Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Natalia Romanova (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Don't think I'm helpless, just because I'm soft and cuddly! Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 86
Quote1 My name is... Madame Natasha... but you... can call me The Black Widow! Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 2
Quote1 Eyes front, Ivan! Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 3
Quote1 Don't look while I change, okay? Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 6
Quote1 ... It seems to know the Black Widow is to die! Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 7
Quote1 An eye for an eye my friend -- you freed me -- and I must free you! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 82
Quote1 Don't ... Don't do that again! Don't ever touch me! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 90
Quote1 I've been your partner Mr. Murdock, but you haven't been mine! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 91
Quote1 I'm my own woman -- first, , last -- and always! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 94
Quote1 The moment you Avengers learn about any clown with a hint of power you show up on your constant enlistment crusade! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 99
Quote1 I can take care of myself, thank-you! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 102
Quote1 What is your relationship with Moondragon? Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 108
Quote1 Have no fear, Mandrill ... We expected a fight! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 112
Quote1 You're getting awful liberal with your hands Daredevil! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 122
Quote1 I have to go, Matt. Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 124
Quote1 Laynia's a big girl, Bobby -- She can take care of herself! And I don't need to be told what to do! Quote2
Champions Vol 1 15
Quote1 I can be your arms and legs. Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 201
Quote1 You're on drugs, Captain. You inhaled Ice in that warehouse explosion. We're taking you in for treatment. Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 376
Quote1 I've been thinking a lot about Life and Death during the past twelve Hours. When something surrounds and madly engulfs your entire existence, you can't help but give it more than just casual Consideration. Life is fluid. Some 90% of what we are is made up of Water. Without this precious liquid we are nothing. We cease to exist. We're dead. This water's carried around in thinskinned sacks. We must all be insane to race recklessly about in World filled with so many sharp and pointed dangers. That's just asking for trouble. Quote2
Daredevil/Black Widow: Abattoir Vol 1 1
Quote1 The money we can recover... but the Russian earth loves blood. Quote2
Fury / Black Widow: Death Duty Vol 1 1
Quote1 For that capitalist dog -- you shall feel -- the Widow's bite! Quote2
Iron Man Vol 1 317
Quote1 Ladies and is my sad duty to report that Captain America...has succumbed to a debilitating illness. Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 444
Quote1 The question is -- what are you going to do with it? You'd like to become what you pretend to be, that much is pretty clear -- but can you? Can you make the switch? Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 9
Quote1 Nothing serious, just feeling a little mortal these days. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 1 1
Quote1 Why be the Widow, Rooskaya, when you can be Yelena? Quote2
Black Widow Vol 1 2
Quote1 ...a spy is very difficul to stop-- once she has found what makes her unique... Quote2
Black Widow Vol 1 3
Quote1 And don't let the door hit you in the back on the way out. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 5
Quote1 The Red Room wants me dead? You won't be the one to do it! Not you! Not ever! Quote2
Black Widow Vol 2 1
Quote1 Fifteen miles in the New York sewer. How could you stand it with your heightened sense of smell? Quote2
Black Panther Vol 4 23
Quote1 I owe you a great debt, Logan. Someday, somehow......I will make it up to you. Quote2
Wolverine: Origins Vol 1 9
Quote1 That's what Batroc and his employers were after...whatever's left of the Human Torch. Quote2
Captain America Vol 5 45
Quote1 I'm involved. Off the market, as they say in the civilized world...So why don't we make your price the antidote to the poison I put in your first drink, darling? Then we can catch up on old times... Quote2
Captain America Vol 5 46
Quote1 I could just use some moral support, James. Because what I'm going to do is this... find everyone I "love"... you included. Don't argue and don't ask -- see they're protected... find out what this "Icepick Protocol" is... and who's using it... bring everything they are crashing down... kill every single one of them... and toast Ivan in the blazing ruins. Could be tricky. Quote2
Black Widow: Deadly Origin Vol 1 1
Quote1 Vodka. Of course there is. To Ivan Petrovich Bezukjhov... as promised -- a toast. And that's all. Quote2
Black Widow: Deadly Origin Vol 1 4
Quote1 Just human behavior. It's all about calculating how willfully blind a person is going to be. And then exploiting that. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 4 1
Quote1 Ever regret not doing your homework when you take on a new identity, Clint? ... Before you went back to being Hawkeye, you had a different costume, a different name, but one with a history. The spymaster of Dark Ocean...also known as Ronin. And apparently he's killing again. Quote2
Widowmaker Vol 1 1
Quote1 Spoken like a warrior, little sister. Spoken like a true warrior. Quote2
Klaws of the Panther Vol 1 4
Quote1 So to recap: elemental forces. The world's latest tech. And assassins trained in centuries-old methods of efficient slaughter. But that's not the worst of it. My ex-husband is here. Quote2
