List of all known comic(s) that Paco Medina inked.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Paco Medina" into "Inker" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Paco Medina" into "Inker" field of said article.)
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All items (49)
- X-Men Unlimited Vol 2 10
- Secret Empire Vol 1 10
- U.S.Avengers Vol 1 11
- Avengers No Road Home Vol 1 7
- Avengers No Road Home Vol 1 9
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 9
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 10
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 11
- Marvel Comics Vol 1 1000
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 14
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 15
- Tony Stark: Iron Man Vol 1 18
- Avengers Vol 8 29
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 18
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 20
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 21
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 22
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 23
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 24
- Fantastic Four Vol 6 25
- Deadpool Nerdy 30 Vol 1 1
- Captain America Anniversary Tribute Vol 1 1
- Heroes Reborn: Siege Society Vol 1 1
- Children of the Atom Vol 1 4
- Children of the Atom Vol 1 5
- Children of the Atom Vol 1 6
- Deadpool: Black, White & Blood Vol 1 3
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 80.BEY
- Marvel's Voices: Community Vol 1 1
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 84
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 85
- Edge of Spider-Verse Vol 2 2
- Edge of Spider-Verse Vol 2 3
- Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants Vol 1 1
- Nightcrawlers Vol 1 1
- Sins of Sinister: Dominion Vol 1 1
- X-Men: Before The Fall - Sinister Four Vol 1 1
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 31
- Immortal X-Men Vol 1 15
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 1
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 2
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 3
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 4
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 5
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 6
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 7
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 9
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 10
- Spider-Boy Vol 2 11