Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Rachel Summers (Earth-811).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 No... I can't deny it any longer! I've made a terrible mistake. Somehow, I'm stuck in the wrong past. And because of my stupidity... the world is doomed! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 184
Quote1 ...and I claim the power and the name of Phoenix... that are mine by right! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 199
Quote1 My dreams are nightmares. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 207
Quote1 The X-Men thought enough of Professor Xavier's dream to offer up their lives. Is it so much to ask that we fight to preserve it? Quote2
Excalibur Special Edition Vol 1 1
Quote1 Sometimes, kiddo, the choices aren't clear-cut, or easy. And the victories aren't absolute. Sometimes, you have to settle for a draw. Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 10
Quote1 You're kidding, right? Disguising me as Shadowcat?! Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 24
Quote1 You may have tapped into the power -- But I am the power! How dare you toy with me?! How dare you display such contempt for my feelings -- For my very life?! I could kill you right now! No... Instead, you will feel the pain -- The horror you fear most! Otce you have tasted the power -- How will you deal with the emptiness that is left behind? Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 26
Quote1 I'm afraid, Captain, that is Meggan--only...She is possessed! Quote2
Excalibur: The Possession Vol 1 1
Quote1 Why is it that when I almost destroy the universe, everyone gets upset? Quote2
Excalibur Air Apparent Vol 1 1
Quote1 We're too late. The Anti-Phoenix has joined with Necrom. I can feel him in my mind. He's coming after me. Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 48
Quote1 We should all live for the moment. It could be our last. Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 66
Quote1 If you have a deity, Storm, now'sthe time to say your final prayers. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 458
Quote1 So what?! Two seconds after my mother dies, Scott decides to move on to Emma Frost?!? Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Vol 2 11
Quote1 I wanted to kill them, Kurt. More than almost anything. But my family's got enough bad karma to balance already. So I made a choice. I will not kill. Yes, I'm my mother's daughter. And I mean to find my destiny in a way that brings us both honor. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 471
Quote1 What I saw in that poor man's mind... The Shi'ar are monsters, Professor. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 476
Quote1 Krakoa's talking to me now. He says he never wanted to attack us. The Hellfire Club made him do it. He says... He says he's a mutant just like us. He keeps apologizing. I think he's crying. You won't believe this... He's asking if he can be an X-Man now? Quote2
Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 1 3
Quote1 I know your real name. I know you're lying to us about why you're here. Come clean or be burned. Quote2
Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 4
Quote1 Whole attack took less than five minutes. They killed three security personnel and an off-duty NYPD detective. And they kidnapped the Mayor. Quote2
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 2
Quote1 Mesmero made us see what he wanted us to see. Quote2
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 22
Quote1 Mesmero. You're supposed to be in prison... Quote2
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 31
Quote1 I took the name "Prestige" to put the past behind me. No more "Phoenix." No more "Marvel Girl." No more past. No more future. Just me. Moving forward. And damn you to Hell for trying to pull me back in. Quote2
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 32
Quote1 Whatever it is you're up to, Stryfe, it's over. Quote2
X-Force Vol 5 10
Quote1 It's the Morrigan. It's the @#$% Morrigan! She's been passing as Siryn all along! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 4 7
Quote1 Xavier entrusted me with assembling the right team for this mission. I had, oh, a few thousand mutants to choose from...and I picked the five of you. Quote2
Dead X-Men Vol 1 1
Quote1 I'm calling it X-Force. Because it's X-Force. Quote2
X-Force Vol 7 1
Quote1 Brian Grey. Grampa's kid brother, mom's favorite uncle. Master carpenter, little league coach, soccer dad. Quote2
Brian Grey (Earth-616)
Quote1 Derry Campbell. Mom-side cousin, red-state and proud of it. Lifelong texican, big laugh, salty language, slinky skirt and cowboy boots, perfect hair, better makeup and a diamond nose-chip. Quote2