Widowmaker Vol 1 4
Quote1 If that's in case, Peregrine......then why does it feel so hollow? Quote2
Fear Itself: Black Widow Vol 1 1
Quote1 This "nice long nap" you describe? It's preceded by a death. Not a coma, even -- we're talking about actual, physical death. How traumatic an experience something like that is? To have felt the life drain out of you, and then come back from that? To have known that fear, to have felt that cold -- that changes you. And then to not just live again, but -- most of the people we're talking about, they died fighting. For them to go from that, to back to the front lines, sometimes within an hour's time? Is that something you'd sign up for? Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 15
Quote1 Damn you, Henry McCoy, for being so incredibly boring that I didn't listen to you talk about time travel. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 20
Quote1 You were groomed to be the best, and most dangerous. I can teach you to be that... and the smartest, as well. I can teach you how to lead. Quote2
X-23 Vol 3 20
Quote1 ...Eric is a Life-Model Decoy. In the Core, we found Ant-Man's beacon in a large puddle of blood... but when we found Eric, he was uninjured. You were killed and brought back as a Descendant, sent here to spy for Father-- Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 32
Quote1 Your friends die or go mad. You never know whom to trust. You'll never have a normal relationship. And if you do find love, remember one rule. Never have kids. Never. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 35
Quote1 How many more jobs... How long will it take... I don't know if I can do it... Even if I could forgive myself... This is what I am now. And you'll never know who I was before. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 1
Quote1 My past is my own. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 2
Quote1 One with the environment. -- One of the most valuable skills in espionage. You can gear up with the best swag out there-- Put on camo, tech, weaponry... But it is the unteachable skill to belong anywhere. The other edge of what is the unfortunate truth: You must first belong nowhere. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 3
Quote1 Who are you working for? Are you working for them? Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 9
Quote1 If it's the last thing I'll do on Earth... I'll make it something good. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 19
Quote1 We serve, but we are not puppets. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 20
Quote1 This is my mission and this time, I will succeed. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 3
Quote1 He calls himself the Weeping Lion. He's attempting to blackmail me into servitude. I've been playing along with him until I could get a sense of his endgame, but I can't afford to fail. I'll retrieve the list. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 4
Quote1 No one plays me, "Lion." That's no secret. No one gets into my head unless I let them. And I rarely let them. And just so we understand one another... here's the deal. You work for me now. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 6
Quote1 You don't have a story, little one. You're simply a footnote in mine. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 7
Quote1 Welcome to the White House, girls. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 8
Quote1 What just happened? Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 10
Quote1  -- six girls, six keys. Of course. All I have to do is round them all up to make certain S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't implode. Piece of -- ... Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 11
Quote1 Break the cycle, Recluse. They need not be raised as you and I were. I'm willing to give them the chance to choose their own path. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 6 12
Quote1 He has to die. Quote2
Secret Empire Vol 1 2
Quote1 You claim you're serious about ending this. Okay, then. We have an opening that only you can exploit. Two of you will be sent in undercover. The other four will provide support. You're not going in there as heroes. You're not there to save anyone. You're not there to stop anything. You're there to blend in. Become the enemy. You're going to infiltrate the Hydra Youth Choir. Quote2
Secret Empire: Uprising Vol 1 1
Quote1 I'm not asking for forgiveness. I haven't asked for anything from either of you. That's what you boys never seem to understand. This was never about you. This is about the things I lost. Quote2
Tales of Suspense Vol 1 104
Quote1 Zip up and return to your barstool, wino. Anyone in this alley is probably about to die. Quote2
Infinity Countdown: Black Widow Vol 1 1
Quote1 You want to make right for your time in Hydra? This is step one. Quote2
Punisher Vol 2 227
Quote1 Did you kill those cops? Quote2
Punisher Vol 12 4
Quote1 I know what I am. And I think I'm done for the night. You have fun playing the hero. I'm still dead. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 7 1
Quote1 Who runs No Restraints Play?! How do you access the feed?! Quote2
Black Widow Vol 7 2
Quote1 If the show goes live, I've failed. You'd better get to work now because I'm stopping that show from going online. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 7 3
Quote1 Okay. The urgency of the mission may have made me... a bit premature. But you said someone hired you, Wade. Who pointed you at us and pulled the trigger? Quote2
Domino: Hotshots Vol 1 2
Quote1 I don't need a weapon. I am a weapon. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 7 4
Quote1 Tech Ed set us up. Me, Tyger, the Prince. All of us. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 7 5
