Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Norman Osborn (Earth-44145).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Peter always used to say, with great power must also come great responsibility. But he learned too late... that with great responsibility... comes great sacrifice! Quote2
Edge of Spider-Geddon Vol 1 4
Edge of Spider-Geddon Vol 1 4 Hamner Variant Textless
Quote1 We can wall off this dimension. Trap the Inheritors on Earth-616, with no means of escape. Quote2
Spiders-Man (Earth-11580) from Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 9 001
Quote1 Hmm. You do realize they'd kill everyone here. Quote2
Edge of Spider-Geddon Vol 1 4 Hamner Variant Textless
Quote1 Yes. There's a term for that... "acceptable losses." Quote2
Spider-Geddon Vol 1 3
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 1 Textless
Superior Spider-Man
Quote1 W-why...? Quote2
Edge of Spider-Geddon Vol 1 4 Hamner Variant Textless
Quote1 Why? You have to ask? The most important reason of all, Otto. You insulted me. Quote2
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 10

All items (3)
