441)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-11080)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-19529)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-31690)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-51156)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-61284)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-80763)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-199999)
- Jessica Jones (Earth-TRN664)
- Jim Kirby (Earth-616)
- John Curtis (Earth-616)
- John Jonah Jameson (Earth-92131)
- John Laviano (Earth-616)
- John Logan (Earth-616)
- Jonas Fogg (Earth-616)
- Jonathan Shayde (Earth-616)
- Jose Hidalgo (Earth-616)
- Joseph MacNamara (Earth-616)
- Julia Gao (Earth-616)
- Julio Richter (Earth-616)
- Mac McIntire (Earth-38126)
- Macadamia (Earth-616)
- MacDonald Gargan (Earth-616)
- MacDonald Gargan (Earth-13122)
- MacDonald Gargan (Earth-TRN874)
- MacDonald Gargan (Earth-TRN1041)
- Mahoney (WWII) (Earth-616)
- Mamoru Tsuruoka (Earth-616)
- Marc Spector (Earth-616)
- Marcella Cellanos (Earth-616)
- Marilyn Jane (Earth-94192)
- Mark Bailey (Earth-199999)
- Mark Mason (Earth-616)
- Marta DuBois (Earth-616)
- Martin Cross (Earth-616)