List of all notable quotes by or about Kenji Uedo (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Hope. Heh. My throat slid out of my head and danced like an eel before me. I gulped like a fish left on dry land until I swallowed it back in. That was how it started...and now you tell me it's going to be okay? It's not going to be okay. Nothing's going to be okay. Let me show you. You think there's light? You think there's hope? There is only one light. One light which makes all else darkness. The final light. I'll show you...I am the final light.
I...I have fantasies of killing people. I stand on the subway platform and stare at the back in front of me. Imagining how one push could turn a man into a bad Pollock pastiche. I read Mirbeau and nod along, de Sade and see a mirror. I unmake the world with my art...but it is art. It is fantasy. It is not reality. It is about reality. Yet...Tokyo burns and bodies grow cold. I did it. Help me. It can't happen again.
Tomorrow? If it comes to it, I can kill Hope in her sleep. We can be villains then... But today we're going to have to be heroes. And you know what? I'll be surprised if anyone can tell the difference.
And there you go again. Telling those pretty stories. You fly around the world, reaching out to everyone. Fellowship. Sacrifice. Redemption. There's a place for everyone in your great heart, isn't there? But when I showed you my true heart... You just let me die... And you never thought of me again... Until I appeared to you in this sad, sweet form. But I'm much more than that, Professor Munroe. Just like every child you think You're saving. So many flaws. So many horror. So now it's my turn to tell stories, professor. The true stories. Life a horror show. And the monsters win.
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