Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Raizo Kodo (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 So this is what it feels like. The power coursing through my body, an awareness, every sense sharp as a blade. This is what Ryuhei was trying to tell me. ... Fate has chosen me for something. It is a gift. And an obligation. I have the rest of eternity to live up to it. Quote2
Tomb of Dracula Presents: Throne of Blood Vol 1 1
Quote1 A little thing like the Hulk wanders through your empire...and you go all to pieces. Quote2
Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula Vol 1 1
Quote1 Do you remember, Valkyrie, when you described how strangely my...deathglow...looked to you? Well, I know the spirits of my opponents, and yours looked strangely to me. You are nearly immortal...and yet you're chasing death. Why is that? Quote2
Fear Itself: The Fearless Vol 1 2
Quote1 You don't know us, Jubilee, but we've been watching you. We want to help. We want to show you a whole new world. Quote2
X-Men Vol 3 23
VisigothQuote1 So we allied with monsters to beat a monster, and as thanks for our good deeds, we remain banished from our own kind. What do we do now? Quote2
QuickshotQuote1 We sneak into the castle tonight and steal the hammer back? Quote2
Raizo KodoQuote1 Oh, yeah. Quote2
Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula Vol 1 3

All items (5)
