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List of all notable quotes by or about Jonathan Hart (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Jack of Hearts, the novice super-hero -- is still around! Quote2
Iron Man Vol 1 109
Quote1 Shell-Head, where in the Universe are we? Quote2
Iron Man Vol 1 110
Quote1 No one can be near me! — I’m a danger to everyone I touch! Quote2
Jack of Hearts Vol 1 1
Quote1 That's it! Not only is my power killing me -- but now it's driving me insane! Quote2
Jack of Hearts Vol 1 2
Quote1 Live. Use the life I’ve given you to change, to find the honor you lost in sacrificing me. Quote2
Jack of Hearts Vol 1 4
Quote1 It's not a ring. It's a handle...a handle for the real Infinites! They're going to carry away the entire galaxy! Quote2
Avengers: Infinity Vol 1 3
Quote1 After all the chaos... and everything you went through... I was not going to lose you. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Supreme Vol 1 5
Quote1 There's a place I've heard about--I don't know the actual name, but they call it Club Sol. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 2 6
Quote1 Jack of Hearts, the novice super-hero -- is still around! Quote2
Jonathan Hart (Earth-616)
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Maybe you should start at the beginning. I mean -- Jack, the last time any of us saw you... you were dead. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Supreme Vol 1 4 Textless
Jack of Hearts (Jonathan Hart)
Quote1 Then maybe I should start at the end. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 I have to trust someone. It may as well be me. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Supreme Vol 1 4 Textless
Jack of Hearts (Jonathan Hart)
Quote1 If I had to trust someone... I'd choose you, too. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 3

All items (11)
