Beings and objects classified as Omega Level or Omega Class.
(The Omega designating ultimate threats, potentials or powers)
(The Omega designating ultimate threats, potentials or powers)
Are listed down here:
- The Omega Level Mutants, and those potentially or beyond that level.
- The Omega Level Telepaths, Telekinetics and Healers, used seemingly only for the mutants.
- The Omega Level threats, similar to the Omega Level Mutants in a more general way, including situations, locations, events. Used by both the Initative Classification and the Mapmakers.
- The Omega Class Weapons, similar to the Omega Level Threats, but supposed to designated only objects.
- The characters who possess Omega Level Earthquake Production.
- The Omega Class Infected Vi-Locks.
- The Omega Level Mutates
- The characters classified as Class Omega
All items (14)