This is our collection of all known Novels published by Marvel Press
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All items (74)
- Mary Jane: The Novel
- Mary Jane 2: The Novel
- Thor's Revenge
- Iron Man is Born
- Thor: The Mighty
- Amazing Spider-Man: An Origin Story
- Hulk Versus the World
- Meet Captain America
- Mighty Thor: An Origin Story
- Uncanny X-Men: An Origin Story
- Courageous Captain America: An Origin Story
- Invincible Iron Man: An Origin Story
- Breakout! (Book)
- Incredible Hulk: An Origin Story
- The Man in the Ant Hill
- Iron Man: The Story of Iron Man
- Captain America Joins the Avengers
- Mighty Avengers: An Origin Story
- The Amazing Spider-Man: This is Spider-Man
- The Invincible Iron Man: This Is Iron Man
- The Mighty Avengers: These Are the Avengers
- The Mighty Avengers: The Story of the Avengers
- Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (novel)
- The Amazing Spider-Man: The Story of Spider-Man
- New Avengers: Breakout
- Wolverine: An Origin Story
- Iron Man: Extremis (novel)
- Wolverine: The Story of Wolverine
- Wolverine: This Is Wolverine
- Avengers: The Kree-Skrull War
- X-Men: These Are the X-Men
- Death of Captain America (novel)
- Spider-Man: Spidey's New Costume
- Spider-Man: Attack of the Heroes
- Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon and Groot Steal the Galaxy!
- Black Widow: Forever Red
- Spider-Man: Love Bug
- Rocket and Groot: Stranded on Planet Strip Mall!
- Iron Man: Invasion of the Space Phantoms
- Captain America: The First Avenger (Read-Along)
- Captain America: Dark Designs
- Daredevil: The Man Without Fear (novel)
- Black Widow: Red Vengeance
- Doctor Strange: The Fate of Dreams
- Iron Man: The Gauntlet
- Guardians of the Galaxy (Read-Along)
- Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Meets World
- Night Night, Groot
- Rocket and Groot: Keep on Truckin'!
- Guardians of the Galaxy: Collect Them All
- Spider-Man: Forever Young
- Miles Morales: Spider-Man (novel)
- Hulk: Planet Hulk (novel)
- Black Panther: The Young Prince
- Runaways: An Original Novel
- Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: 2 Fuzzy, 2 Furious
- First Day of Groot!
- Loki: Where Mischief Lies
- The Unstoppable Wasp: Built on Hope
- Snow Day for Groot!
- Summer Adventure for Groot!
- Gamora & Nebula: Sisters in Arms
- Spidey and His Amazing Friends: Panther Patience
- Spidey and His Amazing Friends: Super Hero Hiccups
- Black Panther: Spellbound
- Black Panther: Uprising
- The Winter Soldier: Cold Front
- Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow
- Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
- One Girl Can Make a Difference
- This is Moon Girl
- Hawkeye: Bishop Takes King
- Miles Morales Spider-Man: Through a Hero's Eyes