Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 How they despise each other! It is only my will, my power, that keeps them working together as a team! But I ask not for friendship, or love! All I demand is fear, and blind obedience! For I am Magneto...mightiest of all the mutants! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 109
Quote1 This is why you must join us!! Because I am--Power!! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 11
Quote1 You thought you had banished me from Earth forever! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 18
Quote1 It's almost too rich...too fraught with black humor! The high-flying Angel...on his way to do battle with his fellow X-Men and Ka-Zar...and hardly suspecting that the one he seeks to protect is...Magneto! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 63
Quote1 The X-Men ... The Avengers ... and soon the world -- All WITHIN MY GRASP! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 111
Quote1 I am growing my own mutant -- the ULTIMATE mutant -- Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 15
Quote1 Greetings, X-Men. I bid you welcome to the site of your final battleground. You are going to die here, mutants. And neither your powers nor all your skills can save you from my wrath! Look on me, X-Men for I am your oldest, deadliest foe. Master of the legion of evil mutants -- and soon to be lord of all the world! I -- am -- Magneto!! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 104
Quote1 Cease your revelry and heed me -- at once! Quote2
Super-Villain Team-Up Vol 1 14
Quote1 Greetings, X-Men. I trust you're all quite recovered from Mesmero's mindgames. We have unfinished business, you and I. If you'll remember, when last we met, I swore that not all your powers nor your skills would save you from my wrath -- and they shall not! This time, the final victory will belong to -- Magneto! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 111
Quote1 As a boy, I believed. As a boy, I turned my back on God forever. Kill me if you wish, wind-rider. I will not stop you. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 150
Quote1 Still, I do not expect -- I do not ask -- acceptance of mankind at large, I only ask it, Wanda and Pietro -- of you! Quote2
Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol 1 4
Quote1 Mine is the power to destroy -- but I choose not to. Profit from my example. Quote2
New Mutants Vol 1 35
Quote1 As from this moment, the New Mutants are disbanded... and Xavier's school closed. Quote2
New Mutants Vol 1 38
Quote1 Magda......was so terrified of my power......and how I wielded it......that she fled from me. How different, I wonder, would the pathway of my life have been if she had not? In that awful moment, Storm, I lost everything. Quote2
Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men Vol 1 4
Quote1 I was so concerned with the effects my death would have on mutantkind -- I never once considered how much my freedom would enrage mankind -- would increase their hatred and fear of us! Will this set off the war that I feared -- and sound the death knell of all mutantkind?! What have I done? What have I done? Quote2
X-Men vs Avengers Vol 1 4
Quote1 At last, for the first time... my eyes are truly open... my destiny clear! You are like children-- intellect and power without the maturity to use either responsibly, unfit to rule lives or world. Better to be ruled instead... by one who shall make sure you know-- and keep-- your place. It is neither communists nor nazis you have to fear, control-- it is we, who your short-sighted stupidity will make your foes. It is I who shall lead my people to the glory they deserve. I, Ubermensch. I, mutant! I-- MAGNETO! Quote2
Classic X-Men Vol 1 19
Quote1 The time for subtlety is passing. Now is the time for change. Quote2
New Mutants Vol 1 74
Quote1 You are young! I ask only that you remember what you have learned here. You have been so dazzled by Xavier's dream of goodness and peace... that you fail to see the world as it lies before you. But as the decade progresses, as the wars begin, you will learn that I am right. Those who fail to seize power... and quickly... will be lost. In time, some of you will return to join me freely in my conquest. Know, now, that you will be freely welcome. Quote2
New Mutants Vol 1 75
Quote1 Farewell, my old friend. Whatever comes, I and mine will not go like lambs to the slaughter -- but like tigers! Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 3
Quote1 If the children of the atom are willing to accept the truth -- that the dream is dead, the dreamer a fool -- then perhaps their kin will awaken...and finally -- FINALLY -- Charles Xavier's foolish quest for a holy grail -- will be OVER! Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 25
Quote1 Earth is now the dominion of mutantkind! At last Humans (Homo sapiens) will answer to Mutants (Homo superior)... and bow down before Magneto! Quote2
Unlimited Access Vol 1 4
