Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Henry McCoy (Earth-616).
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Quote1 It's up to you now, Angel! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 24
Quote1 You're a credit to your gender, Jeanie! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 28
Quote1 Alas, it sometimes occurs to me that super-heroing is not the most tranquil of avocations! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 30
Quote1 Enter, true friends – and meet my blundering associate – who's not such a bad idiot when you get to know him! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 49
Quote1 When next all you mutant-haters gather for group therapy, kindly inform friend Trask that he's out of his condominium! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 58
Quote1 I'm not your X-Man Professor... I'm my own man! Leave me alone! Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 12
Quote1 Any more tricks, Mastermind ?!! Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 13
Quote1 Still, anyone who looks like I do has to find his fun when he can. Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 161
Quote1 I hope that lady luck is among the pulsating patrons of today's game! Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 17
Quote1 ...never mind me. Attend to that arch fiend! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 139
Quote1 .. The Bouncing, Bubbling, Beast, Boychick -- Who's in like Flynn with a great big grin! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 151
Quote1 Mrs. Pym, it's ... hard to be a beast .. sometimes. Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 161
Quote1 Just like the good old days in the X-Men, Eh, Mr. Drake? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 163
Quote1 You can take the hero out of the X-Men, but you can't take the X-Man out of the hero! Quote2
Champions Vol 1 16
Quote1 Oh... My stars and garters! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 167
Quote1 Listen to me! The volcano flooded the entire complex with molten lava. Your power got you and me out -- but that's all. There's no way anyone else could have survived! Scott and the X-Men are dead, Jean. They're dead. Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 114
Quote1 Say, Tash, Speaking of dancing there's a great disco down on 59th ... Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 155
Quote1 I have everything under control... Except my libido of course! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 228
Quote1 Forewarned is forearmed, Ms. M--But four arms do not great feats make! So, feets don't fail me now! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 190
Quote1  -- you keep hitting that punching bag so hard, it's going to start hitting back! Quote2
Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 78
Quote1 Say, shouldn't we say Avengers Dissemble?! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 210
Quote1 When I left the Avengers, I thought I was going to find myself! So what's the first thing I do? Get myself hooked up with another super-team! Start playing hero all over again! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 122
Quote1 According to the directions Pat gave us, this is the place! And that means the first order of business from here on in--is fun! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 125
Quote1 I want to talk to you about a very serious topic -- goat farming! But you won’t let me! So superheroing it is, then! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 131
Quote1 Well what are we waiting for? Just your ordinary bottomless chasm! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 135
Quote1 Candy -- perhaps I’m showing my lack of insight in asking this -- but why do you have Galactus astride a giant Sassafras?? Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 138
Quote1 I haven't come here to apologize for being a clown on stage. It's important for people to see that mutants can laugh, can joke -- a testimony better than most that we are human. But Adrian Leverkuhn Castorp showed me something else: that we have to fight people like Robert Kelly, not only to stop them from caging us -- but to keep them from turning us into things we're not -- into beings driven by fear and dread -- into beasts. Quote2
New Defenders Vol 1 142
Quote1 Hey! I've got one! Free the mutants! X-TERMINATE X-FACTOR! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 7
Quote1 Save your breath for fighting, igloo-face. Looks like you're going to need it! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 36
Quote1 You rescued Jean. Saved Scott's brother. Maybe saved us all. Don't kid've made your choice. Forget Dark Angel. You're our official Archangel now. Heaven knows, we can use one. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 38
Quote1 Oh, my stars and garters. What have we here? Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 41
Quote1 American TROLL or ABOMINABLE're no match for a new-fangled MUTANT! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 42
Quote1 Mesmero! You two-bit hypnotist! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 55
Quote1 It seems we've won...! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 58
Quote1 I'm a cute li'l furry Freak whose only Friends are other Freaks. Of course all of them can pass as Human, when they like. Is it any wonder I sometimes get the Blues? That wasn't meant to be a Pun. Quote2