Quote1 What the Hell did she do? Are you two all right? Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 10 6
Quote1 Delighted we saved the day, definitely need a break from you two. Don't call me, I'll call you. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 10 7
Quote1 You think your power is just luck. You think of yourself as loaded dice, a stacked deck. And it's true. But for the other player, you're bad news. You're a walking cold streak. You're chaos, Domino. So be that chaos. Quote2
Domino: Hotshots Vol 1 5
Quote1 Frank Castle is dead, Fury. You won. Quote2
Punisher Vol 12 16
Quote1 Do you remember it ever being "just talking" with us? Quote2
Web of Black Widow Vol 1 2
Quote1 Would you believe me if I told you she was wearing my face? Quote2
Web of Black Widow Vol 1 4
Quote1 Close the web. Quote2
Web of Black Widow Vol 1 5
Quote1 Babe... I don't think I'm just an architect. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 3
Quote1 Anyone who can make me ditch my shoes is worth chasing. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 6
Quote1 Stop. Stop thinking about dying or you'll both be dead. Focus. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 9
Quote1 Yelena Belova. Always the master of understatement, that one. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 10
Quote1 It's not that I'm not grateful that she's here. I am. Even I know it's not a good time for me to be alone. And that hasn't really changed. Still. Sometimes a girl needs a little space. And maybe a few secrets too. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 11
Quote1 Dammit. Full resistance-- very weird, animal-themed resistance-- and no sign of Clint, Anya, or Lucy. Plan A is officially shot. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 12
Quote1 I live to fight another day. But I am marked from this moment forward. Many things can get me before he comes back... but he will come back. There is no doubt of that. I have bought myself time-- nothing more. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 13
Quote1 I--I don't have it. Sometimes you can feel it. And then you lose Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 14
Quote1 I suppose in some ways, I'll never stop grieving them-- Stevie and James, a life I cannot have-- and it's foolish of me to keep expecting that moment, that feeling of... relief... to come. But this is good too. This is beautiful. It will do. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 15
Quote1 James. Come on. I've said those words. I know the lie in them. We're never different people. We change our clothes, our hair, our fancy metal arms. We do that. Not the world. We control who we become. Quote2
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty Vol 2 12
Quote1 Sometimes I think Clint likes being told no... being told that he will fail... because that is Clint's true power. He thrives on being underestimated. Quote2
Black Widow & Hawkeye Vol 1 2
Quote1 Heroes will always stand by one another. And true friends will always find a way to win. Quote2
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights Vol 1 5
Quote1 You pass my tests... you can stick around... if you don't... find a new host. Quote2
Black Widow: Venomous Vol 1 1
Quote1 Who doesn't have a symbiote these days? Quote2
Venom War: Venomous Vol 1 2
Quote1 You don't have a story, little one. You're simply a footnote in mine. Quote2
Headmistress (Anya) (Earth-616)
Quote1 How many more jobs... How long will it take... I don't know if I can do it... Even if I could forgive myself... This is what I am now. And you'll never know who I was before. Quote2
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616)
Quote1 Rapido, Right? Your girlfriend give you that name? Quote2
Roussel Dupont (Earth-616)
Quote1 I wanted you to understand, finally, what it meant to be a spy. We are not like Daredevil or the others, Yelena. We are not heroes. We are tools. And tools get used. I had to make you see that. Quote2
Yelena Belova (Earth-616)
Quote1 I've been to hell before, little girl. It was called the Red Room. Quote2
Red Room Academy (Moscow)
Black WidowQuote1 Nancy Rushman and you might have something very special and beautiful. Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 But you're not her. Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 And my feelings aren't hers. I'm sorry. Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Yeah, me too. Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 82
Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Dark Reign The List - Daredevil Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 You had to hit him that hard? Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 He can count himself lucky to be alive. Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 222
Black WidowQuote1 The Avengers have no need of your Assistance. Quote2
GamoraQuote1 You're going to get it anyhow, Toots. Quote2
Warlock and the Infinity Watch Vol 1 27
Black WidowQuote1 DePaul is obviously looking for a fall guy... a patsy! Quote2
ThunderstrikeQuote1 Yeah...but...why choose me?!. Okay...dumb question! Quote2
Thunderstrike Vol 1 13
Black WidowQuote1 Does Tyrone have a family? Quote2
DaggerQuote1 He never knew hid dad. His mom's an addict. He's been in and out of foster homes. Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 And what about your family, Tandy? Quote2
DaggerQuote1 That's an old story, nothing special. Let's just say I'm never going home. Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 As far as I'm concerned... you are home. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 10
Black WidowQuote1 No L.M.D. can hide from her. Is anyone in this room an L.M.D., Dagger? Quote2
DaggerQuote1 Well, actually......they all are. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 14
Black WidowQuote1 A boat is coming to pick you up in fifteen minutes -- try to hold out.
