List of all known work(s) that Justin Gray wrote.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Justin Gray" into "Writer" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Justin Gray" into "Writer" field of said article.)
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All items (34)
- X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (Activision) Vol 1 1
- Punisher: Red X-Mas Vol 1 1
- Blade: Nightstalking Vol 1 1
- Elektra: On the Rise Vol 1 1
- Daughters of the Dragon Vol 1 1
- Punisher: Bloody Valentine Vol 1 1
- Daughters of the Dragon Vol 1 2
- Amazing Fantasy Vol 2 19
- Daughters of the Dragon Vol 1 3
- Daughters of the Dragon Vol 1 4
- Daughters of the Dragon Vol 1 5
- Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 13
- Daughters of the Dragon Vol 1 6
- Marvel Westerns: Kid Colt and the Arizona Girl Vol 1 1
- Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 14
- Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 15
- Claws Vol 1 1
- Heroes for Hire Vol 2 1
- Claws Vol 1 2
- Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 16
- Heroes for Hire Vol 2 2
- Claws Vol 1 3
- Heroes for Hire Vol 2 3
- Heroes for Hire Vol 2 4
- Heroes for Hire Vol 2 5
- Heroes for Hire Vol 2 6
- Heroes for Hire Vol 2 7
- Shanna the She-Devil: Survival of the Fittest Vol 1 1
- Shanna the She-Devil: Survival of the Fittest Vol 1 2
- Shanna the She-Devil: Survival of the Fittest Vol 1 3
- Shanna the She-Devil: Survival of the Fittest Vol 1 4
- Wolverine & Black Cat: Claws 2 Vol 1 1
- Wolverine & Black Cat: Claws 2 Vol 1 2
- Wolverine & Black Cat: Claws 2 Vol 1 3