Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Rachel Leighton (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 What brings you here handsome? Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 319
Quote1 If you were just to give me the chance, I could make you happier than anyone has ever made you! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 344
Quote1 Say Cap... Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 364
Quote1 Man, this is like something out of Friday the 13th! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 370
Quote1 Why are you so loyal to Cobra? You really think he's earned it? Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 381
Quote1 I've had it with adventuring Steve. I want to lead a nice normal safe life from now on. Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 393
Quote1 Stop struggling -- and die -- blast you! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 410
Quote1 This is suicide. Moonstone. Iron Patriot. The U-Foes. The Sentry. And me, a gymnast who throws fake diamonds. But if there's a chance of stopping this, we'll need Thor. Our side -- the real Avengers -- we need someone to make sure they don't -- Oh my God. They're killing him. ...If I help Thor they'll kill me. And I'm not sure anything I have can even hurt anyone here. Would it even buy him a second? Quote2
Avengers: The Initiative Vol 1 32
Quote1 I recognized doesn't make any sense, but this new's an old friend of Cap''s D-Man. Quote2
Captain America Vol 6 13
Quote1 Weird as it may sound, I don't always miss getting into fistfights with psycho-killers and nearly getting killed all the time. Quote2
Captain America: Sam Wilson Vol 1 4
Quote1 This is suicide. Moonstone. Iron Patriot. The U-Foes. The Sentry. And me, a gymnast who throws fake diamonds. But if there's a chance of stopping this, we'll need Thor. Our side -- the real Avengers -- we need someone to make sure they don't -- Oh my god. They're killing him. ... If I help Thor they'll kill me. And I'm not sure anything I have can even hurt anyone here. Would it even buy him a second? Quote2
Rachel Leighton (Earth-616)

All items (11)
