List of all notable quotes by or about Gorgon Petragon (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Careful puny one -- lest you shove just a touch too hard -- and it becomes neccessary -- for Gorgon to break you.
I said I was sorry Medusa. I was just tapping my hoof to music! How was I to know the building was so flimsy!
You and he were not meant to dwell in the same world, child. You will see that I was right......with time.
When Black Bolt comes for you, there will be no defense. When he speaks, these walls will crumble and your great civilization, your precious America, will fall --
Pray to your gods you never see me again, Starbolt. For when you will mean your death is nigh.
Finally. Karnak? The Destructoid's shut down. Tell the New Inhuman Elite to begin the cleanup. And tell them I'm going to need a really big crane. That's right, Hala! Let Gorgon feel your love!
Enough! I've had enough of this! Doesn't matter what you build! Doesn't matter what you throw at me! I will smack it down and break it! You hear me?!
I am Gorgon Petragon! I have crushed armies and Gods! I have devoted my entire life to honing the warrior's craft! I have sacrificed everything fighting for my people's future! My loves -- my children -- my body! And for what?! For what?! Because I have to believe in something greater than myself.
I am Gorgon Petragon! I have crushed armies and Gods! I have devoted my entire life to honing the warrior's craft. I have sacrificed everything fighting for my people's future! My loves --- my children --- my body! And for what, for what?! Because I have to believe in something greater than myself.
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