Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Forge (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 All right, spaceknight! I won't argue anymore! They've convinced me! I can't have it both ways! Earth'd be a lousy neighborhood if all I had to share it with was Dire Wraiths! So let's go get those space-scum, Rom -- and save my fellow man in the bargain! Quote2
Rom Vol 1 62
Quote1 I guess it takes the threat of extinction to spur international cooperation. Quote2
Rom Vol 1 63
Quote1 This time, this outfit, I kept my word. I didn't break faith. Alive and safe and whole... I brought my people home! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 263
Quote1 Ororo, will you... marry me? Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 289
Quote1 You'll never leave the X-Men -- not for good. You're going to stay trapped beneath the debris that is your life. Forever. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 290
Quote1 Much as I hate the expression, Mystique... call in the cavalry! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 301
Quote1 I think it's time the two of us had a little chat. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 95
Quote1 Something big is in the wind -- and it's got global ramifications. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 96
Quote1 While you were waltzing around with the Shadowforce on the Metroliner, they apparently broke free of their programming. So what was once a shady government operation with questionable approval and a suspicious agenda is now a gang of completely uncontrollable super-powered felons. But wait -- it gets better. Quote2
Spider-Man and X-Factor: Shadowgames Vol 1 3
Quote1 That's a dangerous Man to have acting as a Loose Cannon, Charles. Quote2
Bishop Vol 1 2
Quote1 My name is Forge. Building is what I do. But sometimes one must first destroy before one can create. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 126
Quote1 You knew it was him we were hunting. You knew it was Madrox. You knew we were sent to hunt down Jamie Madrox! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 129
Quote1 I'm using the window of opportunity Bowser has given us to ensure that we will be able to come and go as we please without worrying about the government’s spying eyes. We are now officially invisible to all government spy satellites. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 134
Quote1 There's a reason why my people call her kind tricksters. Raven Darkhölme may be able to alter her appearance a million times a day... but she never really changes. Quote2
Mystique Vol 1 1
Quote1 Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to go out for a cup of coffee sometime. Quote2
Mystique Vol 1 10
Quote1 Can't wait for the X-Men anymore. Switching to Plan "B". Making up Plan "B" as I go. Quote2
New X-Men Vol 2 29
Quote1 Emma Frost. I didn't recognize you with your legs together. Quote2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 30
Quote1 I already asked you to be quiet. I don't like having to ask twice. Quote2
Extraordinary X-Men Vol 1 14
Quote1 So... the moral of this story is that I am a total badass, huh? Quote2
Extraordinary X-Men Vol 1 18
Quote1 Simply put: I locked the Children and their entire damn Vault in a reality of my making. Quote2
X-Men Vol 6 15
Quote1 But, first, I have a many times has Logan died and we haven't recovered his skeleton? Quote2
X-Men Vol 6 22
Quote1 You can feed them to the Void. Maybe they even deserve it, but you don't deserve living with it. Listen, Riri. You're not too young to make big-time regrets. Quote2
Invincible Iron Man Vol 5 14
Quote1 My power is in my mind. Deep inside. That is where I live. That is where I get to be a super hero... They don't understand what they don't see... But I see. I see it all. I see things before they are real. It always starts with a problem. An impractical, unattainable, unworkable problem that needs to be solved. Then... I solve it. I work it. I attain it. I move and shift and reshape. Make something out of nothing. I prepare my unfeasible solutions for birth. And when they've incubated and grown and developed, I bring them into the world. I am a midwife of the impossible. I am Forge. I make the impossible real. Quote2
Forge (Earth-616)
Quote1 X-Force is my machine. Quote2
X-Force (Forge) (Earth-616)
Quote1 Do you know what the worst weapon I ever built was? It was a gun that turned us into them. Quote2
Neutralizer (Forge)
ForgeQuote1 Nice entrance. Couldn't you have used the door? Quote2
Rogue (after crashing through the roof of Eagle's Nest)Quote1 We wanted t' s'prise y'all. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 187

All items (28)
