List of all notable quotes by or about Henry McCoy (Earth-295).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
The more I think about it...the clearer it is that Gambit and Sinister share some sort of secret connection.
If you're serious about getting this new little frat of yours off the ground, if we really mean to take your sacred Xavier's dream to the next step... to build a world where man and mutant can live together in peace, once and for all -- no matter who gets hurt doing it -- then Nate Grey is exactly what we need.
Henry, Henry, touching. I was hurt you didn't invite me to join all your fun... But I know how personal genocide is for us.
Cutting into the flesh, altering the genetic code, twisting and's enough to make your mouth water, wouldn't you agree? Doing it to another is...exquisite. But doing it to oneself, now, there lies something truly extraordinary. Oh, don't give me that look. I know all about your past, pumpkin bombs and all. But you needn't worry. I'm your biggest fan.
I have a life seed in my laboratory in my home dimension. In order to acquire it, in order to save your friend -- we must journey to the Age of Apocalypse.
As paradoxical as it may sound, somewhere in that abominous form of yours there has to be some potential for... well, growth.
Dark Beast | You weren't built to last. But I can fix that. I can make you better. I can help you LIVE. Forget the world. Forget the pens. Life or Death... That's what I'm offering you... And the change to rule by my side... |
Nate Grey | So... Who wants to get old?! |
Havok | Don't bother. I've got nothing to hide here anymore, Nate. The walls are down, finally, all defenses dropped. Step right on in and see for yourself. Meet the true secret of your success. Your sudden ability to re-access tour telekinesis. |
Nate Grey | He's behind you right now, in the shadows... The Black Beast of my Earth... Death Doctor of the Apocalypse?! |
Dark Beast | Once again, Grey. Welcome to my world... |
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