Quote1 What do you know of my sufferings?! Allow me to show you real pain and anger! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 367
Quote1 I have survived one genocidal purge in my lifetime. I have no plans to suffer through another. Genosha will all but assure that this possibility never comes to pass. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Vol 1 24
Quote1 Did you truly think you could enter my country without my knowledge? Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 95
Quote1 "Positively Pavlovian, your response to certain stimuli. Such predictability will be the death of you." Quote2
Excalibur Vol 3 3
Quote1 "Pray, Shola, that my children are safe. For if they have been harmed--I will have my REVENGE!" Quote2
Excalibur Vol 3 8
Quote1 "My dear old friend, I ask you--beg you--save the life of my child. If you can, Charles, help me save her very soul! Mine, I fear, as you can see... is already and forever DAMNED!" Quote2
Excalibur Vol 3 10
Quote1 You're more than my friend, Charles, you're my brother. I have no one else to turn to. No one I dare trust. Quote2
Excalibur Vol 3 14
Quote1 My name is Max Eisenhardt. I've been a Sonderkommando at Auschwitz for almost two years. I watched thousands of men, women, and children walk to their deaths. I pulled their bodies from the gas chambers. I dug out their teeth so the Germans could take their gold. And I carried them to the ovens, where I learned how to combine a child's body with an old man's to make them burn better. I saw my fellow workers buried alive under an avalanche of rotting corpses. I saw thousands of murdered people burning in giant outdoor pits. I have seen at least a quarter million dead human beings with my own eyes...and I couldn't save a single one... Quote2
X-Men: Magneto Testament Vol 1 4
Quote1 On Kristallnacht, my father wanted to fight. But then the Nazis might have killed the whole family. In the ghetto, I could have gutted a Nazi murderer. But then they would have killed a hundred Jews in retaliation. Two months ago, I could have pushed the Hauptscharfuhrer into the fire pit. But then they would have killed the rest of my work crew. So to save everyone, I did nothing. And guess what? They killed them all anyway. Quote2
X-Men: Magneto Testament Vol 1 5
Quote1 There is no future, Scott. I was wrong. Homo superior is not the future of man. We're its vestigial tail. But you... look what you've accomplished. While Charles and I were engaged in an endless tug-of-war, you forged your own path. You did what neither of us could accomplish. As our kind stands on the precipice of extinction itself and gazes into the abyss... You united the mutant race. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 516
Quote1 Proteus. Stop this. Let-- The final battle be between us. As it was always-- going to be. Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 232
Quote1 Think about it, Santo. A Sphere encloses us completely. We can't dig or swim our way under it. It also cuts through every power, sewage, and data link in the city. San Francisco is probably close to meltdown right now. And it's only gonna get worse. Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 236
Quote1 See to your patients, Dr. McCoy. I will see to our enemies. Quote2
New Mutants Vol 3 14
Quote1 I won't thank you for what you've done, or for what you're about to do, Scott Summers. My thanks are not enough. Instead, let me thank you on behalf of my father, Jakob Eisenhardt of Nurnberg. A good Jew and a true hero of Germany. Quote2
X-Men: Prelude to Schism Vol 1 2
Quote1 Cyclops is aware of your... potential. He said if it came between a choice of saving you and saving the world... I should choose the world. Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 251
Quote1 My brothers and sisters...we must prepare. We must prepare to take what evolution has promised us. For the age of humanity ends now. Quote2
X-Men Vol 3 14
Quote1 I was right... Joseph is back. But he's not alone. Quote2
Magneto: Not a Hero Vol 1 1
Quote1 You're foolish to think that because I've changed the methods in which I plan to achieve my goals that I am any less powerful. You can float around out here, wear my clothes and be worshiped by that broken woman, pretending to be me. But don't're nothing but my clone. Quote2
Magneto: Not a Hero Vol 1 2
Quote1 So... in effect, you swapped 5,000 human lives for one mutant one. That's regrettable. But when there's less than 200 mutants on the planet, I can live with that. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 5
Quote1 The thing none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. There are no heroes or villians. There's just what I want and how I'll get it. Quote2
Magneto: Not a Hero Vol 1 4
Quote1 Don't worry. We're "X-Men," which means we save people who aren't properly grateful and not even slightly respectful. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 8
Quote1 ...fighting so-called super heroes? So many memories... Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 12
