List of all images on the database penciled by Pat Broderick.
(If you find an image in the database that is not shown here, please add "Pat Broderick" into "Penciler" field of said image.)
(If you find an image in the database that is not shown here, please add "Pat Broderick" into "Penciler" field of said image.)
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All items (288)
- File:Adam Shockley (Earth-616) from Punisher War Journal Vol 1 43.jpg
- File:Adrian Toomes (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Agni (Microverse) (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 31 0001.jpg
- File:Albert Louis (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 118.jpg
- File:Albert Wanton (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and X-Factor Shadowgames Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
- File:Albert Wanton (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and X-Factor Shadowgames Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
- File:Aleksander (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 1.jpg
- File:Alex (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 55 001.png
- File:Alpha Flight Vol 1 115 001.jpg
- File:Alpha Flight Vol 1 116 001.jpg
- File:Alpha Flight Vol 1 118 001.jpg
- File:Alpha Flight Vol 1 122 001.jpg
- File:American Captains (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 28.jpg
- File:Ananym (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 115 001.jpg
- File:Ananym (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 124 001.jpg
- File:Andreï (Earth-928) from Doom Vol 1 1 0001.png
- File:Angel's Breath (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 28.jpg
- File:Anthony Stark (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Antoine Bidjocka (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 22.jpg
- File:Aron Nora (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and X-Factor Shadowgames Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
- File:Ava Peloso (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and X-Factor Shadowgames Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
- File:Avatarr (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 14 001.jpg
- File:Avengers (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Baron Karza (Earth-616) and Arcturus Rann (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 26.jpg
- File:Benjamin Grimm (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Benjamin Grimm (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 1.jpg
- File:Benjamin Parker (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Bernard Bushkin (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Beta Flight (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 112 001.jpg
- File:Black Cabinet (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 28 0001.jpg
- File:Black Demon Sect (Earth-616) from Master of Kung Fu Vol 1 70 001.png
- File:Black Fortress from Doom 2099 Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Boris (Latverian) (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 23.jpg
- File:Brother Cash (Earth-616) from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Vol 1 18 0001.jpg
- File:Bug (Insectivorid) (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Burglar (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Cabrara (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 2.jpg
- File:Carson Leibowitz (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 19.jpg
- File:Carson Leibowitz (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 20.jpg
- File:Catscan (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 7.jpg
- File:Celia Quiñones (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 1.jpg
- File:Celia Quiñones (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 2.jpg
- File:Chalda Leibowitz (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 20.jpg
- File:Chaos (Titan) (Earth-616) from Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 2 001.png
- File:Chaos (Titan) (Earth-616), Arthur Douglas (Earth-616), and Mar-Vell (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 61 001.png
- File:Charles Xavier (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 28.jpg
- File:Charlie (Mall Guard) (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 110 0001.jpg
- File:Children of the Night (Earth-616) - Alpha Flight Vol 1 116.jpg
- File:Chill (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 5.jpg
- File:Christian L'Argent (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 20.jpg
- File:Colin Hume (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 13.jpg
- File:Colleen Wing (Earth-616) from Marvel Premiere Vol 1 24 0001.jpg
- File:Communion Jack (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 29 001.png
- File:Computrex (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 24 0001.jpg
- File:Coral (Microverse) (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 30 0001.jpg
- File:Dagon (Microverse) (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 27 001.jpg
- File:Daily Bugle (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Daily Globe (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19.jpg
- File:Damon (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 2.jpg
- File:Damon Mathias (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 116 001.jpg
- File:Daniel Brito (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Dark Masters of Moondark (Earth-616) from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 91 001.jpg
- File:Deathgrip (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 55 001.png
- File:Denver Space Observatory from Captain Marvel Vol 1 55 001.png
- File:Dionysus (Titan) (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 60 001.png
- File:Dionysus (Titan) (Earth-616) from Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 1 001.png
- File:Djembe (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 22.jpg
- File:Domestic Organisational Mobile Operative (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 12.jpg
- File:Dominic Geraci (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 3 6 0001.jpg
- File:Dragoom (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Drelys Doom 2099 Vol 1 18.jpg
- File:Eduardo Devargas (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 2.jpg
- File:Edward Via (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Efrain Normas (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and X-Factor Shadowgames Vol 1 1 001.jpg
- File:Elena Reynolds (Earth-616) from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Vol 1 25 001.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Allen (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Brant (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Elysius (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 59 001.jpg
- File:Elysius (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 60 001.jpg
- File:Emissaries of Evil (Egghead) (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Special Vol 2 1 001.jpg
- File:Enforcers (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Eon Ray (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 56 001.png
- File:Erik Czerny (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 24 001.jpg
- File:Errand Boys (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 12.jpg
- File:Eshu (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 112 001.jpg
- File:Esmera (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 28 001.jpg
- File:Esmerelda (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 8.jpg
- File:Eugene Judd (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 119 001.jpg
- File:Eugene Thompson (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0002.jpg
- File:Fade (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 5 001.jpg
- File:Fade (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 5.jpg
- File:Fantastic Four (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Fantastic Four (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 1 001.jpg