X-Factor: Prisoner of Love Vol 1 1
Quote1 But I thought impressing teenage girls was the whole point of being a super hero! Quote2
Wonder Man Vol 2 5
Quote1 A feat with my feet could lead to your defeat! I crack me up. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 13
Quote1 Please wait for the Danger Room to come to a complete stop. And use caution while checking the overhead compartments, as luggage may have shifted during travel. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 306
Quote1 Congrats, Trish. How's it feel to be nominated for a pulitzer and sell out an entire race in one fell swoop? Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 323
Quote1 It's an asteroid belt... and there's no time to alter our course before we hit it! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 342
Quote1 Exemplary, my dear Iceman! As for me, my prodigious pedal extremities have things well in hand -- or foot, to be more accurate! Quote2
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Vol 1 21
Quote1 'Yap' is a technical term, I assure you. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 74
Quote1 X-Men, let's go home. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Vol 1 28
Quote1 Right. I would say potato, but it's too viscous, too thin. The lumps make me suggest rice, but it's too irregular. Which begs the question: when did our fine nation's penal system decide to start serving mucus? Quote2
Wolverine Vol 2 164
Quote1 They stood alone, Rogue. Against the forces of fortune and fate. We are X-Men. We stand together. Quote2
X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 2
Quote1 Each in our own way, we're all the inheritors of Professor Xavier's dream. Quote2
X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land Vol 1 2
Quote1 Miniaturized Sentinels, Logan. Bacterial robots hiding in the blood Cassandra showered us with. They're inside us, eating us away... Quote2
New X-Men Vol 1 124
Quote1 Just tell me there's coffee. Quote2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 3
Quote1 Thank you. I also have an excellent sense of smell. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Vol 2 8
Quote1 Every study has shown that genetic mutants, people like us, have very specific energy signatures… more powerful energy signatures. Think about it. Last week there were over a million mutants across the planet… and now, all but a comparative handful of them appear to be nothing more than human. So as a scientist, I’m simply wondering… Where did all that energy go?  Quote2
X-Men: Deadly Genesis Vol 1 1
Quote1 You can't build a cathedral on the head of a pin. When a species passes a certain point in its decline, it can't be saved. Quote2
X-Men: Endangered Species Vol 1 1
Quote1 People have enough trouble with cognitive dissonance. Computers just don't do it at all. Quote2
X-Men First Class Vol 2 14
Quote1 Lots of secrets filling these halls nowadays, Scott. More than normal for people like us. Logan leading a gang off to God knows where. Bloodstained clothes in the laundry. Warren transforming into Archangel again. To say nothing of what you've been up to, Miss Frost. Secrets, Scott. Secrets, Emma. In these times -- these awful, fractious times -- We... are all we have left. I'm taking the X-Club on a mission come daylight. I'll be gone some time. But when I get back, we're having it aaall out, do you hear me? These secrets will kill us. And I won't stick around to watch it happen. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 511
Quote1 I have absolutely no idea anymore, Bobby. I have no idea what I'm doing here anymore. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 519
Quote1 I'm sorry, Sabretooth. I think Burnout is starting to have an effect on you. I don't think your eyes are going to grow back, certainly not anytime soon. And I'm afraid your hand is likely gone for good. Quote2
X-Men Forever Vol 2 20
Quote1 Emma! Get M.S.F. Medics to our location right now! We have a gunshot victim, and I may feed these two idiot soldiers to Logan. Quote2
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis Vol 1 3
Quote1 What gun? I can't fire a gun! I have paws! Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 16
Quote1 I am sorry, Kitty, but you're not pregnant... you're under attack. Quote2
Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 1 5
Quote1 Funny thing though... I figured this time he'd be a pretty low number on the humanity scale. But, as it turns out... was just the opposite. Quote2
Hulk Smash Avengers Vol 1 2
Quote1 RRRRNO!! You stay away from Earth! Never again! You understand?! You stay away from us or I'll kill you myself! Quote2
Avengers Vol 4 27
Quote1 Oh. My. Stars. Quote2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 24
Quote1 So sorry to intrude but... I really need your help. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 8
Quote1 Our very presence here, three-thousand-some-odd years in the past, could have irreparable consequences to the timeline. Imagine the butterfly effect extrapolated out over thousand of years. Every step we take puts the future at risk. And you're talking about snuffing out one of the most profoundly influential villains in all of human history. That's the biggest butterfly effect of them all. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 11
