List of all notable quotes by or about Logan (Earth-200111).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
That isn't me. Not the me I though I was, anyway. My name isn't John Grant, I'm suddenly sure of it. My name is Logan.
The facade is the same as the monastery in my memory. Either I'm insane, even crazier than I think...or I'm back where I was...150 years ago. Questions are flooding me, overloading my brain, but I still have no answers. But there's one answer I don't want to hear.
He's right. I'll never forget this pain. But I don't need eyes to fight. Can hear his breathing. Can smell his blood. Don't know how I know where he is. But like an animal...I pounce. Feel my claws ripping through his flesh, slicing up his bones. I'm doing it for her. My last chance to keep my promise to her. My last chance to prove to her that my love as real...and that I never forgot her.
I'm ready for it. Been here before. So many times. My flame nearly extinguished. Left smoldering. I might only have a spark left. But I never burn out. Even when I try to...
But something's wrong. Don't feel any pressure in my arms, and I know I'm not just imagine it... claws won't open.
See, it won't work. You can't make me do things, like kill your husband and his girlfriend for you. I'm guessing you planned it with Sean, but then you tried to double-cross each other. Sounds like some true love there to me.
I guess the good guy I think I am is bull----, and this is what the Wolverine truly is... ...a monster.
That isn't me. Not the me I thought I was, anyway. My name isn't John Grant, I'm suddenly sure of it. My name is Logan.
Mariko Yashida | I heard there were two foreigners fighting for the Shogunates. Not just the one they call Creed. There was another, shorter man who just as brutal. And you're going to stand here and lie to me and tell me that wasn't you? |
Logan | Please... you have to believe me. I didn't know he was your father. I swear I didn't. |
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