Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about George Tarleton (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Once, I was a mere guinea pig for the scientists of A.I.M.! But they did their job too well... and now... I am their master! Quote2
Tales of Suspense Vol 1 94
Quote1 If Captain America should fall, it would be my greatest triumph! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 132
Quote1 I have nothing to fear -- for none is as powerful as I. Quote2
Iron Man Vol 1 75
Quote1 Mere humans delude themselves if they believe they or their machines -- are capable of acting faster than the masterful mind of MODOK! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 287
Quote1 Curse you for the coward you are! No, you will not die, Abomination! You will live! Live to suffer torments unending! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 288
Quote1 The situation has changed. Kate Waynesboro is no more, and what she has become... is my bride! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 290
Quote1 Such an ignominious state of affairs for the magnificent Modok...! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 313
Quote1 As Mark Twain said, the reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated... as you can see! Quote2
Iron Man Vol 1 205
Quote1 Stop. This is what he wants. To create distrust among us. He knows the most intimate details of our plans -- and how Ross, in particular, was crucial to them. With the general's murder, he's fired the first we shoot back. Quote2
Fall of the Hulks: Gamma Vol 1 1
Quote1 I worked for A.I.M.... Didn't know they were bad people. Thought it... exciting science. Then one day... Four of them grabbed me. They injected me, pushed me in a chamber-- It hurt so bad... It hurt! And then, and then... It's all the nightmares after that. Quote2
George Tarleton (Earth-616)
MODOKQuote1 I did not realize you, too, were a so-called 'super hero.' Quote2
Remy LeBeauQuote1 Me?! Not even close! I'm just an honest man living in a dishonest world. Quote2
Gambit: From the Marvel Vault Vol 1 1

All items (11)
