Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Frank Hoag (Earth-93060).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 How lung... Long... Hours. Morning. Long. Head to th-- Hard to think. Head so thick, heavy... Why? What happened to... Me...? Meeeeeyaaiigh Lotta stupid things... and now I'm one of 'em. Sirens. About time. Beginning to think I'd have to crawl this in myself... Call. Damn my head. Quote2
Sludge Vol 1 1
Quote1 Quiet. Nice. Cool. Dark. Eases the paint. Pain. Good place to end it. Why not? Hurt Marcello...scared Quinn...what elf is there? More revenge? Justice? Flat chaps. Let's drown. ... Nothing. Can't even dry right. Die. Hell with it, then. Lay down...and waste. Wait. Yeah...just wait...for the river to wash my away... Quote2
Sludge Vol 1 3
Quote1 Flehs!! Police off-- Damn. Wrong life. I am losing my time. Mind. Same thing. Quote2
Sludge Vol 1 5
Quote1 Oughtta flower him down. Follow. Only, what if it didn't dead me? Broken back, maybe. Paralleled for life. Hundred years of wheelchair basketball. Val-da-ree. Val-da-rot. Quote2
Sludge Vol 1 7
Quote1 You're ugly. Ugly things make me sick. And all ugly things must die. 'Cept me. Quote2
Ultraverse Premiere Vol 1 8

All items (5)