Quote1 The man has a point. In the end, we must put those who mean the most to us first. Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 274
Quote1 Our roles are nothing more than how the times choose to cast us. Quote2
AVX: Consequences Vol 1 4
Quote1 To live among the stars... To rule jungle kingdoms... To guide entire nations... Only to find oneself here. A self-loathing man might see this as deserved punishment. A vain man might compare this to the Christian Devil's fall from heaven. Me... I think the coffee's not terrible. I have been known by many names. Max Eisenhardt. Erik Lehnsherr. Magnus. Magneto. Each name marks its own sin. And one day I'll answer for those offenses. But not today. Only my actions... What I do in the name of all mutants... Hold any real meaning. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 1
Quote1 As with Levi's sacrifice, there was a reason Avner was killed. A reason I saw it happen. There were lessons to be learned. Lessons about desperation and ruthlessness. He tells me everything he knows. He answers my question. Tells me exactly where to find those responsible. He wants to believe I'll spare him. Perhaps part of me wants to believe it, too. But bad times teach you lessons and they eat you alive. Just as hopelessness can crush your spirit. And turn you into a monster. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 2
Quote1 Once, I could have ripped this entire structure from the Earth... sent it hurtling into space. Once, I could have reduced this structure to rubble with a wave of my hand... a bit of concentration. Now... it took a few strokes on a keyboard. Still... I wonder if I've acted rashly. Not in destroying this mockery. I'll not suffer such insults. But my anger... my indignation... might have gotten the better of me. I should have done more to find out whose hand guided these cretins to the Master Mold's resting place. But I'll find them just the same. And no threat of death... nor promise of salvation... will spare them. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 3
Quote1 A Predator X? A creature genetically engineered to hunt and kill mutants. Strong... fast... ruthless. Covered in metal. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 7
Quote1 I want-- you to perfect your MGH formula. I want you to make a serum... Befitting the Master of Magnetism. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 8
Quote1 I told you once before, Nazi... I am your better! But where I once showed you clemency... this time I have brought you nothing but death! Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 9
Quote1 Right now, the world doesn't need heroes. It needs villains. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 11
Quote1 I find scars are far more vivid reminders than memories. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 13
Quote1 I... surrender. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 14
Quote1 Everything I've done... all those terrible things... the pain I've inflicted... on others... on you... was to make the world a better place for mutants. When people look back at my actions... through the lens of history... I want them to see I was right. I wanted mutants to rule. Now... I just want them to survive. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 18
Quote1 Who said I had abandoned my mission? Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 19
Quote1 What role is left for me? Father? Puppet? Reflection of another life? Not even savior. Not destroyer. All guises are cast aside... replaced by raw power... all magnetic forces... all the bioelectric energies of the Earth... coursing through this vessel. This is my final act. This is how the world ends. I have no choise but to bear witness. I will not flinch. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 20
Quote1 Xavier warned that my war against humanity would consume me. He never fully understood the truth of it. The conflict gave me purpose... but it also fed a deeper compulsion... one as bottomless as my need to protect my people. Perhaps I never recognized it myself. Here... at the end... I see it clearly... the awful powers that have guided my hand. Anger. Hatred. Fear. These forces... more than any other... have fueled me... defined who I am... and carved out the legacy I will leave behind. (...) I let my own fury drown out the voices of the people I swore to defend. Mutants have been burdened... scarred by my actions. My war will not consume me... For there is nothing left to be consumed. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 21
Quote1 Horror? Homo superior is at a crossroads... teetering on the edge of a blade. The Terrigen Mist... sweeping across the world... are toxic to our kind. With no new mutants manifesting, your pathetic lot counts among those who should be seen out there in the world. And the X-Men... those who would have protected you... have gone into hiding. You have no idea what true horror looks like. So many others have watched it unfold... so many mutants have died with their eyes open. Why would I let you dream... when the dream is dying all around you? Go, leave this place... find help... or help others like you. But if I see you selling yourself out again... I won't care if you did it because you were afraid. I'll recognize you only as an enemy to mutantkind... and I'll deal with you accordingly. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 1
