List of all notable quotes by or about Hiro-Kala (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
I am the chosen, progeny of Hulk the Green Scar and Caiera, Shadow Mother of all Sakaar. I am He of Shadow. The Life-Bringer and World-Breaker. Upon my planet I was known as Hiro-Kala. You will come to know me as God.
You were tainted by a power that will destroy you the next time you consume it. This is the pain of knowing that you can never have the thing you crave the most. I hope you choke on it until the end of time.
You will help me rid this Microverse of an abominable energy known as Old Power...while I learn why I was pulled from my universe to yours...and discover exactly who is to blame.
He is coming. Commander Arcturus Rann. I took away his hopes. I stripped him of his powers. And still, he will not stop. He is coming to face me, not as the hero of the Microverse...but as a desperate man. And that makes him truly dangerous.
Heroism... It is a subjective term. You are aware...I too have made similar choices. I took the lives of millions, to poison the devourer of millions of worlds. I destroyed an innocent life, in order to prevent universal armageddon. Finally, you share my perspective. Press the button, Arcturus...and destroy K'ai for the second time. It's exactly what I would do.
You were tainted by a power that will destroy you the next time you consume it. This is the pain of knowing that you can never have the thing you crave the most. I hope you choke on it until the end of time.
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