Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Herbert Wyndham (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Should my bestial subject survive, he will be far more than a New-Man...far more than a wolf whose evolutionary process was speeded up!! In point of fact, he will be the ultimate end of evolution...a combination of the supreme man...coupled with the supreme beast!! His power will be too awesome to imagine!! And, if he should be evil--! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 134
Quote1 And now, prepare for pain, strangeborn - for other sights and senses you have never known before. Do you feel it? The sheer, awful agony..? That is the merest fraction of what it means - to be a Man! You could have lived forever... a creature apart, drifting silent thru the Seas of Space - yet now, you'll walk the Earth, a target for the murderous Man-Beast - perhaps for Humankind as well... For, uncanny your sacred mission - unearthly your weirdling Powers... And, beholding them, men shall call you Warlock! Quote2
Marvel Premiere Vol 1 1
Quote1 How tempting to push the second - and bring sweet Oblivion to... But, no! I, the High Evolutionary, have given my Word - AND MY WORD IS MY BOND! Quote2
Warlock Vol 1 1
Quote1 Know you, harbingers of Hel, that there are now other gods on Earth besides those of human antiquity! Now there is also -- THE GODPACK -- under the command of The High Evolutionary! Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 487
Quote1 The High Evolutionary intends to build a god fit for the twenty-first century. And you will be his raw materials. Quote2
Iron Man/Thor Vol 1 1
Quote1 The gods are returning to judge their creations. The Celestials are returning... And you and I are the only hope for humanity's survival. Quote2
New Warriors Vol 5 2
Quote1 We're watching existential concepts punch each other... Quote2
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 9
Quote1 If you win the next hand, I shall relinquish the Prodigal--I'll even tell you how to shut it down. But if you lose--Well, I've always wanted to have an Avenger in my lab for vivisection. Quote2
Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 44
Quote1 The High Evolutionary intends to build a god fit for the twenty-first century. And you will be his raw materials. Quote2
Herbert Wyndham (Earth-616)

All items (9)
