Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Elizabeth Ross (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Dad told me to forget Bruce Banner! But I could as soon forget my heart... or my soul! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 113
Quote1 And I know that I can never let you leave me again. Never! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 138
Quote1 Bruce! Go Away! Leave me alone! I hate you!! I hate you!! I HATE YOU!! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 167
Quote1 The Harpy has won, and the world will never forget: This is the day the Hulk died! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 168
Quote1 That Stupid Monster has his uses after all! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 169
Quote1 Oh God... Please let me die... Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 170
Quote1 I'm Betty, Hulk! I'm your friend! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 196
Quote1 Stop saying my name like you know me! You do not know me! Quote2
Hulk: Gray Vol 1 3
Quote1 Protect me? Protect me from what, Hulk? The only thing I'm afraid of... the only thing that is hurting me... you. Quote2
Hulk: Gray Vol 1 5
Quote1 You of all people, Logan, ought to know it ain't over until the fat lady sings. And I have been trying to keep my girlish figure. Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 15
Quote1 When are you morons finally going to realize...some people are meant to be alone. Quote2
Incredible Hulks Vol 1 617
Quote1 Shut up. And let's see some of this smashing you keep talking about. Quote2
Incredible Hulks Vol 1 628
Quote1 So many promises. Every single time. 'I love you love you love you.' But then the world needs saving. Or smashing. Doesn't matter. Because there you are again. Giant and green and furious and...and this will never, ever change. Hope? No. Hell. So this is it. I can't...she can't... Betty can't take it. So I guess it's up to me. Only problem is...I don't care. Quote2
Incredible Hulks Vol 1 629
Quote1 To be clear, Avengers. Our country is kicking off a new monster-making program that going to push Humanity out in two generation, and I'm the one you are coming after? Quote2
Red She-Hulk Vol 1 59
Quote1 I spent a lot of my youth trying not to think about Bruce. And then one day, I wake up, and he's a memory. I win. I dedicated myself to trying to save the planet and serving the Order of the Shield... and then what happens? The damn machine spits out the name Bruce Banner. The Terranometer never says why... Bruce was going to be responsible for an extinction-level event. What could I do except my job? I told them to make it painless. Two in the back of the head. Quote2
Hulk Vol 3 8
Quote1 This anger is me. This rage is me. This violence. Is me. Quote2
Immortal Hulk Vol 1 19
Quote1 Please, just -- I can't live down here, Bruce. I can't live in your cage. Quote2
Immortal Hulk Vol 1 35
Quote1 Dad told me to forget Bruce Banner! But I could as soon forget my heart... or my soul! Quote2
Elizabeth Ross (Earth-616)
Amadeus ChoQuote1 Hey, Banner! Come on, man! You think you're special? You're not! Everybody on the planet feels the way you do! We're all angry. We're all crazy. We all wish we could blame it on a monster inside of us. But we all deal with it. Just like you do. For pete's sake, man, you're a freaking hero! I've seen it! A hundred times over! So why... why can't you just take what you've earned? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Bruce Banner
Quote1 'Cause I'll break it. Quote2
Betty RossQuote1 Funny... I had the same problem. 'Til I remembered... you don't break so easy. Quote2
Incredible Hulks Vol 1 635

All items (19)
