List of all known mentions of Marc Spector (Earth-616).
(If you find a medium that is not shown here, please add "Marc Spector (Earth-616)" to the appearances section with a proper tag.)
(If you find a medium that is not shown here, please add "Marc Spector (Earth-616)" to the appearances section with a proper tag.)
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All items (49)
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 224
- Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 65
- West Coast Avengers Vol 2 5
- Marvel Year-In-Review Vol 1 1
- Excalibur Vol 1 39
- Web of Spider-Man Vol 1 86
- Iron Man Vol 1 294
- Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 60
- Hawkeye Vol 3 8
- House of M Vol 1 4
- Black Panther Vol 4 40
- Marvel Zombies 4 Vol 1 3
- Wolverine: The Best There Is Vol 1 3
- Heroes for Hire Vol 3 6
- Deadpool Annual Vol 3 1
- Hawkeye Vol 4 20
- Amazing Spider-Man Special Vol 1 1
- S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 10
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 6
- Civil War II: Choosing Sides Vol 1 2
- Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 11
- Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual Vol 1 1
- Avengers Vol 8 6
- X-23 Vol 4 3
- Captain America Vol 9 4
- Avengers Vol 8 12
- War of the Realms Vol 1 5
- Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual Vol 1 1
- Hawkeye: Freefall Vol 1 5
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 51.LR
- Hulk Vol 5 4
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 6
- Defenders: Beyond Vol 1 5
- Strange Vol 3 9
- Murderworld: Moon Knight Vol 1 1
- Doctor Strange Vol 6 1
- Moon Knight Vol 9 26
- What If...? Dark: Moon Knight Vol 1 1
- Vengeance of the Moon Knight Vol 2 1
- Vengeance of the Moon Knight Vol 2 2
- Doctor Strange Vol 6 13
- Vengeance of the Moon Knight Vol 2 3
- Doctor Strange Vol 6 14
- Vengeance of the Moon Knight Vol 2 4
- Blood Hunt Vol 1 1
- Blood Hunt Vol 1 2
- Blood Hunt Vol 1 3
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 3 8
- Spider-Man: Black Suit and Blood Vol 1 2