Quote1 I solved time travel the day Evan and I returned from Egypt. I've been home. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 15
Quote1 I've always wondered why people choose to cut their palms for blood rituals like this. Lots of nerve endings. Hand wounds often nag and heal slowly. Turns out palm blood is required. The grimoire asks for it by name. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 16
Quote1 He wasn't fighting you, you know. Quote2
Civil War II Vol 1 8
Quote1 Bobby answered the call just like we all would. No mystery there. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 17
Quote1 Far be it from me to interrupt this painfully awkward moment... but if the two of you are stepping out -- count me in! Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 6
Quote1 Emma's controlling Scott... possibly Xorn as well! Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 9
Quote1 I was wrong to bring you here, Hank. Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 35
Quote1 I don't think these things are different things. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 2
Quote1 I like to think of X-Force as a dark orchestra. Some of us prefer the spotlight of the melody... like a shrill, brilliant violin... or a fun, emotive sax. While others harmonize in the background. Some serve a necessary function by mindlessly beating drums and crashing cymbals... pleasuring in their violent rhythm. And there are those who are as versatile as a cello... able to play melody or harmony, to swing between the brightest and darkest notes. And I... I am their conductor. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 6
Quote1 Whoa, indeed. I know that when you heard what was happening over here that you wanted to come through... but I want you to be careful. This is no place for a reckless young man... not even one who has the mutant power to explode. Quote2
Empyre: X-Men Vol 1 4
Quote1 I'm terribly sorry to interrupt the pastoral beauty of this moment. But we have a few questions we're hoping you can answer, Colossus. About the recent security breach. About your national -- and familial -- connections. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 12
Quote1 But, Logan... Jean's not asking the hard questions. She's simply eating information. It's the difference between being a critic and a consumer, you see. I'm the one who asks the hard questions. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 15
Quote1 What are you implying? That there's another Man-Thing? Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 21
Quote1 Kudzu was introduced to America as an ornamental in 1876. It grows a foot a day and swiftly outcompeted native plants. Within years, it became dominant in the South and Midwest and led to species extinction. We need to address how to deal with this invasive species that seems intent on choking us out. Together, they'll access what I guess you could call a floronic network unavailable to the rest of us. Roots. Mycorrhizae. Spores. Pollen. Wild grasses in ditches, flowers on trellises, potted plants on windowsills. All of it. Together... they hope to find the root source. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 22
Quote1 I'm simply pointing out a truth most would prefer not to acknowledge. In the end... force wins. Stabbing $#&% is what saves the world. Quote2
X Deaths of Wolverine Vol 1 5
Quote1 You dare question my intentions? Tell me, before Krakoa, when was the last time you felt truly safe walking out there? For some of us, this is the only shot we have at Heaven. And yes. I will do anything to defend it. Quote2
X-Force Annual Vol 3 1
Quote1 X-Force must be uncharitable and cruel because that's our job. Anything and everything goes to protect Krakoa. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 27
Quote1 There's no point in being modest. The island is under attack, and I'm the centerpiece of our defense efforts. I'm irreplaceable. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 32
Quote1 How much would it cost to be the one... the one who killed Wolverine? Quote2
Wolverine Vol 7 26
Quote1 You know I really am sorry *munch* about how things turned out. But it's for the best. Know that everything is going according to plan. And you're doing excellent work. Not that that's surprising in the least. You're our very best weapon after all. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 7 27
Quote1 I have a plan. A plan that will help us locate--and ultimately destroy--their farm. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 36
Quote1 I knew this time would come. Now it is here. And everything is about to change. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 7 30
Quote1 I assume you can all hear me. But I've dampened your mics, because this will be a one-way conversation. You see, I've heard enough from you. And I've had enough of you. You believe the Pointe is gone because I stole it. But that is incorrect. If you think of this in human terms, you just arrived at the office to discover the locks have been changed and your desk has been emptied and boxed up. You have been terminated. This will be my last transmission. You would be wise not to seek me out. Or attempt to interfere in any way with my work. The work that needs to be done. Without meddling or compromise. It would be easier for me to not do any of this. But I feel I must--for the good of all mutantkind. X-Force is no more. I will call this new program... Weapons of X. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 7 31
