List of characters who are Lawyers, This means they practice law, as an attorney, counsel or solicitor. Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign government justice. Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services.
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- Aberdeen Angus (Earth-616)
- Abraham Beame (Earth-616)
- Abraham Lincoln (Earth-616)
- Abraham Lincoln (Earth-97666)
- Abraham Lincoln (Earth-TRN1375)
- Alana Sloan (Earth-616)
- Alec Wright (Earth-616)
- Alex Lannin (Earth-1610)
- Alexander Hamilton (Earth-616)
- Alice Tremaine (Earth-41001)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-54828)
- Allison Munroe (Earth-616)
- Alvin Denton (Earth-616)
- Amos Crawley (Earth-616)
- Angela Stone (Earth-616)
- Anne Weying (Earth-616)
- Anne Weying (Earth-688B)
- Anne Weying (Earth-TRN461)
- Antjie Qoboza (Earth-616)
- Antwoin Molare (Earth-616)
- Arthur Singleton (Earth-616)
- Augustus Pugliese (Earth-616)
- Barry Swindell (Earth-616)
- Batt Burdock (Earth-8311)
- Beck Underwood (Earth-616)
- Becka McBride (Earth-928)
- Benjamin Donovan (Earth-616)
- Benjamin Donovan (Earth-199999)
- Benjamin Hochberg (Earth-616)
- Benjamin Hochberg (Earth-TRN844)
- Bernadette Rosenthal (Earth-616)
- Bernadette Rosenthal (Earth-9997)
- Bertram Hindel (Earth-616)
- Blake Tower (Earth-616)
- Blake Tower (Earth-199999)
- Bony Telford (Earth-55921)
- Boru (Earth-928)
- Boss (District Attorney) (Earth-616)
- Brett Alstettler (Earth-616)
- Budd Jacobs (Earth-616)
- Cadmi-M (Earth-616)
- Caesar Cicero (Earth-616)
- Calvin Rankin (Mojoverse)
- Cameron Hodge (Earth-92131)
- Carl Burgess (Earth-616)
- Carter Blaire (Earth-616)
- Carter Kounen (Earth-26320)
- Cass Brennan (Earth-616)
- Catherine Henderson (Earth-199999)
- Charles Barnabus (Earth-616)
- Charles Blackwater (Earth-616)
- Chris Dingess (Earth-616)
- Chris Taylor (Earth-14042)
- Christa Klein (Earth-400005)
- Clarice Ferguson (Mojoverse)
- Claude Unger (Earth-616)
- Connie Ferrari (Earth-616)
- Constance MacDermid (Earth-616)
- Cory Rand (Earth-616)
- Cynthia Bernhammer (Earth-616)
- Cyrus Barger (Earth-616)
- Dale Payne (Earth-616)
- Dan Rosen (Earth-616)
- Daniel Fisher (Earth-199999)
- Dave Hopkins (Earth-616)
- David Alleyne (Earth-600123)
- David Lawson (Earth-616)
- David Scott (Earth-616)
- Debbie Manks (Earth-616)
- Delilah Wang (Earth-616)
- Dennis Bukowski (Earth-616)
- Dennis Bukowski (Earth-199999)
- Dennis Burton (Earth-616)
- Desmond Tobey (Earth-199999)
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- Douglas Ramsey (Earth-23238)
- Drake Kennard (Earth-616)
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- Edward Stanford (Earth-616)
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- Elise Cartwright (Earth-1610)
- Emerson Bale (Earth-616)
- Emily Rand (Earth-4011)
- Eric Nelson (Earth-928)
- Eric Nelson (Earth-2099)
- Evangeline Whedon (Earth-616)
- Evangeline Whedon (Earth-17372)
- Everett Ross (Earth-616)
- F. Bennet Field (Earth-616)
- Felix Alvarez (Earth-616)
- Foggy Bearson (Earth-21376)
- Francis Key (Earth-616)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-65)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-616)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-982)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-1048)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-1610)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-7642)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-7848)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-9997)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-10245)
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- Franklin Nelson (Earth-20051)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-50701)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-73595)
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- Franklin Nelson (Earth-83042)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-199999)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-523001)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-701306)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-TRN563)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-TRN844)
- Franklin Nelson (Earth-TRN1259)
- Franklin Nelson (Moira VII.1)
- Froggy (Earth-8311)
- Frogurt Frelson (Earth-616)
- Gabe Flores (Earth-616)
- Gabriel John Utterson (Earth-616)
- Gene Camber (Earth-616)
- Gene Loren (Earth-616)
- Geoffrey Wilder (Earth-1610)
- George Wanamaker (Earth-616)
- George Whitaker (Earth-616)
- Godfrey Langston (Earth-616)
- Grace Powell (Earth-616)
- Grant Buckner (Earth-616)
- Grant Gardner (Earth-600001)
- Greg Pressfield (Earth-199999)
- Harold Leland (Earth-616)
- Harold Leland (Earth-8096)
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- Harold Leland (Earth-39259)
- Harold Leland (Earth-77995)
- Harold Leland (Earth-TRN566)
- Harold Ullman (Earth-616)
- Harrington Byrd (Earth-616)
- Harris Hutchley (Earth-616)
- Heather McDaniel (Mojoverse)
- Hector Baez (Earth-616)
- Helen Rogers (Lawyer) (Earth-616)
- Henry Harper (Earth-TRN376)
- Henry Mayhew (Earth-616)
- Henry McCoy (Earth-11326)
- Henry Price Claringer (Earth-616)
- Herman Cohen (Earth-616)
- Holden Holliway (Earth-616)
- Holden Holliway (Earth-199999)
- Howard Huffinger (Earth-77013)
- Jack Gorton (Earth-616)
- Jack Ollsen (Earth-616)
- Jack White (Earth-616)
- James Buchanan (Earth-616)
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- James Madrox (Earth-616)
- James Madrox (Matt Rocks) (Earth-616)
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- James Priest (Earth-616)
- James Sprenger (Earth-616)
- James Strahorn (Earth-616)
- James Wesley (Earth-616)
- James Wesley (Earth-TRN844)
- Janice Lincoln (Earth-616)
- Jason Sloan (Earth-616)
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