List of all known work(s) that Katie Kubert edited.
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(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Katie Kubert" into "Editor" field of said article.)
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All items (216)
- Savage Wolverine Vol 1 21
- Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 2 6
- Cyclops Vol 3 3
- Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 2 7
- Savage Wolverine Vol 1 22
- Cyclops Vol 3 4
- Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 2 8
- Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 2 9
- Cyclops Vol 3 5
- Savage Wolverine Vol 1 23
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 1
- Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 1
- Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 2 10
- All-New X-Factor Vol 1 15
- Cyclops Vol 3 6
- Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 2
- Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 3
- Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 2 11
- All-New X-Factor Vol 1 16
- Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program Vol 1 1
- Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 4
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 2
- Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program Vol 1 2
- Cyclops Vol 3 7
- Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 5
- Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 2 12
- All-New X-Factor Vol 1 17
- Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program Vol 1 3
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 3
- Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 6
- Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 1
- Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program Vol 1 4
- All-New X-Factor Vol 1 18
- Cyclops Vol 3 8
- Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 7
- All-New X-Factor Vol 1 19
- Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program Vol 1 5
- Wolverines Vol 1 1
- Cyclops Vol 3 9
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 4
- Wolverines Vol 1 2
- All-New X-Factor Vol 1 20
- Wolverines Vol 1 3
- Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 2
- Wolverines Vol 1 4
- Wolverines Vol 1 5
- Cyclops Vol 3 10
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 5
- Wolverines Vol 1 6
- Wolverines Vol 1 7
- Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 3
- Wolverines Vol 1 8
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 1
- Wolverines Vol 1 9
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 2
- Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 4
- Wolverines Vol 1 10
- Cyclops Vol 3 11
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 3
- Wolverines Vol 1 11
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 6
- Wolverines Vol 1 12
- Cyclops Vol 3 12
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 4
- Wolverines Vol 1 13
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 7
- Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 5
- Wolverines Vol 1 14
- Wolverines Vol 1 15
- Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 6
- Wolverines Vol 1 16
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 5
- Wolverines Vol 1 17
- Guardians 3000 Vol 1 8
- Legendary Star-Lord Vol 1 12
- Wolverines Vol 1 18
- Wolverines Vol 1 19
- Inferno Vol 1 1
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 6
- Wolverines Vol 1 20
- Years of Future Past Vol 1 1
- Inferno Vol 1 2
- E Is For Extinction Vol 1 1
- Korvac Saga Vol 1 1
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 7
- Years of Future Past Vol 1 2
- Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 1
- Inferno Vol 1 3
- Korvac Saga Vol 1 2
- Years of Future Past Vol 1 3
- E Is For Extinction Vol 1 2
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 8
- Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 2
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 9
- Korvac Saga Vol 1 3
- Years of Future Past Vol 1 4
- Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 10
- House of M Vol 2 1
- Inferno Vol 1 4
- E Is For Extinction Vol 1 3
- Marvel Zombies Vol 2 3
- Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 3
- House of M Vol 2 2
- Korvac Saga Vol 1 4
- Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 4
- House of M Vol 2 3
- Years of Future Past Vol 1 5
- E Is For Extinction Vol 1 4
- Inferno Vol 1 5
- All-New, All-Different Point One Vol 1 1
- Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 1
- Captain America: Sam Wilson Vol 1 1
- Marvel Zombies Vol 2 4
- Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 5
- Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 2
- Captain America: Sam Wilson Vol 1 2
- House of M Vol 2 4
- Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 1
- Hercules Vol 4 1
- Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 3
- Illuminati Vol 1 1
- Captain America: Sam Wilson Vol 1 3
- Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 2
- Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 4
- Hercules Vol 4 2
- Illuminati Vol 1 2
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 1
- Starbrand & Nightmask Vol 1 1
- Captain America: Sam Wilson Vol 1 4
- Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 3
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 2
- A-Force Vol 2 1
- Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 5
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 1
- Captain America: Sam Wilson Vol 1 5
- Illuminati Vol 1 3
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 3
- Hercules Vol 4 3
- Starbrand & Nightmask Vol 1 2
- Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 4
- A-Force Vol 2 2
- Captain America: Sam Wilson Vol 1 6
- Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 6
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 2
- Illuminati Vol 1 4
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 4
- Starbrand & Nightmask Vol 1 3
- Hercules Vol 4 4
- Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 5
- A-Force Vol 2 3
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 3
- Mockingbird Vol 1 1
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 5
- Starbrand & Nightmask Vol 1 4
- Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 6
- Hyperion Vol 1 1
- Illuminati Vol 1 5
- Hercules Vol 4 5
- A-Force Vol 2 4
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 4
- Hercules Vol 4 6
- Illuminati Vol 1 6
- Mockingbird Vol 1 2
- Hyperion Vol 1 2
- Starbrand & Nightmask Vol 1 5
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 6
- A-Force Vol 2 5
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 5
- Illuminati Vol 1 7
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 7
- Hyperion Vol 1 3
- Mockingbird Vol 1 3
- Nighthawk Vol 2 1
- Starbrand & Nightmask Vol 1 6
- A-Force Vol 2 6
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 6
- Civil War II: Gods of War Vol 1 1
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 8
- Nighthawk Vol 2 2
- Hyperion Vol 1 4
- Mockingbird Vol 1 4
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 7
- Civil War II: Gods of War Vol 1 2
- A-Force Vol 2 7
- Nighthawk Vol 2 3
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 9
- Hyperion Vol 1 5
- Mockingbird Vol 1 5
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 10
- A-Force Vol 2 8
- Accused Vol 1 1
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 8
- Civil War II: Gods of War Vol 1 3
- Fallen Vol 1 1
- Mockingbird Vol 1 6
- Nighthawk Vol 2 4
- Hyperion Vol 1 6
- Squadron Supreme Vol 4 11
- A-Force Vol 2 9
- Civil War II: Gods of War Vol 1 4