Quote1 It's just that people are always saying things like that. Someone leaves a party after acting like a fool, making a lewd comment or knocking over a vase or taking a swing at the host... and the friend will say, "He's not like that." Oh? Isn't he? Or... maybe he is. Maybe the pressure of so-called civilized norms is the only thing keeping him in check... and--once that restraint is released--the true spirit of a man or mutant reveals itself. Sometimes that spirit is-mmfff smak-unflattering. Sometimes it's raw. But sometimes it's brave and true, even if unpopular. Maybe this... is who I've always been. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 7 34
Quote1 It's good to see you're all alive. For now. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 47
Quote1 Oh, my stars and garters! Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616)
Quote1 You've had ten children, and five of them manifested mutant powers when they hit puberty. You're something unusual. Something -- miraculous. And miracles are what we're looking for right now. Quote2
Lucinda Guthrie (Earth-616)
Quote1 Mutantkind's greatest enemy? Canada, apparently. Quote2
Quote1 This is either damage from the current alien attack or old damage from the last alien attack. Being attacked by aliens is basically S.W.O.R.D.'s mission statement. Quote2
Peak VII
Builders (Race) from Infinity Vol 1 4 001
Quote1 don't understand... This...this...means...everything dies. Quote2
Thor Vol 6 19 Asrar Variant Textless
Quote1 You first.[1] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Caretakers (Builders) from Avengers Vol 5 7 001
Quote1 Unforeseen complications, Builders...this world resists. Quote2
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 They all resist.[2] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Captain America Vol 6 2 Textless
Captain America
Quote1 Understand, people, this is real, it's headed our way, and it's scary enough to make space empires scramble. Ex Nihilo. These people--your Builders--created you and your sister, Abyss. What chance would we have if they make it to Earth? Quote2
Ex Nihilo (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 5 1 001
Ex Nihilo
Quote1 Captain, the measuring of probabilities is-- Quote2
Abyss (Ex Nihilo) (Earth-616) from Avengers NOW! Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 The answer is none. If that fleet reaches this system, the next step in human evolution is extinction.[2] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Empyre Vol 1 3 Kree Skrull Variant Textless
Quote1 I have received grave news, fellow warlords...the invaders have claimed another world. Two hundred billion souls...gone. Quote2
My'rl (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 5 18 001
Quote1 And did you summon us here to prattle while Skrull warriors die...or are we going to meet them in battle? Quote2
Empyre Vol 1 3 Kree Skrull Variant Textless
Quote1 You think I run from glory, My'rl? If there was glory to be had, I would surely beat you there. No, you are here because...there is going to be a gathering. A war council on Nomad. Word has spread of this invading fleet. I wish for us to go in the hopes we can...prevent what looks inevitable.[3] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Realm of Kings Imperial Guard Vol 1 5 Textless
Quote1 NO!! Quote2
Supreme Intelligence (Earth-616) from FF Vol 1 11
Supreme Intelligence
Quote1 Probablility of survival approaching zero if we do not withdraw from this theater. We've lost a third of the fleet in under a minute. Quote2
Annihilation Ronan Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 We have to retreat. Now! Run! RUN! RUN![3] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Jerran Ko (Earth-616) from Infinity Vol 1 2 003
Jerran Ko
Quote1 Well, when I die, I will be gone forever. And it seems in death, our masters see fit to make a mockery of all that I have done and all I am. Quote2
Aleph (Garden) (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 5 3 001
Quote1 Declarative: Triumph before all, Jerran Ko. Declarative: Complete your maker's defeat, at the very least, we wound. Quote2
Jerran Ko (Earth-616) from Infinity Vol 1 2 003
Jerran Ko
Quote1 I remember a time when this symbol on my chest meant life. Record my words for the code, Aleph...tell everyone that Jerran Ko said those were better days...and that they are now long gone.[4] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 What we want is the preservation of our universe. What we to destroy a world. Earth. Quote2
J'son (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 1 001
Quote1 What? I knew it! All of this...over a useless, backwater...I...I could give you Earth. I believe I could do that if it means you would leave my empire alone. I would do that if it would stop this war now. Quote2
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Oh, you insignificant creature...this is not a war, it is a cleansing...[5] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Ex Nihila (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 5 19 001
Ex Nihila
Quote1 You must leave as well, Creator...this ship will not last long against the great weapons. Quote2
