List of all notable quotes by or about Michael Morbius (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Accept this vow, then: If I must drink blood, let it be the blood of the corrupt -- of those who deserve to die. The blood of the guilty.
You hypocrite. You meddle in affairs not your own -- yet refuse a genuine plea for help when it may cost you personally. You define your ethics on momentary whims.
I am a man of science. My life dedicated to preserving life! Yet around me is the stench of death so strong I can never be rid of it.
Because no one else will walk this path...this place of shadows, where we do what must be done, no matter the cost!
Gaze your fill, human-- --Morbius the living vampire will be the last sight your miserable eyes behold!
It's just...Jack...Martine...I couldn't take...being responsible for losing everyone close to me...I don't know if you have any idea what that feels like...
I don't know if I ever mentioned it, Manny... but when you use "S" words, it makes me want to kill myself.
Running this city. Leading the Legion. Playing mild-mannered doctor and scientist all day long so you ingrates have a voice of reason. I'm trying to set an example down here. But make no mistake, I'm not some labcoat Poindexter for you to push around. I'm Morbius the Living $#%€ Vamp--
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