- File:Fates (Earth-616) from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Vol 1 25 001.jpg
- File:Feng Huang (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 15.jpg
- File:Fever (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 5 001.jpg
- File:Fever (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 8 001.jpg
- File:Firebug (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 110.png
- File:Flight (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Special Vol 2 1 0001.jpg
- File:Four Horsemen (Geraci) (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 3 6 0001.jpg
- File:Fowler (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 28.jpg
- File:Freaks (Heroes) (Earth-616) from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 91 0001.jpg
- File:Frederick Foswell (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Frederick Foswell (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 002.jpg
- File:Gale Cameron (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 110 001.jpg
- File:Gale Cameron (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 110 002.jpg
- File:Gale Cameron (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 112 001.jpg
- File:Gamil Hassan (Earth-616) in Marvel Premiere Vol 1 24.jpg
- File:Gertie (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 55 001.png
- File:Gordo (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 1.jpg
- File:Groundhog Armor from Alpha Flight Special Vol 2 1 001.jpg
- File:Guardsmen (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 2.jpg
- File:Guild of Independent Elite (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 5.jpg
- File:Hammond (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 19.jpg
- File:Hardliners (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 118 001.jpg
- File:Hardliners (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 120 001.jpg
- File:Harry Beltane (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 30.jpg
- File:Haze (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 5.jpg
- File:Henry McCoy (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Henry Pym (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:HMS Endeavor and Astrostation from Micronauts Vol 1 20 001.jpg
- File:J.B. Priest (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Jack Kirby (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Jackson Brice (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Jacqueline Carr (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 55 001.png
- File:Jacqueline Carr (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 55 002.png
- File:James Hudson (Earth-616) and Sean Bernard (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Special Vol 2 1 001.jpg
- File:Janet Van Dyne (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Jean Grey (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Jeannette Voleroux (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and X-Factor Shadowgames Vol 1 3 001.jpg
- File:Jodi Furman (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Special Vol 2 1.jpg
- File:John Jonah Jameson (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:John Jonah Jameson (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0002.jpg
- File:John Jonah Jameson III (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:John Judson (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Jonathan Storm (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Jonathan Storm (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 1.jpg
- File:Jordan Boone (Earth-928) X-Men Earth's Mutant Heroes Vol 1 1 002.jpg
- File:Jose Fleischmann (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 27.jpg
- File:Joseph Robertson (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Kagu-Hana (Earth-616) from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Vol 1 25 001.jpg
- File:Kali (Microverse) (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 31 0001.jpg
- File:Kara Killgrave (Earth-616) and Colin Hume (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 112 001.jpg
- File:Kara Killgrave (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 112 001.jpg
- File:Kara Killgrave (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 112 002.jpg
- File:Kazimierz Rosikon (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 15 001.png
- File:Kenneth Ironwine (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 26.jpg
- File:Kiiroi Karasu (Earth-616) from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Vol 1 25 001.jpg
- File:Kimba (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 19.jpg
- File:Kincaid (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 20.jpg
- File:Kozorov (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 3 5.png
- File:Krystine (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 28.jpg
- File:Kyle Gibney (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 114 001.jpg
- File:Kyle Gibney (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 117 001.jpg
- File:Lackzo (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 10.jpg
- File:Laura Dean (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 115 001.jpg
- File:Lawrence Dyson (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Lemuel Halcon (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 19.jpg
- File:Lena (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 22.jpg
- File:Leslie (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 55 001.png
- File:Leslie Geraci (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 3 6 0001.jpg
- File:Linstra Doom 2099 Vol 1 18.jpg
- File:Lord Gaea (Earth-616) from Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 2 001.png
- File:Lord Raven (Weirdworld) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 26 001.jpg
- File:Loss (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 26.jpg
- File:M'Rglots Doom 2099 Vol 1 18.jpg
- File:Macauley Sharpe (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and X-Factor Shadowgames Vol 1 3 0001.jpg
- File:Maelstrom (Earth-92130) from Quasar Vol 1 30 001.jpg
- File:Majick (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 26.jpg
- File:Makarov (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 1.jpg
- File:Makhelastan Doom 2099 Vol 1 27.jpg
- File:Mara (Microverse) (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 31 0001.jpg
- File:Margaretta von Geisterstadt (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Margaretta von Geisterstadt (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 22 001.jpg
- File:Margaretta von Geisterstadt (Earth-928) from Doom 2099 Vol 1 24 001.jpg
- File:Margrace (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 34 001.jpg
- File:Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 25 001.jpg
- File:Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 26 001.jpg
- File:Mary Rose Geraci (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 3 6 0001.jpg
- File:Matthew Murdock (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 0001.jpg
- File:Matthew Murdock (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 002.jpg
- File:Matthew Murdock (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 003.jpg
- File:Maxwell Dillon (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Maybelle Parker (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001.jpg
- File:Michael Heron (Earth-616) from Haunt of Horror Vol 2 4 0001.jpg
- File:Michael Lamont (Earth-616) from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Vol 1 18 0001.jpg
- File:Microtron (Earth-616) from Micronauts Vol 1 23 001.jpg
- File:Mitchell Tanner (Earth-616) from Marvel Premiere Vol 1 23 0001.jpg
- File:Mkhalali (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 11.jpg
- File:Mkhalali (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 12.jpg
- File:Mohau (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 11.jpg
- File:Morphine Somers (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 28 001.png
- File:Murder Mansion from Master of Kung Fu Vol 1 70 001.png
- File:Myridia Doom 2099 Vol 1 22.jpg