If the enemy gets past us, my advice is for you to commit suicide.
PunisherQuote1 You ought to do that anyway. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 2 3
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 That feels good... but we have to stop -- we're working. Quote2
Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Dark Reign The List - Daredevil Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Part of my job is to make sure you're relaxed. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 Uh-huh, I know your old tricks. Quote2
Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Dark Reign The List - Daredevil Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Just take it. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 I am so tired... Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 2 4
Punisher Vol 12 12 Textless
Quote1 Helen Kim, I can tolerate. I can't stand the sight of you two. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 Castle, if it weren't for us you would have drowned in red water! Quote2
Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Dark Reign The List - Daredevil Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Calm down. Did you notice? He took the pin with him. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 2 6
Infinity Countdown Black Widow Vol 1 1 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 Listen very carefully… You have to find him and you have to get him out of the country. Cash yourselves out and move to Paris or Argentina. Both of you. You can’t fight this. Quote2
Franklin Nelson (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 605 001
Foggy Nelson
Quote1 I don’t know where he is. Quote2
Infinity Countdown Black Widow Vol 1 1 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 Then you leave. Do it now. Quote2
Franklin Nelson (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 605 001
Foggy Nelson
Quote1 I can’t just leave him. Quote2
Infinity Countdown Black Widow Vol 1 1 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 You're going to go to jail. And Matt can't help you. And no one's going to help him. Half because people generally suck and half because Matt has pushed everyone away. There's nothing standing in between you and this. Let me get you out of the country. Quote2
Franklin Nelson (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 605 001
Foggy Nelson
Quote1 I- I can’t just leave him. Quote2
Daredevil Vol 2 77
Black WidowQuote1 Who in the hell is John Steele? Quote2
Steve Rogers Super-Soldier Vol 1 2 Textless
Commander Steve Rogers
Quote1 He was a... brother-in-arms, I guess... not exactly a friend. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 9
Black WidowQuote1 We didn't want this. If you were needed here, Rogers would have given you the orders. He was afraid you'd finally start interfering in foreign affairs.
That's not your job.
ValkyrieQuote1 It's ours. That's what the Secret Avengers are for. Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 42
Marc Spector (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 8 36 001
Moon Knight
Quote1 Moon Knight to all points: This isn't a drug. Trust me on this. Quote2
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) from Fear Itself Vol 1 3 0001
Black Widow
Quote1 Trust someone who thinks he was brought back to life by an ancient Egyptian god? Quote2
Sharon Carter (Earth-616) from Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 10 001
Sharon Carter
Quote1 Steve trusts him. Quote2
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) from Fear Itself Vol 1 3 0001
Black Widow
Quote1 Steve's been hit in the head a lot over the years. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 19
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) from Winter Soldier Vol 1 7 001
Black Widow
Quote1 Rodchenko was one of the Red Room's main programmers in the mid-1970s... He implanted cover identities into operatives pre-mission. I think he was the one who made me believe I was a ballerina for several years. Quote2
James Barnes (Earth-616) from Winter Soldier Vol 1 7 001
Winter Soldier
Quote1 To be fair, you do have the moves. Quote2
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) from Winter Soldier Vol 1 7 001
Black Widow
Quote1 To be fair. Quote2
Winter Soldier Vol 1 7
Captain AmericaQuote1 TAKE COVER! Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 You make friends everywhere you go, don't you? Quote2
Captain America and Black Widow Vol 1 638
Black WidowQuote1 Your friend, Sergeant Cole-Alves, she is going to die for you, Captain. She will be found guilty in the eyes of the law and they will execute her. Quote2
PunisherQuote1 I don't have friends. And the only law here is me. Quote2
Punisher: War Zone Vol 3 2
Spider-Girl Vol 2 1 Women of Marvel Variant Textless
Quote1 You're a spider, I'm a spider, she's a spider--you are named for the spider, right? And not, like, a really sad lady who lost her-- Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 I am named for the spider, yes. Quote2
Spider-Girl Vol 2 1 Women of Marvel Variant Textless
Quote1 Cool. So we're like, team spider lady. Team lady spiders? Maybe in your case team lady spy-der-- Quote2
Avengers Assemble Vol 2 21
Maria Hill (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 14 001
Maria Hill
Quote1 Exactly where were all of you three hours ago? Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 I was doing my nails, you? Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 8 1 Textless
Captain Marvel
Quote1 Working out. Quote2
Avengers World Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 Also working out. Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 1 Pichelli Variant cover
Quote1 Drinking. Quote2
Anthony Stark (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 5 16 001
Iron Man
Quote1 Having my nails done. Quote2
Avengers Vol 5 26
Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001
Nick Fury Jr.
