List of all notable quotes by or about Malekith (Earth-616).
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The sword, Twilight, is finished. The hosts are ready. And when he strikes the third blow against the power of Asgard, then shall the Nine Worlds shake as never before!
Sad, pathetic wretch. Thy reach far exceeded thy grasp. The Cask of Ancient Winters and all the power it conveys -- unknowingly augmented by Odin himself -- belongs not with one so woeful as thee -- but with me.
We ride, my warriors. To the gardens of Alfheim and the mountains of Nidavellir. To the frozen fields of Jotunheim and beyond. Wherever the Dark Elves cower, we ride. Let the great horn be sounded. The Wild Hunt has begun!
Isn't it obvious? You are. You wanted the Dark Elves to stand together, remember? And so they have. Who did you think they would elect? A peacemaker? Have you met my people before? Dark Elves aren't weak little children, locking for a mother to love and coddle us. We only follow the leaders we fear. And as of now... Svartalfheim fears no one more than me. Many thanks for your assist in this matters, God of Thunder. Would you like a seat of honor at my coronation feast?
One. Two Three. But something's missing... Seven somethings, methinks... And Malekith the Accursed desires the set.
I wouldn't be so despondent yet, Jon Shayde. I do not know why you saved me. You can tell me along the way. There will be time for stories yet. But we will make it out of here alive and well. My strength is returning after an age of torture in Hel. I am Malekith the Accursed, after all. And I have broken out of Hel before.
Isn't it obvious? You are. You wanted the Dark Elves to stand together, remember? And so they have. Who do you think they would elect? A peacemaker? Have you met my people before? Dark Elves aren't weak little children, looking for a mother to love and cuddle us. We only follow the leaders we fear. And as for now... Svartalfheim fears no one more than me. Many thanks for your assist in this matters, God of Thunder. Would you like a seat of honor at my coronation feast?
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