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 We have been stung here is an insult I will not forget. Scuttle the ship. Then join the third wing in the battle. Make your end mean something, Ex Nihila.[6] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Annihilation Ronan Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 There are hundreds of Council ships in orbit around Hala. Ships that defeated your fleet. Ships contained by great warriors who certainly see the military significance of this empire and are not afraid to act on it. Why do you stay? Quote2
Builders (Race) from Infinity Vol 1 4 001
Quote1 Because this is my world. Because you bent the knee. And you do not realize your position...Supremor. Tell your Accuser how beaten we Builders are. Tell him what happens next. Quote2
Supreme Intelligence (Earth-616) from FF Vol 1 11
Supreme Intelligence
Quote1 Based on observed behavior...99.7% chance that the scattered Builder fleet reassembles. Reassembly a certainty, there is a 72.5% chance that the Builder fleet continues on along their previously projected path. There is a 27% chance that the Builder fleet returns to deal with the remaining Council armada. Such a conflict would result in Council defeat in 83.2% of simulated battles. Quote2
Builders (Race) from Infinity Vol 1 4 001
Quote1 Yes. And under all of these scenarios, what is the projected percentage that you Kree remain under Builder control? Quote2
Supreme Intelligence (Earth-616) from FF Vol 1 11
Supreme Intelligence
Quote1 Assuming natural attrition of insignificant worlds and prioritizing the significant world groups...70.1%. Quote2
Builders (Race) from Infinity Vol 1 4 001
Quote1 I stay...because this world is mine.[7] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Annihilation - Scourge Alpha Vol 1 1 Lim Variant Textless
Quote1 Hssssssss! Quote2
Realm of Kings Imperial Guard Vol 1 5 Textless
Quote1 The drones are attacking one another. I can't believe...that was...that was it...our last gambit. Our final effort. All we had left. Mentor, summon my son. Rally all the Super- and Subguardians. Quote2
Mentor (Imperial Guard) (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 480 0001
Quote1 Majestor-- Quote2
Realm of Kings Imperial Guard Vol 1 5 Textless
Quote1 No. Not Majestor...I will die as I lived. As Gladiator, praetor of the Imperial Guard. This is the end, my friend...unless saved by some unforeseen miracle, we die...and I would face it head-on.[8] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Avengers Vol 5 6 Textless
Captain Universe
Quote1 Why? When did death become your way, my child...? Even when you stopped worshipping me, you revered life...why this? Quote2
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Because the universe is dying. Quote2
Avengers Vol 5 6 Textless
Captain Universe
Quote1 I know. Quote2
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 All the universes are dying, and there's only one way to save this one. Destroy the axis point...and perhaps save them all.[8] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 You must know by now that the Earth is the axis point for the death of must know what conclusion must be drawn from this fact. Quote2
Reed Richards (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 4 1 cover
Reed Richards
Quote1 No, that's not true. The cascading effect of other dying universes is increasing. The rate of all things dying. Killing a single Earth is like comparing a pebble to a planet. You're thinking too small. Quote2
Builders from Infinity Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Oh, I agree. Incrementalism is a waste a time, but ask yourself...what if we killed all the Earths? All of them. We believe that would save everything, and if not save it, then at least prolong it, perserving a more natural end to our existence.[9] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
Sybil (Oracle) (Earth-616) from Mighty Thor Vol 3 17 001
Quote1 Take a look. Quote2
Captain America Vol 6 2 Textless
Captain America
Quote1 Whose idea was that? Why would-- Quote2
Sybil (Oracle) (Earth-616) from Mighty Thor Vol 3 17 001
Quote1 Why? This war was not won by an empire, ours or any other. It was not won by the Council, who broke. No, every time the battle turned, it was you Earthers, you...Avengers...that won the day. You held at the turned the World Killers on their masters over Hala...and then you broke the enemy with a single man and a hammer that was thrown around the sun...we rallied to you, good Captain. We rallied to your standard...Dockrum VII is free again...and it is an Avengers World.[10] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
New Avengers Vol 3 4 Roux Variant Textless
Black Swan
Quote1 And just how did you solve this incursion, Reed Richards? Quote2
Iron Man Vol 6 1 Brooks Variant Textless
Iron Man
Quote1 We didn't have to. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 3 4 Roux Variant Textless
Black Swan
Quote1 You're making my point for me. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 6 Textless
Quote1 Actually, it's interesting...they were a multi-universal, ancient civilization called Builders. Who it seemed-- Quote2
New Avengers Vol 3 4 Roux Variant Textless
Black Swan
Quote1 HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! The Builders, you very ominous. That is indeed some threat. Quote2
Iron Man Vol 6 1 Brooks Variant Textless
Iron Man