Quote1 The Terrigen Mists are killing our kind. Do you realize how offensive I find that? Mists. Not so different from gas. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 2
Quote1 It is time that our enemies learn what we already know... that there is no place to hide. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 3
Quote1 This place... is cover. There's something hiding underneath. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 6
Quote1 The survival of our peoples is diametrically opposed. That sounds like the makings of a war to me. Quote2
Civil War II: X-Men Vol 1 1
Quote1 It's alright. I've spent a lifetime preparing for eventualities such as this. Elizabeth will be a loss, but there are other resources to call upon. As Nightcrawler said, the world is full of psychics. Quote2
Civil War II: X-Men Vol 1 2
Quote1 Tell me... in the world you come from... in your future... do you recall an Inhuman lifting a finger to help our people? And would we need makeshift memorials such as these... if not for the Inhumans? That is why I have come to ask for your help, Ms. Grey. So that we can not only protect the future... but so we can protect the future for mutantkind. Quote2
Civil War II: X-Men Vol 1 3
Quote1 If you know who I am, then you know what I am capable of... the actions I am willing to take to protect my people. And you know why I have come. Quote2
Civil War II: X-Men Vol 1 4
Quote1 I'm sorry, but none of you are going anywhere. Quote2
Death of X Vol 1 3
Quote1 Idiots. We don't have time for this. I can already smell Terrigen in the air. All of you! Mutants! Inhumans! I think... that is quite enough. Quote2
IVX Vol 1 5
Quote1 Elizabeth. You said you'd be watching me. You said that if you didn't approve of my actions, you would kill me. Am I to assume you've come to make good on your warnings? Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 19
Quote1 I'm all right, Jean. For the moment. The moment. But I need you just the same. I don't have much time. I had hoped you'd be better prepared. Jean... I need you to read my mind. Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 16
Quote1 These... Poisons... attacked the Xavier Institute. If they want people with powers they'll not soon forget the young mutants they found there. We must get this new information to Kitty Pryde and get her students to safety... so we have time to devise a plan of counter-attack... so we have time to grieve. Quote2
Venomized Vol 1 2
Quote1 You turned your back on the cause. You left this world behind when Mothervine was launched! When mutants needed you most -- you abandoned them! Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 32
Quote1 Tell me, what can I do... to make it right? Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 33
Quote1 Watch after the X-Men, Danger. I fear they will need you in the days to come. Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 34
Quote1 You believe me to be a monster simply because of what I am -- a mutant. You may be right. You fear me -- with good reason. I'm barely beginning to embrace my true potential. Have you ever considered what might be accomplished if such power were harnessed for good? Instead you choose to see me as evil. The truth is, however, I am just a man. Fighting to protect my people -- as you do yours. You would do well to ask yourselves not whether this is a war that must be won... but whether it should be fought at all? The choice is yours. The question is unlikely to be asked again. Quote2
X-Men: Black - Magneto Vol 1 1
Quote1 I have a new word for the lexicon of man: KRAKOA. And in the future, when you speak it, make sure you do so softly and with proper deference. For we will be listening. Quote2
House of X Vol 1 1
Quote1 For the righteous can never truly die. They live on. Transformed into something immortal by their mighty works... for you to die, you would have to be forgotten... and no one forgets a founder of a nation. Quote2
House of X Vol 1 3
Quote1 If only I had been here, I could have stopped the bullet. If only you were made of metal, I might put you back together. If only... old friend. This was your plan, your island, your future. And so it will remain... as long as you return to us. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 2
Quote1 Sophie... tell the White Queen to leave none to tell the tale. Quote2
Marauders Vol 1 10
Quote1 The lady asked for a favor... She gets a favor. Quote2
Giant-Size X-Men: Magneto Vol 1 1
Quote1 Many stories will be written of Earth's might, but you may tell one... of her mercy. Quote2
King in Black: Marauders Vol 1 1
