Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Dylan Brock (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 You're Venom? You came to my house the other day. It's... it's about our Dad... we need to kill him. Quote2
Venom Vol 4 9
Quote1 Okay. Okay, Dylan. Think. What would Eddie do? He would do... Eddie would do something... something... stupid. Quote2
Venom Vol 4 18
Quote1 It is my job to thread the needle between the two worlds. The new and the old are one in me. I will spread your thick black limbs upon the world that sleeps. I will do it all for you. I will only rest when we all sing your name. Knull. Quote2
Web of Venom: The Good Son Vol 1 1
Quote1 Get the Hell away from my Dad!!! Quote2
Venom Vol 4 24
Quote1 Dylan Brock is the name of Eddie's son. But I am not human. Venom is your name. I am not Klyntar. I am the broken chain. I know it now -- the truth. The meaning. I am not a cage. Not an eventuality, but an endless possibility. I am a key. A Codex. Quote2
Venom Vol 5 12
Quote1 I'm done running, Sleeper. I'm going to find my dad. And I'm going to save him... no matter how many times I have to cut him down to do it. Quote2
Venom Vol 5 15
Quote1 Do you know what ethics are, Mr. Osborn? Quote2
Venom Vol 5 19
Quote1 You know how many people Venom's straight up eaten? It ain't none. But look... you've got a symbiote, so buckle up. It's gonna get weird. You can't fight this any more than you can fight your own name, but every now and then there are days like today--where you get to save the day. Is that really so bad? Quote2
Red Goblin Vol 1 10
Quote1 I need you to understand... I'm not my father. If we're going to do this... I have to find my own way. He regretted it, y'know? All the darkness that came with being Venom. He wanted something else for me. Something different. Quote2
Dylan Brock (Earth-616)
Venom Vol 5 1 Big Time Collectibles Exclusive Virgin Variant
Quote1 The power to change reality... Quote2
Wade Wilson (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 9 0001
Quote1 ... lifetime theme park tickets and a new toy for Princess... Quote2
Venom Vol 5 1 Big Time Collectibles Exclusive Virgin Variant
Quote1 That's mine! Quote2
Wade Wilson (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 9 0001
Quote1 That's mine! Quote2
Venom Annual Vol 3 1

All items (10)