Quote1 I don't think you understand what we're talking about. Perhaps you don't know what all we--and our friends--have just been through. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 3 4 Roux Variant Textless
Black Swan
Quote1 System-creating, universal migrants. Creators and Engineers...more than capable of destroying worlds. Did you not find it strange that they were limited in how they moved throughout your universe? That a race so advanced was limited to traveling in what was essentially a straight line? It's because their vessels were not built for traveling great distances outside of their Superflow. See...they invested heavily in their conduit, and now without it, they are trapped and unable to elude Rabum Alal--just like you, just like me. Tell me, I sound like I know what I am talking about? [...] Are you aware that these Builders are confined to under five thousand realities? Who worries about a kalbi when facing an idimmu? [... "Who worries about a dog when facing a demon?" ...] Quote2
Reed Richards (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 4 1 cover
Reed Richards
Quote1 I understand. There are worse things out there. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 3 4 Roux Variant Textless
Black Swan
Quote1 No, you haven't been listening at all...there are worse things coming. You fret Builders...but what if it had been the Mapmakers? Not just their Sidera Maris...but the masters themselves? What if it had been the Black Priests? And what if it had been the Sinnu Sarrum? The Ivory Kings? What would you have done? All of children...playing. What you just went only had the appearance of finality--it lacked the effect. That ends now.[11] Quote2
Infinity (Event)
BeastQuote1 "Delgado"? There was a Major Harry Delgado commanding the S.H.I.E.L.D. pursuit force that was captured by Magneto. Coincidence? Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Different guy, same name. Or maybe the major was a sleeper, workin' with the clowns he was supposedly chasin'? Or maybe he switched sides. Or maybe somebody made him. However the man came here, Beast, he means business. We can figure out the backstory after we take him down. Quote2
Marco Delgado (Earth-616)
Robert Drake (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 5 001
Quote1 Women... bless their gentle souls... are so understanding! Full of sugar and spice and everything nice! Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) Graduation Costume from X-Men Vol 1 48
Quote1 And forgiving, too! Especially forgiving!!! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 47
Robert Drake (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 5 001
Quote1 I see that blow on the head didn't damage your talent for big words! I was kind of hoping it had! Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) Graduation Costume from X-Men Vol 1 48
Quote1 Big words? I haven't the slightest glimmer of comprehension as to the significance of that obtuse reference! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 53
Marauders Vol 1 13 Iceman Timeless Variant
Quote1 C'mon, Hank, do you have to watch that opera? Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 Shhh -- Kiri Te Kanawa's about to make her entrance. I thought you were into music, Bobby. Quote2
Marauders Vol 1 13 Iceman Timeless Variant
Quote1 I am -- but the Stevie Ray Vaughn concert starts any minute on MTV! Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 Fear not -- I'm taping that -- And the Ansel Adams tribute for Warren AND "Dynasty" for Dolly and Cloud -- Isn't modern science wonderful? Quote2
New Defenders Vol 1 141
Henry Pym (Earth-616) from Avengers A.I. Vol 1 1 McGuinness Variant cover
Henry Pym
Quote1 Good job, Henry. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 Couldn't have done it without you, Henry. Quote2
Henry Pym (Earth-616) from Avengers A.I. Vol 1 1 McGuinness Variant cover
Henry Pym
Quote1 We are rather impressive, aren't we? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 335
Scott Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Annual Vol 2 1 cover
Quote1 That, sir, is no way to treat a lady. Quote2
Remy LeBeau (Earth-616) from Gambit Vol 5 9 001
Quote1 Or Rogue neither, hein? Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 My, o, my, talk about a man who loves to live dangerously. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 1
Scott Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Annual Vol 2 1 cover
Quote1 I believe you people have something that belongs to us? Quote2
GambitQuote1 Short li'l fella. Quote2
Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 2 7 001
Quote1 All adamantium and attitude. He's one of a kind. We'd like him back. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 And don't forget our resident psionic Japanese-by-way-of-Britain ninja warrior. You can imagine how hard they are to replace! Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 7
Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 2 7 001
Quote1 Show off! I was just about to do that! Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Beast (McCoy)
Quote1 I am certain. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 9
WolverineQuote1 The X-Men are here, and we're down to kick butt and take names! Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 I wouldn't put it so crudely! Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Okay, Beastie – let us pummel these louts severely about the head and shoulders! Quote2
