Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Joseph Ledger (Earth-21798).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I'm the reason there are no more Kree Accusers! No Black Novas or Starjammer space pirates! I'm the reason space will someday be safe for decent, God-fearing American settlers. Once animals like you have learned their place... or been hunted to extinction! Quote2
Heroes Reborn Vol 2 4
Quote1 You can thank God and the U.S. President that standing between you and all those alien whack jobs... there's me. And my Power Prism. And that willingness to do whatever it damn well takes to keep you safe. Quote2
Joseph Ledger (Earth-21798)
Quote1 Just to show them there ain't but one god out here. And he's American. Quote2
Mephisto (Earth-21798)
Quote1 They're murdering marauders is what they are. And, even worse, Canadians. Quote2
Alpha Flight (Earth-21798)

All items (5)