Quote1 You can't pilot a submarine by yourself. Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 The one we arrived in? Yes. You can. Quote2
Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001
Nick Fury Jr.
Quote1 Impossible! Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 Is just a word! And as far as words go... I prefer "achievement." Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 2 15
HawkeyeQuote1 Why am I doing this? I'm not in on whatever this is. Quote2
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) and Jessica Drew (Earth-616) and Avengers Assemble Vol 2 19 (cover)
Black Widow and Spider-Woman
Quote1 Because you want to impress us. Quote2
HawkeyeQuote1 ... Quote2
HawkeyeQuote1 ... Are you impressed? Quote2
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) and Jessica Drew (Earth-616) and Avengers Assemble Vol 2 19 (cover)
Black Widow and Spider-Woman
Quote1 No. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 3 1
Black WidowQuote1 They said "Chaos would fall like rain." Quote2
Maria HillQuote1 It's raining, Natasha. And I can't put S.H.I.E.L.D. on this, not officially. Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 This is a complicated web, Maria. We're tangled in it. Quote2
Maria HillQuote1 Then I suppose we'll continue to need a spider who can navigate the threads. You're the only person I can trust right now. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 6
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 You ready? Quote2
Laura Kinney (Earth-616) from All-New Wolverine Vol 1 8 001
Quote1 Let's bring hell. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 5 11
Black WidowQuote1 Avengers don't get to be normal. Not while the sky is on fire. We don't get to run around alleyways beating up D-listers with Ben Urich. And we don't have time to teach the Porcupine how to be a hero. Quote2
Spider-WomanQuote1 I know. That's why I quit. Quote2
Spider-Woman Vol 5 10
Astonishing Ant-Man Vol 1 12 Defenders Variant Textless
Misty Knight
Quote1 Is Ross trying to get killed? Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 No. He is trying to be reborn. Quote2
Captain America Vol 9 26
Web of Black Widow Vol 1 4 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 Yelena the great, Yelena the modest. Quote2
Yelena Belova (Earth-616) from Black Widow Vol 8 3 001
White Widow
Quote1 Only one of those is useful. Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 7
Yelena Belova (Earth-616) from Black Widow Vol 8 3 001
White Widow
Quote1 Why do we not put our base in this neighborhood... much nicer than where we are. Quote2
Web of Black Widow Vol 1 4 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 That's sorta the point, Yelena. I want to be where the people who need us are. How will we know what this city needs if we put ourselves above it? Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 8
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 Captain America, get the civilians to safety. This is no place for innocents. Wolverine, you and I will deal with the genin. Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Who made you boss, lady? Quote2
Black Widow Vol 8 2 Black Widow Timeless Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 That, little man, is a tsarina's natural station. As yours is to obey. Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 She's enjoying this way too much. Quote2
Captain America Vol 7 16.NOW Bermejo Variant Textless
Captain America
Quote1 You were the one who said follow her lead. Quote2
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights Vol 1 3
Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Inhumanity Vol 1 1
Quote1 Natasha Romanoff, would you do me the honor of accompanying me back to America to face whatever consequences come our way? Quote2
Venom Vol 5 27 Virgin Variant
Black Widow
Quote1 I've got nothing better to do. Quote2
Black Widow & Hawkeye Vol 1 4

All items (125)
