List of all notable quotes by or about Elektra Natchios (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Do you see now, Matt? I loved poppa--and so he died. He had to die. I was a part of him. They killed him to show me this.
We've made a contract. You've agreed to pay me. I've agreed to solve your problem. Each of us trusts the other to not do anything stupid. Understand?
Of course I'm afraid! I didn't just like the violence, Drake! I loved it! What I learned from the Hand, from the Chaste, it was power -- and I relished it.
He set the bomb in Frank's apartment knowing that Frank would survive and come after you, after us. Destroy or kill the team and probably die trying. No loose ends, nobody to come after him. Why didn't you just tell us you didn't set the bomb, Ross?
I know that you would do anything to protect your father, but this is something I must do alone. Because I do not want to bury any more of my friends.
I've heard about you. You're the child he's training. You should be more careful. He gets his friends killed. I know that better than most.
It's my understanding that Agent Johnson resigned in protest of Mr. Coulson's actions. Which, in fact, relate to our first mission together. Our orders are to apprehend Mr. Coulson... dead or alive.
The Fist had bigger plans than assassination. More organized, and more central... they wish to bring down the United States.
These guns and killer androids have to be coming from someone. Someone who doesn't want me embroiled in their affairs. I was set to walk away. Their mistake. So who could it be?
You're a test, aren't you? The universe heard me say I'd try. Try Matthew's way. And then you crawled from your hole and killed dozens of innocent people. You're the test I'd gladly fail.
I let you make me, Aka. I let you use me as a tool of The Hand... but I'm no longer a child. I'm no longer yours.
Daredevil. I won't stop you. God knows I've killed men who deserved it less. But you're not an assassin. You're an idiot who decided to wear this. Who decided to be a #$@% symbol. The people are watching. What kind of symbol do you want to be? What kind of man do you want to be?
She's here before I even sense the knife coming toward us. Sometimes it's harder to skim a target than hit it.
If I'm going to have any chance of finding Alice alive... I'm going to have a to seek out the Maggia here in Madripoor. And once I'm sure Alice is safe... I'm going to kill this new Punisher.
I went to the other side of the world on this wild-goose chase... and she never even left the neighborhood.
Wolverine | ... I used to be a man. |
Elektra | You still are, Logan. |
Spider-Man | I recognize you now. You are Elektra... with a "k" and "a" ! You used to hang with Daredevil! |
Elektra | Do you usually define women by the men they were once associated with? |
Spider-Man | I'm having a realllly bad day! |
Ione Katamides | You came. |
Elektra Natchios | You paid. |
Ione Katamides | You are a killer. Why should their deaths offend you? |
Elektra Natchios | I am an assassin, Ione Katamides. That is not the same. |
Drake | Sweetie, you're always gonna know how to kill. You can't unlearn that. That wasn't what made you a killer. |
Elektra | No? |
Drake | No. What made you a killer was the fact that you didn't give a damn who it was that died. What made you a killer was that you'd do it to anyone, so long as the price was right. That's not you anymore. |
Maria Hill | I need him back alive. But I'll pay triple your standard rate. And S.H.I.E.L.D. will help you get whatever you need out of his hand. |
Elektra | Agreed. But the Hand? I will destroy the Hand for free. |
"Your friend is dead, Ben Urich. Move or speak -- and you will join him."
From Daredevil #179
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