Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Namorita Prentiss (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Attuma's attacked Atlantis so many times, he practically got a concession for it! Face it, Doctor-- you've got to help! You're the only man alive, next to Namor, who can stop Attuma once he's on a rampage! And if you don't stop him, he will destroy Hydrobase-- and then you! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 155
Quote1 Aqueduct tried to beat me by hitting me with water. What a dork! Quote2
New Warriors Vol 1 9
Quote1 The name's Namorita, big boy! But a hunk like you can call me late for breakfast -- if you play nice, fall down and go boom! Quote2
New Warriors Annual Vol 1 1
Quote1 Who in the name of flipper are you? And why did you risk suicide by calling me girl? Quote2
New Warriors Vol 1 14
Quote1 Namor! I can feel him again! And he's in trouble! Quote2
Namor, the Sub-Mariner Vol 1 26
Quote1 Takes a lot more than this to keep an Atlantean down! Quote2
Namor, the Sub-Mariner Vol 1 28
Quote1 Namorita is dead... Kymaera has taken her place! Quote2
New Warriors Vol 1 44
Quote1 The bimbette is out too. As if I had any sexual inhibitions she could monkey around with! Quote2
New Warriors Vol 1 53
Quote1 Namorita is dead...Kymaera has taken her place! Quote2
Namorita Prentiss (Earth-616)
NamoritaQuote1 I may not be as strong as Namor, but I can still give you a workout, Shellhead! Quote2
Iron Man (Tony Stark)Quote1 Lower you battle flags, Namorita. Quote2
Namor, the Sub-Mariner Vol 1 5

All items (10)
