List of all known comic(s) that Farid Karami inked.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Farid Karami" into "Inker" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Farid Karami" into "Inker" field of said article.)
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All items (20)
- Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen Vol 1 1
- What If...? Miles Morales Vol 1 2
- Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 1
- Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 4
- Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 5
- Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 6
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 45
- Murderworld: Spider-Man Vol 1 1
- Venom: Lethal Protector II Vol 1 1
- Venom: Lethal Protector II Vol 1 2
- Venom: Lethal Protector II Vol 1 3
- Venom: Lethal Protector II Vol 1 4
- Venom: Lethal Protector II Vol 1 5
- Daredevil Vol 8 3
- Daredevil Vol 8 5
- Black Panther: Blood Hunt Vol 1 1
- Black Panther: Blood Hunt Vol 1 2
- Black Panther: Blood Hunt Vol 1 3
- Avengers Vol 9 19
- Avengers Vol 9 20