Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Richard Jones (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 It's too much for me! I've got the most powerful thing in the world under my control, and I don't know what to do with it! But one thing I do know... I don't dare go to sleep again, unless he's locked up back in his dungeon! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 3
Quote1 What'll we do? You can't lick a whole platoon of these cats! Look at the hardware they're carryin', Hulk! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 4
Quote1 Gosh, Iron Man -- if you won't level with them, how can the Avengers help? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 7
Quote1 Something's happening to me -- like I was changing -- like I wasn't Rick Jones anymore -- but --Captain Marvel!! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 17
Quote1 But the real truth is -- I don't know who I am anymore. A folk-rock comer named Rick Jones -- or a guy from another galaxy called Mar-Vell! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 20
Quote1 I -- I did it! I just thought about them -- and they're forming -- out of thin air! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 97
Quote1 I might as well have never left the Avengers. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 22
Quote1 Captain America taught me how to fight... And that alone makes me worth five of you creeps! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 24
Quote1 Ya see, ya killed a man -- a good man! I got mad -- and when Rick Jones is mad -- so's -- Captain Marvel! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 25
Quote1 How the (Expletive Deleted) did I get into this mess! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 35
Quote1 This is another fine mess you've gotten us into Marv! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 39
Quote1 Faan-tastic!! Instant Marvel Boy! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 42
Quote1 The Teen Brigade days hold some of the fondest memories of my life! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 51
Quote1 I guess I'll never be a super-hero. Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 221
Quote1 There is a sure cure for this horror. As far as I can see, it works every time. And the golden girl’s right, big fella. It’s a final cure, guaranteed to make sure the infection doesn’t spread. It’s called… death! Quote2
Rom Vol 1 55
Quote1 You’re wrong, General! Our only hope now rests with… Rom, greatest of the Spaceknights! Quote2
Rom Vol 1 56
Quote1 We owe him our lives, Brandy. Let's remember him with our love. Quote2
Rom Vol 1 67
Quote1 Ever since Bruce Banner pushed me to safety and took the brunt of that gamma blast that turned him into the Hulk -- Well, I've felt responsible! One mistake and I'm spending a lifetime trying to rectify it! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 323
Quote1 I'll show you! I'll show you what happens when you mess with the Hulk! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 331
Quote1 That's not an earthquake. Too rhythmical. It's either giant robots or a two-ton Riverdance troupe - NO! BRUCE! AW MAN, I AM SO FREAKIN' SICK OF BEING RIGHT ALL THE TIME! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 462
Quote1 Boy, get one thing wrong, and the critiques start. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 3
Quote1 She's no more Jarella's long-lost sister than I am! She's just trying to take advantage of the love and esteem you have for her. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 6
Quote1 Kelly, listen to me! Listen kid! Make your own happy ending! Turn your reality into a place where you never had your powers to begin with! That's all it'll take! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 10
Quote1 Uh...Death? I...think I'm stuck old and with one arm. Can I be wrong about that, too? Death? Yo...Death? Ohhhh crap. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 18
Quote1 I'm old, with one arm, and still stuck with Marv... My life is a bad dream... But hey... least I've got you to wake up. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 19
Quote1 Face it, Heather, you're putting the "Moon" in Moondragon. If your butt gets any bigger, it's gonna start affecting the tides. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 20
Quote1 Super-villain fates are like the military sometimes, Mar'. Don't ask......don't tell. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 21
Quote1 When I had cancer? Nothin'. And... And when I was crippled? Nothin'. Nothin' compared to this. I'm a young man, trapped in an old man's body. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 24
Quote1 You have an evil future self named Fredd. I have an evil future self called Thanatos. The Maestro is the Hulk's evil future self. I wonder if we can get a group rate for some serious therapy. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 33
Quote1 See, that's what heroes do, Steck. They save people. Triumph over obstacles. Beat the bad guys. As for our family, friends, well...they're always casualties, y'see? Relationships fall apart. Loved ones become targets for bad guys. They should really form a support group for families of superdoers. Kind of like they have for families of alcoholics, y'know? It's not all that different, y'know. Alcoholism and super heroing. You become hooked on something that feels so good when you're doing it. You get this...this buzz. This high. And you want more of it, and more. Pretty soon, it takes over your life, and it defines who you are. And sooner or later, it kills you. There's two kinds of super heroes, Steck. Those who die horribly...and those who haven't died yet. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 35
Quote1 Shinga Doon seemed quite rational in, in death, seems fitting I've rationed him. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 5 3
Quote1 I thought I knew rage. I mean, I hung out with the Hulk, for God's sake. I thought I knew what pure, undiluted fury was like. But I've never seen anything like what Marv does to his father. Never. Ever. It makes the 'Singing in the Rain' sequence from 'Clockwork Orange' look like a third grade ballet recital. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 5 5