Quote1 Welcome, my friends -- to Planet Arakko! Quote2
Planet-Size X-Men Vol 1 1
Quote1 Fine. It was me. I did it. I'm the one who killed her. And I wanted you to leave because I'm guilty of first-degree murder. Now take me away before I change my mind and decide to bring this place down to its knees after all. Well?! What are you waiting for?! I MURDERED THE SCARLET WITCH! Quote2
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto Vol 1 2
Quote1 I have an announcement. I will be stepping down from the council and retiring to Arakko. Quote2
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 1
Quote1 This is war. A war we are losing. Quote2
X-Men: Red Vol 2 5
Quote1 Mm. Is that aftercare, Ororo? I'm sure the correct mutant circuit to regrow a heart could be sourced... but we all know there isn't time. Quote2
X-Men: Red Vol 2 6
Quote1 Who am I? I am power. Men call me Magneto. Quote2
Resurrection of Magneto Vol 1 3
Quote1 They look at me with such expectation. Which Magneto am I? Their Magneto. And what do they see? The man on the T-shirt? The man who is right? A good man...? Quote2
Resurrection of Magneto Vol 1 4
Quote1 Time. The slave of Eva Bell. Quote2
Eva Bell (Earth-616)
Quote1 The thing none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. There's no heroes or villains. There's just what I want and how I'll get it. Quote2
Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616)
Quote1 Tell everyone who will listen. Tell everyone who won't. Please. Don't let this ever happen again. Quote2
Quote1 A comfortable grave for me to die in. No more than that. Quote2
Autumn Palace
Quote1 S.W.O.R.D. Station Two is in orbit and ready to defend Arakko. Quote2
Keep (S.W.O.R.D. Space Station)
Quote1 Welcome, my friends -- to Planet Arakko! Quote2
Mars (Planet)
Quote1 I suggest you keep it close. Quote2
Cerebro Sword
Quote1 I can't remember the last time I got this much attention. Why, Mr. Stark has even changed his armor for me. "The Invincible Rubber Man" doesn't have quite the same ring to it though. Quote2
Iron Man Armor Model Unknown (Anti-Magneto Armor)
Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 249 0002
Quote1 August Hirt. Director of Anatomy at Strasbourg University in the 1940s. Quote2
Rogue (Anna Marie) (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 249 0001
Quote1 You knew him? Quote2
Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 249 0001
Quote1 Not well. And not for long. Just long enough to murder him. Quote2
August Hirt (Earth-616)
Ororo Munroe (Earth-616) from X-Men Red Vol 2 1 001
Quote1 Brand is the one looking for X-Men. And she'll find them. So Arakko needs to balance that. Quote2
X-Men Red Vol 2 1 Ward Variant Textless
Quote1 ...Then what is the balance? Who defends the broken land? Quote2
Ororo Munroe (Earth-616) from X-Men Red Vol 2 1 001
Quote1 The Brotherhood does. Quote2
Brotherhood of Arakko (Earth-616)
MagnetoQuote1 If you want me madman, here I am. I defy you to do your worst. Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Bub, that's music to my ears. Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 112
MagikQuote1 We could lose. Quote2
MagnetoQuote1 Does that mean... we should not try? Quote2
New Mutants Vol 1 52
Avengers Vol 4 24.1 Textless
Quote1 Hello, Father... Quote2
Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616) from Avengers vs. X-Men Vol 1 11
Quote1 I don't remember ever giving you permission to call me that. Quote2
Avengers Vol 4 24.1 Textless
Quote1 By marriage. Quote2
Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616) from Avengers vs. X-Men Vol 1 11
Quote1 I don't remember being invited to your wedding. Quote2
Avengers Vol 4 24.1 Textless
Quote1 I was being... sarcastic. Quote2
Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616) from Avengers vs. X-Men Vol 1 11
Quote1 It's hard to tell with you, robot. Quote2
Avengers Vol 4 24.1
Briar Raleigh (Earth-616) from Magneto Vol 3 5 001
Briar Raleigh
Quote1 I take it... You got what you came for? Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 1 Cassaday Variant Textless
Quote1 I've destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Cerebro unit... And erased every mutant record from their databases. Quote2
Briar Raleigh (Earth-616) from Magneto Vol 3 5 001
Briar Raleigh
Quote1 I'm surprised you didn't do more... Really stick it in and break it off... Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 1 Cassaday Variant Textless
Quote1 This is only a warning shot, Ms. Raleigh. For now, S.H.I.E.L.D. can still be of use to us. I have no desire to go to war just yet. Quote2
Briar Raleigh (Earth-616) from Magneto Vol 3 5 001
Briar Raleigh
Quote1 Maybe you should have told the Marauders that. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 1 Cassaday Variant Textless
Quote1 This is not war. This is a slap on the wrist. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 15
Quote1 I? I am Power! Men call me Magneto! Quote2
Magneto (to Warren's parents) Uncanny X-Men #17

All items (106)
