Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about John Steele (American Soldier) (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 My name's John Steele...I kill Nazis. Quote2
Marvels Project Vol 1 4
Quote1 The Shadow Council's work is too important. These "Secret" Avengers of Rogers' need to be watched... and if necessary... taken down. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 5
Quote1 I haven't seen Rogers since the war... so it's time he and I got reacquainted. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 7
Quote1 There's no time. You don't waste any time with these people. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 11
Quote1 My name's John Steele... I kill Nazis. Quote2
John Steele (American Soldier) (Earth-616)
Steve Rogers Super-Soldier Vol 1 2 Textless
Commander Steve Rogers
Quote1 So who are the Shadow Council? What do they want? Quote2
John Steele (American Soldier) (Earth-616) from Secret Avengers Vol 1 5 001
John Steele
Quote1 They're the original sore losers. Sons of a revolution that failed a long time ago... I was running from them when we all stumbled into a portal... A path between time and space... And the things we met inside it changed us. As for what they want... they want it all... the whole world... Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 12

All items (6)