Cable Vol 1 16
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 What brings you to this neck of the woods, my once-feathered pal? Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 11 0001
Quote1 Life. Women. Happiness. And the current lack of any of the above. Quote2
Cable Vol 1 20
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 You don't have to be so protective. Quote2
Marauders Vol 1 13 Iceman Timeless Variant
Quote1 Sure, I do. You're curious, Hank. I'm the man in the yellow hat. That's our relationship. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Vol 1 10
CannonballQuote1 I really think I'd be much happier-- Quote2
NightcrawlerQuote1 --Scott, my friend, you know this can't work-- Quote2
PolarisQuote1 Oh, dear Lord-- Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 685 New Mutants Variant Textless
Quote1 Scott! Scott, listen-- Quote2
ArchangelQuote1 Genosha?! I don't want to go to Genosha! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 414 Textless
Quote1 Am I expected to just teach?! Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Listen, bub, I appreciate the faith in me, but I can't be on all the teams-- Quote2
Jubilee Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 Please, please, please let me on Paige's team -- Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 This is an untenable situation, Scott-- Quote2
ShadowcatQuote1 Wait, I thought you didn't need me anymore? Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 157
DeadpoolQuote1 Once and X-Man, always an X-Man! Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 You're not an X-Man. Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 Us muties got to stick together, right? Sometimes literally. I ever tell you 'bout the time I ran into Tar Baby in the sewer system? Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 You're not a mutant, either. Quote2
Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 9
Wolverine (to Hisako)Quote1 Quit whining, kid. I got eaten today. Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 Yes, about that... Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Forget it. Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 I can't begin to apologize. Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Pfft! That's what friends are for. Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 I'm fairly certain it's not. Quote2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 18
Marauders Vol 1 13 Iceman Timeless Variant
Quote1 Nah, you're my main nerd. Quote2
X-Men First Class Finals Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 Is this what the cool kids do? Quote2
Marauders Vol 1 13 Iceman Timeless Variant
Quote1 I have no idea what cool kids do. Quote2
X-Men First Class Vol 2 4
X-Men First Class Finals Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 As the guardian or whatever of that Nexus, the Man-Thing hates fear. Quote2
Jean Grey (Earth-616) from X-Men First Class Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 You know what, Hank? So do I. Quote2
X-Men First Class Vol 2 8
Jean Grey (Earth-616) from X-Men First Class Vol 1 1 001
Marvel Girl
Quote1 ...getting hard to breathe... Quote2
X-Men First Class Finals Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 We can rip the disks off our clothes, but there's no surviving this fall! Quote2
Marvels Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 Well that's easy, Hank. Don't fall. Quote2
X-Men First Class Vol 2 15
Hisako Ichiki (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 5 001
Quote1 This isn't right. I'm a proper X-Man. I bet you wouldn't pick Logan up like this. Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 Hisako, I couldn't pick up Logan without doing myself a near-fatal mischief. Quote2
Hisako Ichiki (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 5 001
Quote1 It's the beer. Quote2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 29
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 It's him it's him it's him I felt it it was so powerful I felt I know he's back now he's back Quote2
Eric O'Grady (Earth-616) from Ant-Man & Wasp Vol 1 1 cover
Quote1 Heyheyheyhey. Slow down and make some sense, would ya? Who's back? Quote2
Onslaught (Psychic Entity) (Earth-616) from Marvel Masterpieces (Trading Cards) 1996 Set 001
Quote1 Me. I am back. Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 ...Onslaught. Quote2
Onslaught Unleashed Vol 1 1
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1're not fighting to stay here, you're staying here to fight. Quote2
Leonard Gary (Earth-616) from Secret Avengers Vol 1 13 001
Lenny Gary
Quote1 No, no -- you've still got it all wrong, my friend... To stay here is to fight. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 13
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from Ms. Marvel Vol 2 10 0001
Hank McCoy
Quote1 Kyle and Jean-Paul... Do you vow to give yourselves to each other, with love and compassion, and trust? Quote2
Kyle Jinadu (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 508 001
Kyle Jinadu
Quote1 I do. Quote2
Jean-Paul Beaubier (Earth-616) from Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 48 0001
Jean-Paul Beaubier
Quote1 I do. Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from Ms. Marvel Vol 2 10 0001
Hank McCoy
