Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Jeffrey Mace (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Defenders of democracy! You have seen another attempt of brute force to seize our lives, freedom, and country! There yellow-livered gangsters could not win, of course --but we must forever be on our guard against anyone who would steal our liberty! Long live liberty! Quote2
Human Torch Vol 1 4
Quote1 So even you monkeys have heard of me,eh? Quote2
Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 67
Quote1 Let's go Legion! Quote2
Invaders Vol 1 6
Quote1 I wanted to finish this thing... for both Captain Americas!! Quote2
What If? Vol 1 4
Quote1 Yeah Cap, believe it or not, I really do feel ---- at peace! Quote2
Captain America Annual Vol 1 6
Quote1 Its been a good life. A long life. A full life. Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 285
Quote1 Cap, do we have to finish this mission with a Red on our tails? Quote2
Captain America Annual Vol 1 13
Quote1 We have so little say over who lives or dies. We can try to shield them...fight fire with fire...keep them at a safe distance...and pray they are somehow impervious to injury...but for those who defend our freedoms by constantly putting themselves in harm's way...harm will find them...sooner or later. Quote2
All Winners Comics 70th Anniversary Special Vol 1 1
Quote1 There's only one Captain America. I can never be him. But I can carry on in his name -- with his name. That I can do. That would be an honor. Quote2
Captain America: Patriot Vol 1 1
Quote1 Retire to what? I hardly do any reporting...lost touch with what friends I had outside the Squad... Besides -- no one retires from Captain America. No one walks away. You know that. Quote2
Captain America: Patriot Vol 1 2
Quote1 Betsy and I didn't go looking for Glendale -- it's more like Glendale found us. The instant I saw it, I knew this was the perfect place to make our home. Some might find its new subdivisions and streets a bit sparse, but I see a blank canvas that we can paint to our liking. I see a frontier -- one that can be tamed with picket fences and newly planted rosebushes, true...but that's about all the excitement we want in our lives right now. I see the chance to build something better, something brighter, something we can call our own. I see the American Dream. Quote2
Captain America: Patriot Vol 1 4
Quote1 There's only one Captain America. I can never be him. But I can carry on in his name -- with his name. That I can do. That would be an honor. Quote2
Jeffrey Mace (Earth-616)

All items (12)
