Characters whom have a weakness to garlic.
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- Aaron Thorne (Earth-616)
- Adept (Claw Sect) (Earth-616)
- Adri Nital (Earth-616)
- Ailouros (Earth-616)
- Akivasha (Earth-616)
- Al'hex (Earth-616)
- Aldes Yancey (Earth-616)
- Alexander Summers (Earth-9250)
- Alice Weinberg (Earth-616)
- Alonzo DeRose (Earth-616)
- Alyssa (Siren Sect) (Earth-616)
- Amadeus Cho (Earth-42222)
- Amber Drey (Earth-616)
- Angela DiPalma (Earth-616)
- Angela Freeman (Earth-616)
- Angie Rodgers (Earth-616)
- Anita Alomii (Earth-616)
- Annika (Earth-616)
- Anthony (Vampire) (Earth-1610)
- Anthony Sentell (Earth-616)
- Anthony Stark (Earth-2010)
- Anti-Being (Earth-616)
- Anton Levka (Earth-616)
- Anton Vierken (Earth-616)
- Arthur DeLacourte (Earth-616)
- Asad (Earth-26320)
- Asher Talos (Earth-26320)
- Ava Ayala (Earth-TRN577)
- B-Negative (Earth-42222)
- Bambi (Vampire) (Earth-1610)
- Bessie (Earth-616)
- Bessie (Earth-13122)
- Bethany Flynn (Earth-616)
- Bettina Kaposvar (Earth-616)
- Bitsy (Earth-616)
- Blackout (Vampire) (Earth-121347)
- Bloodstorm One (Earth-616)
- Boy (Vampire) (Earth-616)
- Bruce Banner (Clone) (Earth-1610)
- Bruce Banner (Earth-12041)
- Bruce Banner (Earth-TRN570)
- Bulldog (Earth-616)
- Cain Marko (Earth-9140)
- Cain Marko (Earth-9250)
- Caliban (Earth-9250)
- Captain Luna (Earth-616)
- Carl Blake (Earth-616)
- Carla Mayersk (Earth-616)
- Carmen Burnemissza (Earth-616)
- Caroline Bascombe (Earth-616)
- Carpathian (Earth-616)
- Cecile Parker (Earth-616)
- Cerez (Earth-616)
- Charles Barnabus (Earth-616)
- Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (Earth-616)
- Charlotte (Earth-26320)
- Chase (Earth-26320)
- Christina Lawrence (Earth-616)
- Christoph Nord (Earth-616)
- Christopher Sinclair (Earth-616)
- Chupa (Earth-26320)
- Clinton Barton (Earth-3931)
- Colleen Brown (Earth-616)
- Cordelia Passolini (Earth-26320)
- Corinthia de Lucia (Earth-616)
- Corinthia de Lucia (Earth-928)
- Corker Haller (Earth-616)
- Count Vicaro (Earth-616)
- Count Von Stadt (Earth-616)
- Crease (Earth-26320)
- Crimson (Ravens) (Earth-616)
- Curtis Connors (Earth-TRN577)
- Curtis Webb (Earth-26320)
- Dalton Cartwright (Earth-616)
- Danica Talos (Earth-26320)
- Daniel Rand (Earth-TRN577)
- Darius (Vampire) (Earth-1610)
- Darius Venginian (Earth-616)
- Darla August (Earth-616)
- David Scotty (Earth-1610)
- Deacon Frost (Earth-616)
- Deacon Frost (Earth-1610)
- Deacon Frost (Earth-9991)
- Deacon Frost (Earth-26320)
- Deacon Frost (Earth-92131)
- Deacon Frost (Earth-101001)
- Dennis Dunphy (Earth-616)
- Diane Staz (Earth-616)
- Dieter Reinhardt (Earth-26320)
- Dora Knight (Earth-616)
- Dracula (Earth-26320)
- Dragonetti (Earth-26320)
- Drew Stanley (Earth-616)
- Drusilla (Earth-616)
- Drákula (Earth-82081)
- Earl Flatt (Earth-616)
- Edith Harker (Earth-616)
- Edna Appleton (Earth-616)
- Edward Brock (Earth-TRN994)
- Eleanor Bishop (Earth-616)
- Eli Damaskinos (Earth-26320)
- Elianne Turac (Earth-616)
- Ellen (Earth-TRN173)
- Elmar Legride (Earth-616)
- Elsa Bladestone (Warp World) (Earth-616)
- Emese Kisfaludi (Earth-616)
- Emil Nikos (Earth-616)
- Emma Frost (Earth-9140)
- En Sabah Nur (Earth-80763)
- Endre Varnis (Earth-616)
- Eric Brooks (Doppelganger) (Earth-616)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-2149)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-13178)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-22025)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-31690)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-51156)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-TRN523)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-TRN765)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-TRN789)
- Ernst (Vampire) (Earth-616)
- Esme Ceorces (Earth-616)
- Everett Colvin (Earth-616)
- Ezra Asher (Earth-616)
- Hannibal King (Earth-616)
- Hannibal King (Earth-26320)
- Hannibal King (Earth-98091)
- Hannibal King (Earth-931113)
- Harold Cutlass (Earth-616)
- Harold Harold (Earth-616)
- Harry (Vampire) (Earth-616)
- Harry Everett Barclay (Earth-616)
- Harvey Elder (Earth-2010)
- Heinrich Mortte (Earth-616)
- Helmut von Schuler (Earth-616)
- Henry Kissinger (Earth-616)
- Henry McCoy (Earth-9250)
- Henry Pym (Earth-3931)
- Henry Sage (Earth-616)
- Hobart Brown (Earth-42222)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-37486)
- Hrolf (Vampire) (Earth-616)
- Husam (Earth-616)
- Jack Bolt (Earth-616)
- Jacqueline Falsworth (Earth-616)
- Jacqueline Falsworth (Earth-9997)
- Jacqueline Falsworth (Earth-12131)
- Jacqueline Falsworth (Earth-12591)
- Jacqueline Falsworth (Earth-97143)
- Jakkaru (Earth-616)
- Jamal Afari (Earth-616)
- James Barnes (Earth-8101)
- James Barnes (Earth-95019)
- James Howlett (Earth-666)
- James Howlett (Earth-9140)
- James Howlett (Earth-9250)
- Janet Van Dyne (Earth-2010)
- Janet Van Dyne (Earth-3931)
- Janos Trevorik (Earth-75826)
- Janus (Earth-15730)
- Janus Tepes (Earth-616)
- Jared Nomak (Earth-26320)
- Jarko Grimwood (Earth-26320)
- Jarocha (Vampire) (Earth-616)