List of all notable quotes by or about Nicolas Fury (Earth-200111).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Maybe I should've done three tours in-country. Might've opened my eyes a hell of a lot sooner. But I was...saving the f*cking world, or something...
My name is Nick Fury. I've had a bullet in my head since nineteen forty-four. I can't seem to die, don't even age much. I fight and f--k like a goddamn demon. I lick up war like it was sugar. These are the things I've done for my country...
When I hear these f*cking pussies today, whining about Afghanistan or Iraq, how many we've lost? How many civilians we've wiped out? What we've doing to the region or what it says about us as a nation or when are we going to bring the troops home? I say- I have just one word for you stupid c*cksuckers: 'Nam.
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