Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Helmut Zemo (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Guide my hand, my father -- as I avenge your death! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 168
Quote1 This is but the first of your life's unraveling, Steve Rogers. Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 277
Quote1 Together, we can utterly defeat whoever rises to oppose us! We OUTNUMBER the Avengers. For all their power, they will fall before our superior numbers. Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 273
Quote1 You have done well, my Thunderbolts -- or perhaps I should use your other code-names. Fixer. Beetle. Screaming Mimi. Goliath. And Moonstone. In time, my friends -- the world will discover what a viper it has clasped to its breast. But by then it will be too late -- far too late! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 1
Quote1 Take another look at them -- a close look. Look at their eyes. The bio-modem, Moonstone. We got them before they ever docked -- before they set foot on this satellite. They're Earth's Mightiest Heroes, all right -- but they're mine. Mine! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 11
Quote1 If that's true, then they should be grateful. Because if the Thunderbolts aren't dead, I swear to you -- they're going to wish they were! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 14
Quote1 Trusting Helmut Zemo is a difficult thing, I understand, Colonel Danvers......but in time, your decision to enact the Guardian protocols will be vindicated. Quote2
New Thunderbolts Vol 1 14
Quote1 I need someone suitable to become the king of the world----so that I can take away their crown! Quote2
New Thunderbolts Vol 1 17
Quote1 Little did Stark know when he begged us today to help them apprehend renegade villains... that the Thunderbolts had already started doing so three weeks ago! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 103
Quote1 A true leader makes his followers do what he wants because it is good for them, also. Quote2
Thunderbolts Presents Zemo Born Better Vol 1 1
Quote1 What happened next? I don't recall the specifics...something, I was taught, that was very minor in the annals of our lineage...but here and feels like a portent of doom. Quote2
Thunderbolts Presents Zemo Born Better Vol 1 2
Quote1 I would appreciate not seeing any MORE Zemo blood spilled. What LITTLE is left, Wendell, has a LOT of work to do... Quote2
Thunderbolts Presents Zemo Born Better Vol 1 4
Quote1 In Osborn's place, running the Thunderbolts and an organization like H.A.M.M.E.R., I'd have transformed everything... It's no excuse. He has the world flipped, everything was shades of gray... And now it's all black and white again... All the old lies back in place. Even a brand-new shiny Captain America. Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 606
Quote1 ...What have you ever earn redemption...? Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 610
Quote1 We will win over the hearts and minds of the world! Each of us shall step into the roles of modern myths and carve out new legends! They once feared and hunted us, but that will change. History will mark a new kind of hero who brings justice like lightning... the Thunderbolts Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 163.1
Quote1 Was he right about Rogers, his weak point really his patriotism? Quote2
Captain America Vol 6 5
Quote1 No one will blame you, Avenger. There is no shame in bending to the will of Baron Zemo. Quote2
Harley-Davidson / Avengers Vol 1 1
Quote1 Don't worry, sir. Whatever is in there...will have to face the Thunderbolts! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 170
Quote1 You can join me and be a part of something far greater than you have ever experienced before... or defy me and be ground beneath the crushing power of inevitability. Choose, or have your fate chosen for you. Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 3 10
Quote1 There is something I want to discuss with you. Expansion. Quote2
Captain America: Steve Rogers Vol 1 13
Quote1 It wasn't long ago that you and I marched under the same flag. Me, because Hydra is my life's work as a man who believes in a better world. You, because you wanted to be on the winning team for once. Correct? Quote2
Punisher Vol 2 226
Quote1 Unless we work together to stop him now... the Punisher will eventually come for us all. Quote2
Punisher Vol 12 2
Quote1 You're still running around killing people years later, hoping it will make you feel better that you let your family die. Quote2
Punisher Vol 12 6
Quote1 The Punisher's here. He followed me. Quote2
Punisher Vol 12 13
Quote1 Frank Castle! You are under arrest for crimes against humanity! But please, by all means, fight back. Quote2
Punisher Vol 12 14
Quote1 I'd tell you it's been fun, but I've hated every minute of this. Quote2
Punisher Vol 12 15
Quote1 I finally meet a crew with a little swagger, and this is your safehouse? -Sigh- I can't completely fault you. Brilliance and style are a rare combination. Quote2
Non-Stop Spider-Man Vol 1 2
Quote1 I don't know if that Beyonder being is capable of fulfilling his threat to destroy the human race. But I am quite content to design and build super-weapons to use against my adversaries here--and back on Earth. Quote2
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld Vol 1 3
Quote1 My father...! How I have besmirched his memory. He was the greatest scientist in the Third Reich... With a heart as expansive as his intellect...Captain America destroyed him! You gave me such live, father. All I ever wanted was to avenge you and, in so doing, sanctity your memory. Quote2
Heinrich Zemo (Earth-616)
Quote1 Though it has the appearance of granite, justice is a pliable dough. Morality, shifting concept, bending to the will of the conqueror. It is the perspective of the victor that forms history, and defines the future. So long as you win, you claim the moral high ground--No matter the means you used to claim it. The Christians knew this when they launched their crusades. Napoleon and Alexander dreamed of a world united and understood the bloodshed it demanded. And the Americans knew this when they dropped their a-bombs. You and your progeny will know only opulence, wealth, and comfort, Lucas. You will not only save the world--You will be its king. The brave young man who brought an end to our crusade--And a beginning to the Age of Hydra! Quote2
Helmut Zemo (Earth-616)
Quote1 When we discovered Lucas here within his cocoon, we were elated. It wasn't until we examined his blood that we discovered just how dangerous he is. Within Lucas' blood is an insipid and pervasive toxin that sterilizes human beings. A living Inhuman agent of evolution. Quote2
Lucas (Inhuman) (Earth-616)
Quote1 Please pardon the intrusion, my name is Baron Zemo and I'll only take a moment of your time. I can imagine what you all must be thinking. I know how this looks. The dastardly villain seizes control of the global communication network. Pops up on screens across the globe. Threatening some unspeakable act of violence. Holding the world hostage from afar. But rest assured, that's not what this is. There is no Death Star. No Alderaan for me to blow up. Lord Vader, I am not. You see, I didn't hack into your communications network... I hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s. An international military organization with more wealth and weapons at their disposal than half the nations on Earth combined... Can track your cellphone G.P.S. and use it to burn a hole through your skull from space. And yet somehow they've convinced you all to be scared of me. S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors your telephone calls. What you watch on television. S.H.I.E.L.D. reads your emails and catalogs your late-night internet searches. Big brother is alive and well. He wears a white eagle on his chest, drives a flying aircraft carrier and keeps Earth's mightiest heroes in his back pocket. We've given these people far too much power over our lives for far too long. I say it's time we take the power back. I can cut big brother off at his knees with the press of a button. The question is, should I do it? That's the choice I leave to you. But before you decide, ask yourself one question... who is the real villain here? Quote2
Baron Helmut Zemo[src]
Quote1 Evil is the name they gave is. We've simply chosen to own it. Quote2
Baron Helmut Zemo[src]

All items (31)
