Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Neena Thurman (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Ah, Nate, my Crackerjack. Always a surprise inside. Quote2
Cable - Blood and Metal Vol 1 1
Quote1 Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your head off after what you've done to me? Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 23
Quote1 The baby wouldn't have grown up that way...he didn't! The real child of Summers and Madelyne Pryor, the real Nathan Christopher grew up to become the man you know as...Cable! Quote2
Cable Vol 1 7
Quote1 When I agreed to a night in New York, I didn't mean in the sewers. Quote2
Cable Vol 1 15
Quote1 Looks. Charm. And self-confidence. I can't imagine why you don't have a date tonight. Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 52
Quote1 Since Meltdown's not here, someone has to blow something up. Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 68
Quote1 Doesn't matter what you look like, Jack. Ever hear the phrase "Not in a million years"? Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 92
Quote1 Guess lawbreaking runs in the Guthrie family, huh? Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 96
Quote1 Better hear me out first. I'm in trouble. I'm marked, being hunted, and to be honest I'm scared! Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 106
Quote1 Seven little words, one awful concept: Unknown, insanely powerful mutant on the loose. Quote2
New X-Men 2001 Vol 1 1
Quote1 You better have something worthwhile to show me or I'm going to get my two hours back in ways you're not going to enjoy. Quote2
Domino Vol 2 1
Quote1 You'll be putting your jaw back on right if you don't give me some answers. Quote2
Domino Vol 2 2
Quote1 Might as well roll out a red carpet if that's the best security system you've got... Quote2
Domino Vol 2 3
Quote1 I always forget (or just block out to spare myself the agony) what Wilson's most lethal weapon is... his mouth! He'll talk nonsense until you surrender or commit suicide. Quote2
Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 28
Quote1 We're here to free these people. They've committed no crime, unless being a mutant is a crime now. We're not giving up. You'll have to kill us. Are you ready to do that? Quote2
Civil War: X-Men Vol 1 1
Quote1 I can't believe you're still playin' the angles. This is the end of the world, Wade. Pick a side. Quote2
Cable Vol 2 14
Quote1 I think those girls are going to crap themselves every time they see us now. Quote2
X-Force Vol 3 20
Quote1 Talking to Deadpool is like... I dunno... it's like talking to someone who's being attacked by bees. Quote2
Deadpool Vol 4 17
Quote1 Okay, how about you guys put down your guns, I shoot you...and then I talk it out amongst myself. Quote2
X-Force: Sex and Violence Vol 1 1
Quote1 Wait, don't kill him!! We need to insult him first! Quote2
X-Force: Sex and Violence Vol 1 2
Quote1 Boom, shut up. Today was a cluster but it worked out. My way got us out of the river. Your way cleared the bridge. Lives were saved. Crisis averted. We did that together. Would today have gone a lot quieter if you weren't so cracker-jacks? Sure -- but where's the fun in that? Quote2
Cable and X-Force Vol 1 11
Quote1 That thing just swallowed six bullets and burped! Quote2
Cable and X-Force Vol 1 12
Quote1 Riiiiight. You. Serious. Tell me another one. Quote2
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 1
Quote1 Before we cut you down, Wade, there are a few things you've gotta understand. We all decided -- for our own reasons -- to come and help your sorry ass. We're your new team -- the new Mercs for Money! But you -- and this is the most important takeaway of the day -- aren't calling the shots anymore. I am! Quote2
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 4
Quote1 You know, this is getting a little personal. Quote2
Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 19
Quote1 We've been hiding out too long. You guys are nearly healed up -- we should do something fun! Like rob a bank! Quote2
Weapon X Vol 3 12
Quote1 Rachel, everyone in this elevator has taken a bad gig for good scratch. We're all strays here. Quote2
Domino Vol 3 1
Quote1 Well the "Sabretooth era of team Weapon X" is already off to a smashing start. Quote2
Weapon X Vol 3 17
Quote1 Like I was saying. It isn't all just luck. Quote2
Domino Vol 3 2
Quote1 Great! Follow the serial killer into battle. Great plan, Victor! I like that in your first mission as team leader you made us subordinate to the one person on Earth who's a bigger psycho than you are! Quote2
Weapon X Vol 3 20
Quote1 Thank you, Shang-Chi. For reminding me who I actually am. Quote2
