Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Eric O'Grady (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 It's time to play hero! For a little while at least -- then it's time to play looter! Quote2
Irredeemable Ant-Man Vol 1 10
Quote1 And that's where being a race of warriors works against you--you assume we're all brave. Didn't count on a weaselly, ant-size coward sitting out the fight, did ya? Oh man...good thing my mask protects me from her pheromones. It's all I can do not to climb those twin peaks and settle in for winter...Focus, dude. Remember she's a lizard. A lizard with luscious, firm, ripe... Quote2
Avengers: The Initiative Vol 1 17
Quote1 That's the best thing I've ever heard a Skrull say. Well, except when Spider-Woman let out that evil cackle and her sweater muffins bounced for a good thirty seconds. Quote2
Avengers: The Initiative Vol 1 18
Quote1 So, Widow, I can't help wonderin'. If we're Norman Osborn's hit come we never seem to actually kill anybody fer real? Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 132
Quote1 Maybe there's still a chance to get away from these maniacs. If I go now, they might think the robot disintegrated me! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 140
Quote1 No matter what choices I made before this-- Today I died saving an innocent child-- And I didn't think twice about it. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 23
Quote1 Major historical events? Like the news? Who cares about that? I want to know the important stuff. Quote2
Ant-Man Vol 3 2
Quote1 No matter what choices I made before this-- Today I died saving an innocent child-- And I didn't think twice about it. Quote2
Eric O'Grady (Earth-616)
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 It's him it's him it's him I felt it it was so powerful I felt I know he's back now he's back Quote2
Eric O'Grady (Earth-616) from Ant-Man & Wasp Vol 1 1 cover
Quote1 Heyheyheyhey. Slow down and make some sense, would ya? Who's back? Quote2
Onslaught (Psychic Entity) (Earth-616) from Marvel Masterpieces (Trading Cards) 1996 Set 001
Quote1 Me. I am back. Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 ...Onslaught. Quote2
Onslaught Unleashed Vol 1 1

All items (9)