Quote1 Then I pronounce you husbands, and partners for life. You may kiss the groom. Both of you. Quote2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 51
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 1 17 001
Past Beast
Quote1 What was that? Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 16
Quote1 I'll do the talking. Shut up. Quote2
Scott Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 1 32 0001
Past Cyclops
Quote1 Who is out there? Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 16
Quote1 Well... "your brother and his... Uncanny Avengers Quote2
Steven Rogers (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 5 10 cover
Captain America
Quote1 Come out with your hands up! You are in a lot of trouble! Don't make it any worse for yourselves! Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 11
BeastQuote1 My dear friend--I'm so sorry. Your healing factor is gone. I've consulted with Tony Stark, Henry Pym, Santi Sardina... They all agree. The "Empty" bullet in your shoulder contained a dose of this... I can hardly say it... "Intelligent Virus from the Microverse"... I guess that was it's backup plan. To switch off your ability to heal. I think it then tried to take you over. But your power... I imagine it put up a hell of a fight. It burned the virus out of your system. The Good news: I've managed to synthesize a drug to counteract the Adamantium poisoning. But the bad news... you're vulnerable to injury--and you'll age at a normal rate-- Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Okay, got it. Thanks. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 5 7
IcemanQuote1 I just like talking to the talking raccoon. It makes me feel like a Disney princess. Quote2
BeastQuote1 We're here because... princess? Quote2
IcemanQuote1 What? I'd make a better princess than you. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 23
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 1 5
Quote1 Stop! Stop your lies right now! You-- you're filling my head with all of these-- these images, these impressions! All of these roads not taken... you're not convincing me that I've done anything wrong. I can't be held responsible for things I have no control over! This collage of all the good things that won't happen because of something I've done. I want my friends to have love. I want my friends to rise above their stature and become the mutant-- Quote2
Uatu (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 2 2 001
Quote1 I came here to tell you... because of you none of these things will ever happen. A myriad of realities you have destroyed, Dr. McCoy. You have guaranteed that the happiness and love and respect and adventure that you crave for your friends may never happen. Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 1 5
Quote1 Then help me. Help me put it back. Help me. Quote2
Uatu (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 2 2 001
Quote1 I am the Watcher. I do not act. And you disgust me, Hank McCoy. Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 1 5
Quote1 But-- But it's not too late. I-- I can still make it right. I can still fix this. I just need-- Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 25
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 Who are you talking about? Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 29 Textless
Quote1 Laura. X-23. The only other girl we know who isn't Jean Grey. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 Oh! The girl with the claws. Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 1 001
Quote1 Yes. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 What? I didn't catch her name. Quote2
Benjamin Deeds (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 17 0001
Benjamin Deeds
Quote1 What were you calling her? Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 Wolverine clone. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 26
All-New X-Men Vol 1 41 Textless
Marvel Girl
Quote1 But here's the problem, Miss Hill... Why couldn't these Utopians live there? Quote2
CyclopsQuote1 Why were they under attack? Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 8 002
Quote1 Why after all we have been through is no mutant safe from attack? Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from Legendary Star-Lord Vol 1 9 001
Quote1 How come the Avengers can set up shop anywhere they want and everyone is cool with it? Quote2
Wolverines Vol 1 3 Parel Variant Textless
Quote1 But mutants... With mutants it's always hit first, ask questions latter. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 It's enough to make people a little paranoid, yeah? Quote2
Phillip Coulson (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001
Phil Coulson
Quote1 They were lying. Quote2
Maria Hill (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 14 001
Maria Hill
Quote1 Not about the last part. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 41
BeastQuote1 Time to go to work? Quote2
Wonder ManQuote1 You know it, bud. Quote2
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 28
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 I'm sorry, but what did you say? Did you say no? Let me remind you that I am your superior. Quote2
Domino Vol 3 2 Textless
Quote1 That's the reason we're here. You think you're everybody's superior. #$%& your prison. We're getting out. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 35

All items (125)