Derry Campbell (Earth-616)
Quote1 Aunt Julia was a chef. No cookbooks, no TV Show, no franchise, just the one restaurant - serving the best homefood in five states. Quote2
Julia Grey (Earth-616)
Quote1 Julian didn't like crowds. He loved South Park, even if he wasn't supposed to watch it. He came into the world with this little scar on his forehead, so of course he totally bonded with Harry Potter. Hooked me, too. We read the books together. Quote2
Julian Grey (Earth-616)
Quote1 Mary-Margaret and Kindra. Cousins. My age. We talked boys and fashion and music and scandal, and concluded I was woeful about them all. Quote2
Kindra Grey (Earth-616)
Quote1 Uncle Liam. Pastor Liam. He loved Keats and Dylan Thomas and James Joyce and had a voice like honey to read them aloud. His sermons were a celebration of language as well as faith. Quote2
Liam Grey (Earth-616)
Quote1 Terry Maguire... He was trying to save his kid brother. Quote2
Maguire (Earth-616)
Quote1 Mary-Margaret and Kindra. Cousins. My age. We talked boys and fashion and music and scandal, and concluded I was woeful about them all. Quote2
Mary-Margaret Grey (Earth-616)
Quote1 I'm not my mother. I'm not Phoenix. I'm my own woman... and before I'm done... they'll wish I were the Phoenix. Quote2
Rachel Summers (Earth-811)
Quote1 Uncle Roger. Played the jazz cornet. Session musician, good but not great. One of the "Hurricane Homeless". Quote2
Roger Grey (Earth-616)
Quote1 Terry Maguire. Eyes that sparkled and a smile to die for, when he looked at me. We had barely five minutes together, but for a telepath that can be a lifetime. He was going to call tomorrow, invite me to the movies. He wanted to kiss me. He was trying to save his kid brother. Quote2
Terry Maguire (Earth-616)
Quote1 The X-Men thought enough of Professor Xavier's dream to offer up their lives. Is it so much to ask that we fight to preserve it? The sword, Excalibur, represented hope. It was light in the darkness of fear and ignorance and hate. Do we want-- Have we the right-- to snuff it out? Quote2
Excalibur (Earth-616)
Beyonder (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 16 0001
The Beyonder
Quote1 You have failed me. As all humans seem to. Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 1 Back Cover
Quote1 Them's the breaks. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 203
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 50 Spider-Man Timeless Variant
Quote1 Please! Just tell me what you've seen here, Rachel! Quote2
Rachel Summers (Earth-811) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 475 (Cover)
Marvel Girl
Quote1 I think your Aunt May's dead... Quote2
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol 1 6
Korvus Rook'shir (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 479 001
Quote1 The blade... It's wrong... Weakened. You took some. Quote2
Rachel Summers (Earth-811) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 475 (Cover)
Quote1 No... It took to me... The Phoenix knows me, remember? It likes me. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 479
Rachel Summers (Earth-811) from Knights of X Vol 1 4 Massafera Variant cover
Quote1 Sorry, are those... rainbow... butterflies? Quote2
Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-616) from Knights of X Vol 1 4 Massafera Variant cover
Captain Britain
Quote1 Bit on the nose, Rach-- Quote2
Knights of X Vol 1 4

Uncanny X-Men[]

Quote1 There were those among us who wanted only vengeance. They wanted the scales balanced in fire and blood, life for life! But the X-Men stood for something better. They never lost hope, no matter what. Because of them, Professor Xavier's dream -- of a world where normal and mutant could live in peace and fellowship, where there wouldn't be any distinction between them -- we'd all just be human -- never died. If you turn away from that dream, Kurt, you'll do more damage than you know. We may be doomed -- ours may be a lost cause -- but sometimes the way we live and die are more important than the simple fact of it. Give up now, and all those sacrifices -- in my world as much as yours -- will have been for nothing! Quote2
Rachel Summers (Earth-811)[src]
Quote1 Death and the X-Men seem to have this... problematic relationship. Quote2
Rachel Summers (Earth-811)[src]


Quote1 Telekinesis, Storm, is a function of mind and will. If I can imagine it, anything's possible! Quote2
Rachel Summers (Earth-811)[src]


RachelQuote1 I'm Phoenix, guess what I do. Quote2
JuggernautQuote1 Oh no. Quote2
RachelQuote1 Oh yes. Quote2


All items (44)