Domino Vol 3 5
Quote1 Having someone like Outlaw on your side is a damn good thing in this business. Which, by the way, is booming. Quote2
Domino Annual Vol 1 1
Quote1 I took the mission. It's my payout. Quote2
Domino Vol 3 8
Quote1 Longshot, listen. I'm Domino. We've met a couple times? I complimented the tightness of your pants? We had perfect scores at blindfolded darts? No? Quote2
Domino Vol 3 9
Quote1 We can keep doing this all night. So it's probably in your best interest that you answer the question. Where do we find the kid in this photo? Quote2
X-Force Vol 5 1
Quote1 Come show us what you got, slavers! Quote2
Domino Vol 3 10
Quote1 Yeah. The word is given, gentle ladies. Unleash the cemetery cats of war! Quote2
Domino: Hotshots Vol 1 1
Quote1 Something you need to realize... something Cable taught me long ago... never keep anything from your team. Secrets have a way of rotting things from the inside. Quote2
X-Force Vol 5 4
Quote1 We can't wait. In half an hour, Marazov might have unlocked the full potential of the Constellation. I need you hotshots to go find us some transport. The fast kind. Quote2
Domino: Hotshots Vol 1 3
Quote1 I've got news for you... You can kill us over and over until the end of time... but we'll keep coming back to kill you more. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 5
Quote1 Ever since I escaped that flesh factory in Korea... something's been off. See these dice? Any other time in my life, I could roll a seven or a boxcar with every toss. But these days... it's nothing but snake eyes. I've lost my luck. I knew it had to have gone somewhere. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 7
Quote1 When I come back... I want to keep it all. All the pain. I want to remember everything. Do you promise me, Peter? Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 8
Quote1 Been a pleasure, but lose my number for a few years, kid. Quote2
Cable Vol 4 8
Quote1 I used to carry scars. From what XENO did to me. Physical scars. Emotional scars too. But when Colossus and I took out that train laboratory, when I laid on the tracks bleeding, I asked him to edit out all the pain. The Five clipped out any memory of everything that had happened. And now I'm thinking that was a mistake. Now I'm thinking I need to go back. Back to the past. Back to Xeno. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 37
Quote1 I just realized something. My scars don't hurt so bad anymore. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 38
Quote1 It's been him all along. He's always been this person. He just needed the right combination of power and circumstance to bring that part of him fully to life. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 41
Quote1 You told me to come here, Piotr. You told me to look for something. You said you needed me to find the truth. So that I could stop you. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 43
Quote1 I've been asked countless times how my powers work. And the best way I can try to explain it is that life is just charted by impacts and trajectories. A new impact leads to a new trajectory and then another and another. And I, well, I just dance between the impacts. Quote2
Neena Thurman (Earth-616)
StormQuote1 Domino. I do not think I have met anyone who has so much to say -- about everything. Quote2
DominoQuote1 Hey! I resemble that remark. Quote2
CalibanQuote1 Caliban thinks you're funny, patch eye. Doesn't understand you. But still thinks you're funny. Quote2
Cable Vol 1 19
Marcus TsungQuote1 ...Look into my eye! Quote2
DominoQuote1 I'm looking you son of a ... Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 109
DominoQuote1 So what do we do now? Quote2
CannonballQuote1 Finish it. Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 114
Gorilla Man Vol 1 3 Textless
Quote1 Gosh, Domino, it sure would be lucky if another elevator showed up right away. Quote2
DominoQuote1 You can't yell my powers into working. Quote2
Gorilla Man Vol 1 3 Textless
Quote1 It sure would be lucky if another elevator-- Quote2
DominoQuote1 Stop it. Quote2
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 9
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 I'm sorry, but what did you say? Did you say no? Let me remind you that I am your superior. Quote2
Domino Vol 3 2 Textless
Quote1 That's the reason we're here. You think you're everybody's superior. #$%& your prison. We're getting out. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 35
Quote1 Looks AND charm. I can't imagine why you wouldn't have a date tonight. Quote2
Domino (Neena Thurman) (sarcastically to the Blob)

All items (53)