Quote1 I guess history isn't the truth. It's just what someone with self-interest wants you to believe. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 5 23
Quote1 A-BOMB SMASH RED MAN!! Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 3
Quote1 No, hey! There's the bad monster -- I'm the nice monster! Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 25
Quote1 Story of my life. I'm always left behind. Quote2
Hulk Smash Avengers Vol 1 1
Quote1 I've been a sidekick for years now. I've seen a lot. I've seen the bad guys win. I've watched the good guys die. And if there's one thing I learned, it's this: The real monster in your life doesn't do loud rants in loud costumes. He doesn't gloat or give speeches. The real monster stays quiet. Keeps his head down. He's got a reputation to think about. He's got a name. Maybe you know it. Quote2
Immortal Hulk Vol 1 16
Quote1 I've been a sidekick for years now. I've seen a lot. I've seen the bad guys win. I've watched the good guys die. And if there's one thing I learned, it's this: The real monster in your life doesn't do loud rants in loud costumes. He doesn't gloat or give speeches. The real monster stays quiet. Keeps his head down. He's got a reputation to think about. He's got a name. Maybe you know it. Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616)
Mar-Vell (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 16 0001
Captain Marvel
Quote1 So quiet out here, so... peaceful. There hasn't been a day like this on Hala in eons. This used to be my home, Rick, the world I loved above all others -- yet now -- now I wish I could hear a bird sing. Or a child laugh. But a birdsong is un-Kree. And our children never laugh. We've both lost, Rick -- you a woman, and I a world. Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 4 5 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 So what do we do now? Quote2
Mar-Vell (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 16 0001
Captain Marvel
Quote1 Let's go back to Earth, my friend. Let's go... home. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 46
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 He...talks?! He says he wants help! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 I'll help 'im, all right. Help him to shut up! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 341
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Then again, maybe you should have a chance to stretch your legs. SHAZAM! Quote2
Genis-Vell Captain Marvel Vol 1 1 Clarke Variant Textless
Quote1 Sha-what? Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Something Gomer Pyle used to say. Don't sweat it. You've got other things to worry about. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 0
Genis-Vell Captain Marvel Vol 1 1 Clarke Variant Textless
Quote1 It's Genis from now on, Rick. Or Captain Marvel. Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 How about Marv? Quote2
Genis-Vell Captain Marvel Vol 1 1 Clarke Variant Textless
Quote1 That sounds stupid. Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Well, it's what I always called your dad...y'know, what with it being his name and all. Quote2
Genis-Vell Captain Marvel Vol 1 1 Clarke Variant Textless
Quote1 Oh. Right. Uhm...very well, then. I'd be honored to be addressed that way...on behalf of his memory, and on behalf of all those who remember him. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 1
Genis-Vell Captain Marvel Vol 1 1 Clarke Variant Textless
Quote1 Rick, you know him better than anyone else. What's the best way to fight the Hulk? Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Hire the Juggernaut to do it and move to Portugal. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 2
Genis-Vell Captain Marvel Vol 1 1 Clarke Variant Textless
Quote1 Rick... Since I look to you for expertise about human beings......can you explain the female of your species to me? Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 No. No one can. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 8
Supreme Intelligence (Earth-616) from FF Vol 1 11
Supreme Intelligence
Quote1 And you believe, therefore, that none other can construct such a gateway? Name one thing that Reed Richards can do that I cannot! Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Pick his nose. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 4 23
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Man, you're like some kind of hulking -- Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Hulk. Quote2
Hulk: Gray Vol 1 1
A'Lars (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition Vol 1 14 0001
Quote1 I'm Mentor, leader of the Titans. Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 I thought Robin was leader of the Titans. Quote2
A'Lars (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition Vol 1 14 0001
Quote1 Shut up. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 5 18
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Hello, why aren't you taking any of this seriously? Quote2
Steve Rogers.Quote1 Because it's not real. I'm dreaming all this Quote2
Captain America: Man Out of Time Vol 1 2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) and Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 13 0001
Quote1 We're not just weapons, we're people too, dammit! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Doc Green
Quote1 Well, "A-Bomb," I have bad news: If there's anything more unstable than weapons, it's people. Quote2
Hulk Vol 3 6
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Where did you get a Quinjet?! Quote2
Phyla-Vell (Earth-18897) from Captain Marvel Vol 10 34 001
Quote1 From The Avengers. Quote2
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 The Avengers loaned you a Quinjet? Quote2
Phyla-Vell (Earth-18897) from Captain Marvel Vol 10 34 001
Quote1 "Loaned" might not be the right word. Quote2
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel Vol 1 3

All items (50)
