List of all images of Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) on the database.
(If you find an image in the database that is not shown here, please add "Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616)" as an image subject.)
(If you find an image in the database that is not shown here, please add "Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616)" as an image subject.)
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- File:Alpha Squadron (Earth-616) from New X-Men Academy X Yearbook Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
- File:Alpha Squadron (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 13 0001.jpg
- File:Alpha Squadron (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 14 0001.jpg
- File:Alpha Squadron (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 25 0001.jpg
- File:America Chavez (Earth-616) and Katherine Bishop (Earth-616) from Young Avengers Vol 2 14 001.jpg
- File:Astonishing X-Men TPB Vol 3 10 Northstar.jpg
- File:Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 51 SDCC Sketch Variant.jpg
- File:Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 51 Wraparound Textless.jpg
- File:Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 51 Wraparound.jpg
- File:Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 51.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Cessily Kincaid (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 42 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Predator X from New X-Men Vol 2 46 0001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Rogue (Anna Marie) (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 234 0001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Rogue (Anna Marie) (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 234 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Santo Vaccarro (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 42 0001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Santo Vaccarro (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 43 0001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Santo Vaccarro (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 43 0002.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Santo Vaccarro (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 43 0003.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) and Sooraya Qadir (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 23 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from New X-Men Academy X Yearbook Vol 1 1 0002.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from New X-Men Academy X Yearbook Vol 1 1 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 13 0001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 20 0001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 23 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 42 0001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 1 18.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Battle of the Atom (video game) 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Gold Vol 2 3 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Annual Vol 1 1 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 226 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 234 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 234 002.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 238 0001.png
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 238 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 239 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 240 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 240 002.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 0001.png
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 0002.png
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 0003.png
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 0004.png
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 0005.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 300 001.jpg
- File:Paras Gavaskar (Earth-616) from X-Men The Wedding Special Vol 2 1 001.png
- File:X-Men (Earth-616) from Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 1 29.jpg
- File:X-Men (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 001.jpg
- File:X-Men Legacy Vol 1 234 page 13.jpg
- File:X-Men Legacy Vol 1 234 page 21.jpg
- File:X-Men Legacy Vol 1 234 page 22.jpg
- File:X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241 Textless.jpg
- File:X-Men Legacy Vol 1 241.jpg
- File:X-Men Legacy Vol 1 300 Textless.jpg
- File:X-Men Legacy Vol 1 300.jpg
- File:X-Men Training Squads (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 2 23 0001.jpg