Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Peter Parker (Earth-12041).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Oh, and did I forget to mention Agents Fitz and Simmons--two of the greatest S.H.I.E.L.D. techs of all time--are helping upgrade the Triskelion? Quote2
Jemma Simmons (Earth-12041)
Quote1 Oh, and did I forget to mention Agents Fitz and Simmons--two of the greatest S.H.I.E.L.D. techs of all time--are helping upgrade the Triskelion? Quote2
Leopold Fitz (Earth-12041)
Quote1 Y'know I once had a cute dog named Ms. Lion who... Quote2
Ms. Lion (Earth-12041)
Quote1 It took me a while to realize it, but I couldn't have become the Ultimate Spider-Man, until I learned how to be the Ultimate Peter Parker. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041)
Quote1 UGH! Is that Spiral? Didn't you only use swords? Swords are cool. But I hate shooting games... so violent! Quote2
Rita Wayword (Earth-12041)
Quote1 Thundra, ruthless warrior woman from an alternate future timeline... Don't ask. Quote2
Thundra (Earth-12041)
Quote1 Other kids I know start their day with orange juice. Me? I get yelled at by a 100-foot-tall-cranky pants. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 1
Quote1 It's "Arachnid." And you call yourself a doctor? Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 12
Quote1 I took care of the "Phalanx", I took care of "Hulk." Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 19
Quote1 I'm your second choice to play myself!? Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 21
Quote1 Love the new duds, Ock. Covering your face was a stroke of genius! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 22
Quote1 Hey, Hawkeye! Where's an Avenger when you need one? Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 2 5
Quote1 So how many Sinister Sixers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: six, four to hold down Electro and one to put a lightbulb in his mouth! Wah wah waaah! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 2 6
Quote1 If you stop hitting me, I'll brush up on my villains guide to Boston. Pinky swear! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 2 7
Quote1 One on one these guys are tough enough but six at one time! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 2 25
Quote1 I am the Spider-Supreme! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 3 4
Quote1 Here's the deal. Me, Peter Parker: Huge IQ, number one in math, number one in science, top student. The transfer student Amadeus Cho: Uncharted IQ, skipped a few grades, holds several patents, is banned from all TV game shows. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 3 5
Quote1 That's a good thing, right? There must have been some good times. Hold that thought. It looks like we unlocked the mother load on Doc Ock's animal DNA experiments. Hey, he really did make a kangaroo! Looks like Ock offered cash to down-on-their-luck kids to participate in his scientific studies. Aw, but it doesn't say who any of these kids were. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 3 6
Quote1 Carnage? Is that like a family name or something? Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 13
Quote1 I just wanted to take one last look at a world where Uncle Ben was still alive. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 17
Quote1 You said it yourself. In every other realm, Peter Parker's a good guy. With someone as evil as you, you poisoned yourself by taking our life forces. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 19
Quote1 Strangley, this is only my second worst Halloween ever. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 20
Quote1 So I guess this is it, there's no need to get all sappy. I thought once I became the Ultimate Spider-Man that would mean my work was done. Far from it, this isn't the end, this is only the beginning. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 26
Quote1 These guys are bad news. Wizard, master of high-tech gadgets. Klaw, the villain made of living sound. Thundra, ruthless warrior woman from an alternate future timeline... Don't ask. And the Trapster, oh, wait, already cut him. Quote2
Frightful Four (Earth-12041)
Quote1 So how many Sinister Sixers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: six, four to hold down Electro and one to put a lightbulb in his mouth! wah wah waaah! Quote2
Sinister Six (Earth-12041)
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Quote1 A nose? Really? Like, in case you have to blow your beak in the middle of a fight? Quote2
Anthony Stark (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 5 0002
Iron Man
Quote1 I was in an "anatomical" phase. Quote2
Iron Man Armor MK III (Earth-12041)
Daniel Radford (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 15 001
Quote1 What's your name, agent? Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 15 001
Quote1 Oh, well it's...uh, Stan...Ditkoberg. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 15
WreckerQuote1 Someone call for a Wrecking Crew? Quote2
NovaQuote1 Someone call for... uh... uh... some people to stop a Wrecking Crew? Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Nice one, Laser-Brain. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 18
Eugene Thompson (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 21 0001
Flash Thompson
Quote1 That's Alex? How? Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Quote1 Wrong question. Right question - Who brought this whole thing on in the first place? Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 2 3
Nicholas Fury (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 1 001
Nick Fury
Quote1 The silver lining is he didn't take our data with him. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets are still safe. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 15 002
Quote1 Thanks to you. I know I've never said this before-- but you're a great teacher. I never would've made it through today without your training. Quote2
Nicholas Fury (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 1 001
Nick Fury
Quote1 It's about time you learned you don't have all the answers. Everyone needs a little help. Quote2
Marvel Universe: Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 25
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Poster (cut)
Quote1 Flash Thompson is...? Quote2
Eugene Thompson (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 3 3 001
Quote1 Venom! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 3 3
Peter Parker (Earth-67) from Spider-Verse Team Up Vol 1 2 001
Quote1 I don't believe it! You're-- Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Poster (cut)
Quote1 Oh, snap! Don't tell me Spider-"Mad-Men" is old fashioned in bad ways, too! Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-67) from Spider-Verse Team Up Vol 1 2 001
Quote1 --A high school kid! I thought you'd be older. No offense. You just seem to really know your stuff. Quote2
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 I... do? Yeah. I guess I do. All right, Spider-Men... Action's our reward. What do you say we go save the Multi-Verse? Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Poster (cut)
Quote1 Continued in Spider-Verse... as if I had to tell you! Quote2
Spider-Verse Team-Up Vol 1 2
Nick FuryQuote1 I could order you enter the tube, but that would defeat the point of test. So I asking you as your boss, your mentor and, yes... as your friend. Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Hard of argue with that. Wait... As my friend? Nick Fury would never say that! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 3 21
Spider-ManQuote1 Do not go in there! Quote2
Power ManQuote1 What, Hulk used the bathroom again? Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 5
Otto Octavius (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man Season 4 7 001
Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius)
Quote1 Scarlet, please divulge to me Spider-Man's greatest secret... his true identity. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Benjamin Reilly (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 9 001
Scarlet Spider
Quote1 His name is Peter Parker. Quote2
Otto Octavius (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man Season 4 7 001
Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius)
Quote1 Ahh... nice to finally meet you, Peter Parker. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Quote1 NOOO!!!! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 10
Benjamin Reilly (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 9 001
Ben Reilly
Quote1 Tell me, is this what he would do? Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Peter Parker
Quote1 Who? Quote2
Benjamin Reilly (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 9 001
Ben Reilly
Quote1 The other Ben, the one I'm named after. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Peter Parker
Quote1 Yeah, I guess it is... he gets anything to save people. Quote2
Benjamin Reilly (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 9 001
Ben Reilly
Quote1 Peter, Ock was wrong, compassion isn't your greatest weakness. It's your greatest strength. Keep being a hero, punk. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 11
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Quote1 You talking to the moon again? Quote2
Marc Spector (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man Season 4 24
Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
Quote1 Of course, isn't that who you are talking to? Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Quote1 No? No one talks to the moon. The moon doesn't talk. Quote2
Marc Spector (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man Season 4 24
Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
Quote1 Then if you are not talking to the Moon, who are you talking to? Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series 001
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Quote1 Uhh... no one? Quote2
Marc Spector (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man Season 4 24
Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
Quote1 Weirdo. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 4 24

All items (50)
