Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Michael Morbius (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Nothing matters-- --except the ravening thirst of Morbius! --A thirst which must be quenched! Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 101
Quote1 I'm not a man to play with bluffs... I mean what I say. Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 4
Quote1 My god--! What have I done?! My hunger is appeased-- but my soul cries out in torment! Quote2
Vampire Tales Vol 1 1
Quote1 I've made a pledge this night-- to Amanda-- and myself! I'll not lose either of them! Quote2
Vampire Tales Vol 1 2
Quote1 Good Lord--are you my victim? Quote2
Fear Vol 1 20
Quote1 That voice!! I know that voice! But it mustn't be! You can't be my captor-- my enemy! Not you!! Quote2
Fear Vol 1 21
Quote1 You don't know the half of it...but you are definitely going to learn! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 14
Quote1 Accept this vow, then: If I must drink blood, let it be the blood of the corrupt -- of those who deserve to die. The blood of the guilty. Quote2
Morbius: The Living Vampire Vol 1 1
Quote1 You're vermin. And I am the predator who feeds on your kind. Welcome to the food chain. Quote2
Morbius: The Living Vampire Vol 1 2
Quote1 You hypocrite. You meddle in affairs not your own -- yet refuse a genuine plea for help when it may cost you personally. You define your ethics on momentary whims. Quote2
Morbius: The Living Vampire Vol 1 3
Quote1 You really should overcome this obsession you've developed with death, Hannibal. It's unhealthy. Quote2
Nightstalkers Vol 1 8
Quote1 I am a man of science. My life dedicated to preserving life! Yet around me is the stench of death so strong I can never be rid of it. Quote2
Morbius: The Living Vampire Vol 1 12
Quote1 Because no one else will walk this path...this place of shadows, where we do what must be done, no matter the cost! Quote2
Midnight Sons Unlimited Vol 1 4
Quote1 Gaze your fill, human-- --Morbius the living vampire will be the last sight your miserable eyes behold! Quote2
Venom: Enemy Within Vol 1 1
Quote1 Tell me... are you scared now? Quote2
Morbius: The Living Vampire Vol 1 21
Quote1 We are no "heroes". We... are... MONSTERS! Quote2
Marvel Zombies 4 Vol 1 2
Quote1 It's just...Jack...Martine...I couldn't take...being responsible for losing everyone close to me...I don't know if you have any idea what that feels like... Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 622
Quote1 Looking for a captain of science? I hold three PhDs in partying with your mothers. Quote2
Punisher Vol 8 16
Quote1 I don't know if I ever mentioned it, Manny... but when you use "S" words, it makes me want to kill myself. Quote2
Legion of Monsters Vol 2 1
Quote1 Running this city. Leading the Legion. Playing mild-mannered doctor and scientist all day long so you ingrates have a voice of reason. I'm trying to set an example down here. But make no mistake, I'm not some labcoat Poindexter for you to push around. I'm Morbius the Living $#%€ Vamp-- Quote2
Legion of Monsters Vol 2 3
Quote1 My name is Michael Morbius. I was a living vampire. Now, I'm a dead man. Quote2
Morbius: The Living Vampire Vol 2 1
Quote1 Men like you are all the same. Quote2
Morbius Vol 1 1
Quote1 Instead of curing my affliction, I have made it stronger. Quote2
Morbius Vol 1 2
Quote1 Elizabeth... my sweet Liza. You are right. Stop this, stop me, while it is still possible. Quote2
Morbius Vol 1 4
Quote1 Accept this vow, then: If I must drink blood, let it be the blood of the corrupt -- of those who deserve to die. The blood of the guilty. Quote2
Michael Morbius (Earth-616)

All items (25)
