Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Kevin Plunder (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Stronger than mastodon! Stronger than giant boar! Mighty is Ka-Zar! Lord of jungle! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 12
Quote1 Outside world is bigger jungle than Ka-Zar knows! Too much fighting! Too much hatred! All men mad! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 13
Quote1 Never has Ka-Zar fought more valiant a foe! I could not bring myself to allow you to perish! Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 58
Quote1 So! They dare to break the law of Ka-Zar! For that, they must pay the price! The time is come for them to face... the wrath of Ka-Zar! For none may break the jungle law! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 109
Quote1 None can hide from the lord of the jungle! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 111
Quote1 You can not enforce peace! This is a matter of the spirit... not of metal weapons! Quote2
Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 1 19
Quote1 Your thoughts are small, X-Men... like your forearms! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 62
Quote1 Zabu is Ka-Zar's friend... his first friend... perhaps his only friend! Quote2
Astonishing Tales Vol 1 2
Quote1 Ka-Zar has fought many monsters--and none so vivious as the human city-rats! Quote2
Astonishing Tales Vol 1 16
Quote1  --Ka-Zar has filled his body with strength! Strength not from a laboratory's chemicals-- --but from a full--and natural--man! Quote2
Astonishing Tales Vol 1 19
Quote1 Your body has changed Maa-Gor, but your soul remains the same! You are still an ape-- striving to be a god-- and so you are a false god-- deserving not worship, but rather condemnation! Quote2
Ka-Zar Vol 2 3
Quote1 The city is much like the jungle, brother Tongah... but with more dirt. Quote2
Ka-Zar Vol 2 14
Quote1 Shanna –– will you… be… my wife? Quote2
Ka-Zar the Savage Vol 1 28
Quote1 Shanna, I hate to tell you this… but it looks like the honeymoon’s over! Quote2
Ka-Zar the Savage Vol 1 29
Quote1 You’re not getting away from me this time, Parnival… not to return and plague my life again… ever again! Quote2
Ka-Zar the Savage Vol 1 33
Quote1 Together, our family will lead a full happy life here in the Savage Land. Quote2
Ka-Zar the Savage Vol 1 34
Quote1 If there is a Savage Land!-- --but if it suddenly becomes covered with water, it's open season! The mandates become void! They're drowning the Savage Land for the blasted oil! I won't let them do that! Not to these people-- not to my... home. Quote2
Sensational Spider-Man Vol 1 14
Quote1 An assassin came to the Savage Land... to my home... nearly killed Zabu... tried to kidnap my son as bait... my... son... all on your orders. I haven't been good. What do you have to say for yourself, Parnival? Quote2
Ka-Zar Vol 3 4
Quote1 You missed that last note, Lorelei... let's keep it that way! Quote2
Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 49
Quote1 I'll kill you where you stand if you hurt my cat Quote2
Ka-Zar Vol 4 1
Quote1 You speak too much of ownership and possessions. Shanna's not my woman. I'm her man... Quote2
Ka-Zar Vol 4 2
Quote1 I know how to stop an angry Lizard Rider on his tracks. But I don't know how to conquer greed. And I don't know how to track an invisible man. Quote2
Ka-Zar Vol 4 4
Quote1 Seven billion people and everyone I meet is from New York. Quote2
Lockjaw Vol 1 2
Quote1 My understanding is that the Fantastic Four has more experience with the High Evolutionary. Plus... aliens from outer space seems more in your wheelhouse. Quote2
Fantastic Four: The Prodigal Sun Vol 1 1
Quote1 So! They dare to break the law of Ka-Zar! For that, they must pay the price! The time is come for them to face... the wrath of Ka-Zar! For none may break the jungle law! Quote2
Kevin Plunder (Earth-616)

See: Ka-Zar


Quote1 So! They dare to break the law of Ka-Zar! For that, they must pay the price! The time is come for them to face... the wrath of Ka-Zar! For none may break the jungle law! Quote2

All items (25)
