This is our collection of all known Novels published by Pocket Books
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All items (28)
- Amazing Spider-Man: Mayhem in Manhattan
- Incredible Hulk: Stalker From the Stars
- Incredible Hulk: Cry of the Beast
- Captain America: Holocaust for Hire
- Fantastic Four: Doomsday
- Doctor Strange: Nightmare
- Iron Man: And Call My Killer...MODOK!
- Amazing Spider-Man: Crime Campaign
- Marvel Superheroes
- Avengers: The Man Who Stole Tomorrow
- Hulk/Spider-Man: Murdermoon
- Spider-Man: Midnight Justice
- Spider-Man: Deadly Cure
- Iron Man: Steel Terror
- Spider-Man: Global War
- Spider-Man: Lizard's Rage
- Spider-Man: Warrior's Revenge
- Planet X (novel)
- Fantastic Four: War Zone
- Spider-Man: Down These Mean Streets
- Wolverine: Road of Bones
- Fantastic Four: The Baxter Effect
- The Ultimates: Tomorrow Men
- The Ultimates: Against All Enemies
- Spider-Man: Drowned in Thunder
- Spider-Man: Requiem
- Fantastic Four: Doomgate
- Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours