Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Rune (Earth-93060).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I am Rune! Prince of void -- ! I am the destroyer of worlds! I am the dark god! Quote2
Rune Vol 1 1
Quote1 You experience pain. I am pleased. Quote2
Rune Vol 1 2
Quote1 Silence! Your usefulness has ended. Yours will be the strength that nourishes my ambition! Your life force is mine! Now...let the glorious quest begin -- ! Quote2
Rune Vol 1 3
Quote1 Though I plunge into the heart of your inferno -- ! Though my eyes are seared from my skull -- my hand will not be stayed -- ! Join your burning brother -- so that the Prince of Void may live! And become a god -- Quote2
Rune Vol 1 4
Quote1 After a lifetime of torment -- the shackles binding me are torn asunder...and my sickness has been that the Prince of Void is created anew! And all the universe shall be my feeding ground! Quote2
Rune Vol 1 5
Quote1 Did you think to protect yourself with this sword, human?! I should cut off your head with it! Beg for mercy -- beg to your god -- ! Quote2
Conan vs Rune Vol 1 1
Quote1 So young ... so healthy ... filled to bursting with the red ripe nectar of life ... spiced with the sweet glaze of fear. So perfect it's almost a pitty you must die. Quote2
Rune vs. Venom Vol 1 1

All items (7)
